/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tsip.h * @brief SIP (RFC 3261) and 3GPP IMS/LTE (TS 24.229) implementation. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #ifndef TINYSIP_TSIP_H #define TINYSIP_TSIP_H #include "tinysip_config.h" #include "tinysip/tsip_ssession.h" #include "tinysip/tsip_timers.h" #include "tinysip/tsip_event.h" #include "tinysip/transports/tsip_transport.h" #include "tinysip/tsip_uri.h" #include "tinysip/sigcomp/tsip_sigcomp.h" #include "tinynet.h" #include "tsk_runnable.h" TSIP_BEGIN_DECLS #define TSIP_IARI_GSMAIS "urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp-application.ims.iari.gsma-is" #define TSIP_IARI_QUOTED_GSMAIS "\"" TSIP_IARI_GSMAIS "\"" #define TSIP_ICSI_MMTEL_PSVOICE "urn%3Aurn-7%3A3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel" #define TSIP_ICSI_QUOTED_MMTEL_PSVOICE "\"" TSIP_ICSI_MMTEL_PSVOICE "\"" #define TSIP_STACK(self) ((tsip_stack_t*)(self)) typedef uint8_t amf_t[2]; typedef uint8_t operator_id_t[16]; // @tinyWRAP typedef enum tsip_stack_mode_e { tsip_stack_mode_ua, tsip_stack_mode_p2p, tsip_stack_mode_webrtc2sip, tsip_stack_mode_mcu } tsip_stack_mode_t; #define TSIP_STACK_MODE_IS_SERVER(stack) ((stack)->network.mode == tsip_stack_mode_webrtc2sip || (stack)->network.mode == tsip_stack_mode_mcu) #define TSIP_STACK_MODE_IS_CLIENT(stack) (!TSIP_STACK_MODE_IS_SERVER((stack))) typedef enum tsip_stack_param_type_e { tsip_pname_null = 0, /* === Identity === */ tsip_pname_display_name, tsip_pname_impu, tsip_pname_preferred_id, tsip_pname_impi, tsip_pname_password, /* === SigComp === */ tsip_pname_sigcomp, tsip_pname_sigcomp_add_compartment, tsip_pname_sigcomp_remove_compartment, /* === Network === */ tsip_pname_realm, tsip_pname_local_ip, tsip_pname_local_port, tsip_pname_aor, tsip_pname_discovery_naptr, tsip_pname_discovery_dhcp, tsip_pname_proxy_cscf, tsip_pname_dnsserver, tsip_pname_max_fds, tsip_pname_mode, /* === Security === */ tsip_pname_early_ims, tsip_pname_secagree_ipsec, tsip_pname_secagree_tls, tsip_pname_amf, tsip_pname_operator_id, tsip_pname_tls_certs, tsip_pname_ipsec_params, /* === Dummy Headers === */ tsip_pname_header, /* Nat Traversal */ tsip_pname_stun_enabled, tsip_pname_stun_server, tsip_pname_stun_cred, /* === User Data === */ tsip_pname_userdata, } tsip_stack_param_type_t; /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL * Ends the stack parameters. Mandatory and should be the last one. */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL() tsip_pname_null /* === Identity === */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_DISPLAY_NAME * Sets the user's display name. Used in SIP 'From' and 'To' headers. * @param NAME_STR The user's display name. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_DISPLAY_NAME("john doe"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_IMPU * Sets the user's IMPU (IMS Public Identity). * @param URI_STR A valid SIP/SIPS/tel URI string. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_IMPU("sip:johndoe@open-ims.test"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_PREFERRED_IDENTITY * Sets the user's Preferred Identity. Used to populate the P-Preferred-Identity header. * @param URI_STR A valid SIP/SIPS/tel URI string. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_PREFERRED_IDENTITY("sip:johndoe@open-ims.test"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_IMPI * Sets the user's IMPI (IMS Private Identity). * @param IMPI_STR Any string. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_IMPI("johndoe@open-ims.test"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_PASSWORD * Sets the user's password. * @param PASSORD_STR Any string. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_PASSWORD("mysecret"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_DISPLAY_NAME(NAME_STR) tsip_pname_display_name, (const char*)NAME_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_IMPU(URI_STR) tsip_pname_impu, (const char*)URI_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_PREFERRED_IDENTITY(URI_STR) tsip_pname_preferred_id, (const char*)URI_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_IMPI(IMPI_STR) tsip_pname_impi, (const char*)IMPI_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_PASSWORD(PASSORD_STR) tsip_pname_password, (const char*)PASSORD_STR /* === SigComp === */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_SIGCOMP * Sets the SigComp parameters. It's not mandatory to call this function in order to use SigComp. * It should be called to change default parameters. As these parameters will be shared by all compartments, * you should call this function before adding any compartment. * @param DMS_UINT Decompression Memory Size. Default value is 8192. * @param SMS_UINT State Memory Size. Default value is 8192. * @param CPB_UINT Cycles Per Bit. Default value is 64. * @param PRES_DICT_BOOL Indicates whether to enable Presence dictionary (RFC 5112) or not. Default value is @a tsk_false. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_SIGCOMP(8192, 8192, 64, tsk_true), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_SIGCOMP_NEW_COMPARTMENT * Add New unique compartment identifier to the stack. This compartment will be closed (not removed) when the stack is stopped. * A any time, you can remove this compartment by using @ref TSIP_STACK_UNSET_SIGCOMP_COMPARTMENT(). * @param COMPARTMENT_ID_STR The id of the compartment to add. Should be unique. * The identifier will be used to in the sip headers (as per RFC 5049) "AS IS".
