/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tsip_event.h * @brief SIP event. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #ifndef TINYSIP_TSIP_EVENT_H #define TINYSIP_TSIP_EVENT_H #include "tinysip_config.h" #include "tinysip/tsip_ssession.h" TSIP_BEGIN_DECLS #define TSIP_EVENT(self) ((tsip_event_t*)(self)) typedef enum tsip_event_type_e { tsip_event_invite, tsip_event_message, tsip_event_info, tsip_event_options, tsip_event_publish, tsip_event_register, tsip_event_subscribe, tsip_event_dialog, tsip_event_stack, } tsip_event_type_t; /* SIP codes associated to an internal event */ // 100-699 are reserved codes // 7xx ==> errors @tinyWRAP #define tsip_event_code_dialog_transport_error 702 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_global_error 703 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_message_error 704 // 8xx ==> success @tinyWRAP #define tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming 800 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_request_outgoing 802 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_request_cancelled 803 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_request_sent 804 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_request_prechecking 805 // 9xx ==> Informational @tinyWRAP #define tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting 900 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_connected 901 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating 902 #define tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated 903 #define tsip_event_code_stack_starting 950 #define tsip_event_code_stack_started 951 #define tsip_event_code_stack_stopping 952 #define tsip_event_code_stack_stopped 953 #define tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_start 954 #define tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_stop 955 #define tsip_event_code_stack_disconnected 956 typedef struct tsip_event_s { TSK_DECLARE_OBJECT; tsip_ssession_handle_t* ss; short code; char *phrase; tsip_event_type_t type; struct tsip_message_s *sipmessage; //! copy of stack user data (needed by sessionless events) const void* userdata; } tsip_event_t; #define TSIP_DECLARE_EVENT tsip_event_t __sipevent__ TINYSIP_GEXTERN const tsk_object_def_t *tsip_event_def_t; int tsip_event_init(tsip_event_t* self, tsip_ssession_t* ss, short code, const char *phrase, const struct tsip_message_s* sipmessage, tsip_event_type_t type); int tsip_event_signal(tsip_event_type_t type, tsip_ssession_t* ss, short code, const char *phrase); int tsip_event_signal_2(tsip_event_type_t type, tsip_ssession_t* ss, short code, const char *phrase, const struct tsip_message_s* sipmessage); int tsip_event_deinit(tsip_event_t* self); typedef int (*tsip_stack_callback_f)(const tsip_event_t *sipevent); TSIP_END_DECLS #endif /* TINYSIP_TSIP_EVENT_H */