* @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_UNSET_SIGCOMP_COMPARTMENT() * * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_NEW_SIGCOMP_COMPARTMENT("urn:uuid:0C67446E-F1A1-11D9-94D3-000A95A0E128"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_UNSET_SIGCOMP_COMPARTMENT * Removes a SigComp compartment. This will close the compartment and release all its states. * You should only close a compartment if there is no outgoing session using it. In all cases, all compartments * will be closed when the stack is destroyed or stopped. * @param COMPARTMENT_ID_STR The id of the compartment to close. * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_SIGCOMP_NEW_COMPARTMENT() * * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_UNSET_SIGCOMP_COMPARTMENT("urn:uuid:0C67446E-F1A1-11D9-94D3-000A95A0E128"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_SIGCOMP(DMS_UINT, SMS_UINT, CPB_UINT, PRES_DICT_BOOL) tsip_pname_sigcomp, (unsigned)DMS_UINT, (unsigned)SMS_UINT, (unsigned)CPB_UINT, (tsk_bool_t)PRES_DICT_BOOL #define TSIP_STACK_SET_SIGCOMP_NEW_COMPARTMENT(COMPARTMENT_ID_STR) tsip_pname_sigcomp_add_compartment, (const char*)COMPARTMENT_ID_STR #define TSIP_STACK_UNSET_SIGCOMP_COMPARTMENT(COMPARTMENT_ID_STR) tsip_pname_sigcomp_remove_compartment, (const char*)COMPARTMENT_ID_STR /* === Network === */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_REALM * Sets the domain name. * @param URI_STR A valid SIP/SIPS URI string. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_REALM("sip:open-ims.test"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP * Sets the user's local IP address. * @param IP_STR IPv4/IPv6 IP address or FQDN. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP("fe80::"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT()
@ref TSIP_STACK_SET_AOR() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT * Sets the user's local Port to bind to. * @param PORT_UINT Port number. Should be between 0x0400 and 0xFFFF. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT(5060), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP()
@ref TSIP_STACK_SET_AOR() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_AOR * Sets the SIP AOR to use for all outgoing requests. * @param IP_STR The IP address. Should be numeric IP string. e.g. * Will be ignored if null or empty. * @param PORT_UINT Port number. Should be between 0x0400 and 0xFFFF. * Will be ignored if equals to zero. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_AOR("fe80::", 1234), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP()
@ref TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_NAPTR * Whether to use DNS NAPTR for Proxy-CSCF discovery. Default is false. However, if the Proxy-CSCF IP address * is missing, then this option will be enabled by default. * @param ENABLED_BOOL @a tsk_true (1) or @a tsk_false (0). * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_NAPTR(tsk_true), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_DHCP() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_DHCP * Whether to use DHCPv4/v6 for Proxy-CSCF discovery. Default is false. The IP version (v4/v6) of the DHCP protocol * to use will depend on the Proxy-CSCF address type. * @param ENABLED_BOOL @a tsk_true (1) or @a tsk_false (0). * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_DHCP(tsk_false), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_NAPTR() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_PROXY_CSCF * Configures the Proxy-CSCF. * @param FQDN_STR The IP address (v4/v6) or FQDN of the Proxy-CSCF. * @param PORT_UINT The port. * @param TRANSPORT_STR The transport type. Should be: @a "udp" or @a "tcp" or @a "tls" or @a "sctp". Default is @a "udp". * @param IP_VERSION_STR The IP version to use. Should be: @a "ipv4" or @a "ipv6" or @a "ipv46". This parameter is useful when * @a FQDN_STR parameter is a domain name. default is @a "ipv4". * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_PROXY_CSCF("pcscf-doubango.org", 4060, "tcp", "ipv6"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_DHCP()
@ref TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_NAPTR() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_DNS_SERVER * Adds a DNS server. * @param IP_STR The IP address or FQDN of the DNS server to add. * @code // Add two new DNS servers (IPv6 and IPv4) int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, TSIP_STACK_SET_DNS_SERVER(""), TSIP_STACK_SET_DNS_SERVER("fe::"), TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_MODE_SERVER * Configure the stack to be used as server. Cannot be changed later. * @code int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, TSIP_STACK_SET_MODE_SERVER(), TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_REALM(URI_STR) tsip_pname_realm, (const char*)URI_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP_2(TRANSPORT_STR, IP_STR) tsip_pname_local_ip, (const char*)TRANSPORT_STR, (const char*)IP_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT_2(TRANSPORT_STR, PORT_UINT) tsip_pname_local_port, (const char*)TRANSPORT_STR, (unsigned)PORT_UINT #define TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP(IP_STR) TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP_2(tsk_null, IP_STR)// @deprecated #define TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT(PORT_UINT) TSIP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT_2(tsk_null, PORT_UINT)// @deprecated #define TSIP_STACK_SET_AOR_2(TRANSPORT_STR, IP_STR, PORT_UINT) tsip_pname_aor, (const char*)TRANSPORT_STR, (const char*)IP_STR, (unsigned)PORT_UINT #define TSIP_STACK_SET_AOR(IP_STR, PORT_UINT) TSIP_STACK_SET_AOR_2(tsk_null, IP_STR, PORT_UINT)// @deprecated #define TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_NAPTR(ENABLED_BOOL) tsip_pname_discovery_naptr, (tsk_bool_t)ENABLED_BOOL #define TSIP_STACK_SET_DISCOVERY_DHCP(ENABLED_BOOL) tsip_pname_discovery_dhcp, (tsk_bool_t)ENABLED_BOOL #define TSIP_STACK_SET_PROXY_CSCF(FQDN_STR, PORT_UINT, TRANSPORT_STR, IP_VERSION_STR) tsip_pname_proxy_cscf, (const char*)FQDN_STR, (unsigned)PORT_UINT, (const char*)TRANSPORT_STR, (const char*)IP_VERSION_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_DNS_SERVER(IP_STR) tsip_pname_dnsserver, (const char*)IP_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_MAX_FDS(MAX_FDS_UINT) tsip_pname_max_fds, (unsigned)MAX_FDS_UINT #define TSIP_STACK_SET_MODE(MODE_ENUM) tsip_pname_mode, (tsip_stack_mode_t)MODE_ENUM /* === Security === */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_EARLY_IMS * Whether to enable 3GPP Early-IMS Security as per 3GPP TS 33.978. * @param ENABLED_BOOL @a tsk_true (1) or @a tsk_false (0). * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_EARLY_IMS(tsk_false), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_IPSEC * Whether to enable IPSec security agreement as per IETF RFC 3329. * @param ENABLED_BOOL @a tsk_true (1) or @a tsk_false (0). * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_IPSEC(tsk_true), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_IPSEC_PARAMS() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_TLS * Whether to enable TLS security agreement as per IETF RFC 3329. * @param ENABLED_BOOL @a tsk_true (1) or @a tsk_false (0). * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_TLS(tsk_true), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_IPSEC_PARAMS() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_AMF * Sets AMF (Authentication Management Field) value to use for IMS-AKA authentication. * @param AMF_UINT16 16-bit value. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_AMF(0x3FB6), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_OPERATOR_ID() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_OPERATOR_ID * Sets the operator identifier value to use for IMS-AKA authentication. * @param OPID_HEX_STR 128-bit value as hex-string. If the length of the value supplied by the user is less than 128 bits, * then it will be padded with zeros. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_OPERATOR_ID("0x5FABC9"), // Will be padded with zeros * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_AMF() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_IPSEC_PARAMS * Sets the IPSec parameters. To enable IPSec security agreement you should use @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_IPSEC(tsk_true). * @param ALG_STR Algorithm. Should be: @a "hmac-sha-1-96" or @a "hmac-md5-96". Default is @a "hmac-md5-96". * @param EALG_STR Encryption Algorithm. Should be: @a "des-ede3-cbc" or @a "aes" or @a "null". Default is @a "null". * @param MODE_STR Mode. Should be: @a "tun" or @a "trans". Default is @a "trans". * @param PROTOCOL_STR Protocol. Should be @a "ah" or @a "esp" or @a "ah/esp". Default is @a "esp". * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_IPSEC(tsk_true), TSIP_STACK_SET_IPSEC_PARAMS("hmac-md5-96", "des-ede3-cbc", "trans", "esp"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_TLS_CERTS() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_TLS_CERTS * Sets TLS certificate files. To enable TLS security agreement you should use @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_TLS(tsk_true). * @param CA_FILE_STR CA file. * @param PUB_FILE_STR Public cert. file. * @param PRIV_FILE_STR Private cert. file. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_TLS_CERTS("C:\\tls\\ca.pki-crt.pem", "C:\\tls\\pub-crt.pem", "C:\\tls\\priv-key.pem"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_IPSEC_PARAMS() */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_EARLY_IMS(ENABLED_BOOL) tsip_pname_early_ims, (tsk_bool_t)ENABLED_BOOL #define TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_IPSEC_2(TRANSPORT_STR, ENABLED_BOOL) tsip_pname_secagree_ipsec, (const char*)TRANSPORT_STR, (tsk_bool_t)ENABLED_BOOL #define TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_IPSEC(ENABLED_BOOL) TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_IPSEC_2(tsk_null, ENABLED_BOOL) // @deprecated #define TSIP_STACK_SET_SECAGREE_TLS(ENABLED_BOOL) tsip_pname_secagree_tls, (tsk_bool_t)ENABLED_BOOL #define TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_AMF(AMF_UINT16) tsip_pname_amf, (uint16_t)AMF_UINT16 #define TSIP_STACK_SET_IMS_AKA_OPERATOR_ID(OPID_HEX_STR) tsip_pname_operator_id, (const char*)OPID_HEX_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_IPSEC_PARAMS(ALG_STR, EALG_STR, MODE_STR, PROTOCOL_STR) tsip_pname_ipsec_params, (const char*)ALG_STR, (const char*)EALG_STR, (const char*)MODE_STR, (const char*)PROTOCOL_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_TLS_CERTS(CA_FILE_STR, PUB_FILE_STR, PRIV_FILE_STR) TSIP_STACK_SET_TLS_CERTS_2(CA_FILE_STR, PUB_FILE_STR, PRIV_FILE_STR, tsk_false) #define TSIP_STACK_SET_TLS_CERTS_2(CA_FILE_STR, PUB_FILE_STR, PRIV_FILE_STR, VERIF_BOOL) tsip_pname_tls_certs, (const char*)CA_FILE_STR, (const char*)PUB_FILE_STR, (const char*)PRIV_FILE_STR, (tsk_bool_t)VERIF_BOOL /* === Headers === */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_HEADER * Adds or updates a stack-level header. * @param NAME_STR The name of the header to add or update. * @param VALUE_STR The value of the header to add or update. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_HEADER("User-Agent", "IM-client/OMA1.0 doubango/v1.0.0"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_HEADER("Allow", "INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_UNSET_HEADER() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_HEADER * Removes a stack-level header. * @param NAME_STR The name of the header to remove. * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_UNSET_HEADER("User-Agent"), * TSIP_STACK_UNSET_HEADER("Allow"), * TSIP_STACK_UNSET_HEADER("My_Header"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_HEADER() */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_HEADER(NAME_STR, VALUE_STR) tsip_pname_header, (const char*)NAME_STR, (const char*)VALUE_STR #define TSIP_STACK_UNSET_HEADER(NAME_STR) TSIP_STACK_SET_HEADER(NAME_STR, ((const char*)-1)) /* === NAT Traversal === */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_SERVER * Sets the IP address and port of the STUN2 server. Also used for TURN. * @param IP_STR The IPv4/IPv6 address for FQDN of the STUN2/TURN address. * @param PORT_UINT The server port (default is 3478 for both TCP and UDP, and 5349 for TLS) * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_SERVER("numb.viagenie.ca", 3478), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_CRED() */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_CRED * Sets STUN/TURN credentials. * @param USR_STR The login. * @param PASSORD_STR The password * @code * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_CRED("bob@open-ims.test", "mysecret"), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_SERVER() */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_SERVER(IP_STR, PORT_UINT) tsip_pname_stun_server, (const char*)IP_STR, (unsigned)PORT_UINT #define TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_CRED(USR_STR, PASSORD_STR) tsip_pname_stun_cred, (const char*)USR_STR, (const char*)PASSORD_STR #define TSIP_STACK_SET_STUN_ENABLED(ENABLED_BOOL) tsip_pname_stun_enabled, (tsk_bool_t)ENABLED_BOOL /* === User Data === */ /**@ingroup tsip_stack_group * @def TSIP_STACK_SET_USERDATA * Sets opaque user's data returned in each callback. Could be used to store the context. * @param DATA_PTR Pointer to the user data. * @code * const void* context; * int ret = tsip_stack_set(stack, * TSIP_STACK_SET_USERDATA(context), * TSIP_STACK_SET_NULL()); * @endcode */ #define TSIP_STACK_SET_USERDATA(DATA_PTR) tsip_pname_userdata, (const void*)DATA_PTR /* 3GPP IMS/LTE stack (for internal use). only tsip_stack_handle_t should be visible. */ typedef struct tsip_stack_s { TSK_DECLARE_RUNNABLE; TSK_DECLARE_SAFEOBJ; tsk_timer_manager_handle_t* timer_mgr_global; tsk_bool_t started; tsip_stack_callback_f callback; /* === Identity === */ struct { char* display_name; tsip_uri_t *impu; tsip_uri_t *preferred; char *impi; char *password; } identity; /* === SigComp === */ struct { tsip_sigcomp_handle_t* handle; unsigned dms; unsigned sms; unsigned cpb; tsk_bool_t sip_dict; tsk_bool_t pres_dict; } sigcomp; /* === Network === */ struct { tsip_stack_mode_t mode; char *local_ip[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; tnet_port_t local_port[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; tsk_bool_t local_ip_is_set_by_user[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; // whether the address (ip and port) is set by the user or retrieved char *proxy_cscf[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; tnet_port_t proxy_cscf_port[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; tnet_socket_type_t proxy_cscf_type[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; tnet_socket_type_t transport_types[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; int32_t transport_idx_default; tsip_uri_t *realm; //! IP adddress and port to use as AOR (user-defined) struct { char* ip[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; tnet_port_t port[TSIP_TRANSPORT_IDX_MAX]; } aor; tsk_bool_t discovery_naptr; tsk_bool_t discovery_dhcp; tsk_size_t max_fds; } network; /* === Security === */ struct { char* secagree_mech; tsk_bool_t earlyIMS; operator_id_t operator_id; amf_t amf; /* IPSec */ struct { char* alg; char* ealg; char* mode; char* protocol; } ipsec; tsk_bool_t enable_secagree_ipsec; /* TLS */ struct { char* ca; char* pbk; char* pvk; tsk_bool_t verify; } tls; tsk_bool_t enable_secagree_tls; } security; tsip_uris_L_t* paths; tsip_uris_L_t* service_routes; tsip_uris_L_t* associated_uris; /* DNS context */ tnet_dns_ctx_t *dns_ctx; /* NAT Traversal context */ struct { // STUN struct { char* ip; tnet_port_t port; char* login; char* pwd; tsk_bool_t enabled; } stun; struct tnet_nat_ctx_s* ctx; } natt; /* DHCP context */ /* QoS */ /* Internals. */ //tsk_timer_manager_handle_t* timer_mgr; tsip_timers_t timers; tsip_ssessions_L_t *ssessions; tsk_params_L_t *headers; const void* userdata; /* Layers */ struct tsip_dialog_layer_s *layer_dialog; struct tsip_transac_layer_s *layer_transac; struct tsip_transport_layer_s *layer_transport; } tsip_stack_t; TINYSIP_API tsip_stack_handle_t *tsip_stack_create(tsip_stack_callback_f callback, const char* realm_uri, const char* impi_uri, const char* impu_uri, ...); TINYSIP_API int tsip_stack_start(tsip_stack_handle_t *self); TINYSIP_API int tsip_stack_set(tsip_stack_handle_t *self, ...); TINYSIP_API const void* tsip_stack_get_userdata(const tsip_stack_handle_t *self); TINYSIP_API tnet_dns_ctx_t* tsip_stack_get_dnsctx(tsip_stack_handle_t *self); TINYSIP_API tsip_uri_t* tsip_stack_get_preferred_id(tsip_stack_handle_t *self); TINYSIP_API int tsip_stack_get_local_ip_n_port(const tsip_stack_handle_t *self, const char* protocol, tnet_port_t *port, tnet_ip_t *ip); TINYSIP_API int tsip_stack_stop(tsip_stack_handle_t *self); #define TSIP_STACK_EVENT_RAISE(stack, status_code, reason_phrase, incoming, type) \ TSK_RUNNABLE_ENQUEUE(TSK_RUNNABLE(stack), (const tsip_stack_handle_t*)stack, (short)status_code, (const char*)reason_phrase, (unsigned)incoming, (tsip_event_type_t)type); TINYSIP_GEXTERN const tsk_object_def_t *tsip_stack_def_t; TSIP_END_DECLS #endif /* TINYSIP_TSIP_H */