/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ #include "Xcap.h" #include "Common.h" unsigned XcapStack::count = 0; /* === ANSI-C functions (local use) === */ static int stack_callback(const thttp_event_t *httpevent); /* =================================== XCAP Event ==================================== */ typedef enum twrap_xcap_step_type_e { txst_name, txst_pos, txst_att, txst_pos_n_att, txst_ns } twrap_xcap_step_type_t; typedef struct twrap_xcap_step_s { TSK_DECLARE_OBJECT; twrap_xcap_step_type_t type; char* qname; char* att_qname; char* att_value; unsigned pos; struct { char* prefix; char* value; } ns; } twrap_xcap_step_t; static tsk_object_t* twrap_xcap_step_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { twrap_xcap_step_t *step = (twrap_xcap_step_t *)self; if(step) { } return self; } static tsk_object_t* twrap_xcap_step_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { twrap_xcap_step_t *step = (twrap_xcap_step_t *)self; if(step) { TSK_FREE(step->qname); TSK_FREE(step->att_qname); TSK_FREE(step->att_value); TSK_FREE(step->ns.prefix); TSK_FREE(step->ns.value); } return self; } static const tsk_object_def_t twrap_xcap_step_def_s = { sizeof(twrap_xcap_step_t), twrap_xcap_step_ctor, twrap_xcap_step_dtor, tsk_null, }; const tsk_object_def_t *twrap_xcap_step_def_t = &twrap_xcap_step_def_s; twrap_xcap_step_t* twrap_xcap_step_create(twrap_xcap_step_type_t type) { twrap_xcap_step_t* step; if((step = (twrap_xcap_step_t*)tsk_object_new(twrap_xcap_step_def_t))) { step->type = type; } return step; } XcapSelector::XcapSelector(XcapStack* stack) : auid(tsk_null) { if(stack) { this->stack_handle = tsk_object_ref(stack->getHandle()); } this->steps = tsk_list_create(); } XcapSelector* XcapSelector::setAUID(const char* auid) { tsk_strupdate(&this->auid, auid); return this; } XcapSelector* XcapSelector::setName(const char* qname) { twrap_xcap_step_t* step; if((step = twrap_xcap_step_create(txst_name))) { step->qname = tsk_strdup(qname); tsk_list_push_back_data(this->steps, (void**)&step); } return this; } XcapSelector* XcapSelector::setAttribute(const char* qname, const char* att_qname, const char* att_value) { twrap_xcap_step_t* step; if((step = twrap_xcap_step_create(txst_att))) { step->qname = tsk_strdup(qname); step->att_qname = tsk_strdup(att_qname); step->att_value = tsk_strdup(att_value); tsk_list_push_back_data(this->steps, (void**)&step); } return this; } XcapSelector* XcapSelector::setPos(const char* qname, unsigned pos) { twrap_xcap_step_t* step; if((step = twrap_xcap_step_create(txst_pos))) { step->qname = tsk_strdup(qname); step->pos = pos; tsk_list_push_back_data(this->steps, (void**)&step); } return this; } XcapSelector* XcapSelector::setPosAttribute(const char* qname, unsigned pos, const char* att_qname, const char* att_value) { twrap_xcap_step_t* step; if((step = twrap_xcap_step_create(txst_pos))) { step->qname = tsk_strdup(qname); step->pos = pos; step->att_qname = tsk_strdup(att_qname); step->att_value = tsk_strdup(att_value); tsk_list_push_back_data(this->steps, (void**)&step); } return this; } XcapSelector* XcapSelector::setNamespace(const char* prefix, const char* value) { twrap_xcap_step_t* step; if((step = twrap_xcap_step_create(txst_ns))) { step->ns.prefix = tsk_strdup(prefix); step->ns.value = tsk_strdup(value); tsk_list_push_back_data(this->steps, (void**)&step); } return this; } /* From tinyXCAP::txcap_selector_get_node_2() */ char* XcapSelector::getString() { char* node = tsk_null; char* temp = tsk_null; char* _namespace = tsk_null; tsk_buffer_t* buffer = tsk_buffer_create_null(); const tsk_list_item_t* item; const twrap_xcap_step_t* step; /* Node */ tsk_list_foreach(item, this->steps) { step = (twrap_xcap_step_t*)item->data; switch(step->type) { case txst_name: if(tsk_buffer_append_2(buffer, "/%s", step->qname)) { goto bail; } break; case txst_pos: tsk_buffer_append_2(buffer, "/%s%%5B%u%%5D", step->att_qname, step->pos); break; case txst_att: tsk_buffer_append_2(buffer, "/%s%%5B@%s=%%22%s%%22%%5D", step->qname, step->att_qname, step->att_value); break; case txst_pos_n_att: tsk_buffer_append_2(buffer, "/%s%%5B%u%%5D%%5B@%s=%%22%s%%22%%5D", step->qname, step->pos, step->att_qname, step->att_value); break; case txst_ns: tsk_sprintf(&temp, "%sxmlns(%s=%%22%s%%22)", _namespace?"":"%3F", step->ns.prefix, step->ns.value); tsk_strcat(&_namespace, temp); TSK_FREE(temp); break; } /* switch */ } /* for */ /* append the namespace */ if(_namespace) { tsk_buffer_append(buffer, _namespace, (tsk_size_t)tsk_strlen(_namespace)); TSK_FREE(_namespace); } bail: if(TSK_BUFFER_DATA(buffer) && TSK_BUFFER_SIZE(buffer)) { node = tsk_strndup((const char*)TSK_BUFFER_DATA(buffer), TSK_BUFFER_SIZE(buffer)); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(buffer); /* Document */ if(this->auid) { char* document; if((document = txcap_selector_get_document(this->stack_handle, this->auid))) { if(node) { tsk_strcat_2(&document, "/~~/%s%s", this->auid, node); TSK_FREE(node); } return document; } } return node; } void XcapSelector::reset() { TSK_FREE(this->auid); tsk_list_clear_items(this->steps); } XcapSelector::~XcapSelector() { this->reset(); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(this->steps); tsk_object_unref(this->stack_handle); } /* =================================== XCAP Message ==================================== */ XcapMessage::XcapMessage() : httpmessage(tsk_null) { } XcapMessage::XcapMessage(const thttp_message_t *_httpmessage) { this->httpmessage = _httpmessage; } XcapMessage::~XcapMessage() { } short XcapMessage::getCode() const { if(this->httpmessage) { return this->httpmessage->line.response.status_code; } return 0; } const char* XcapMessage::getPhrase() const { if(this->httpmessage) { return this->httpmessage->line.response.reason_phrase; } return tsk_null; } char* XcapMessage::getXcapHeaderValue(const char* name, unsigned index /*= 0*/) { const thttp_header_t* header; if((header = thttp_message_get_headerByName(this->httpmessage, name))) { return thttp_header_value_tostring(header); } return tsk_null; } char* XcapMessage::getXcapHeaderParamValue(const char* name, const char* pname, unsigned index /*= 0*/) { const thttp_header_t* header; if((header = thttp_message_get_headerByName(this->httpmessage, name))) { const tsk_param_t* param; if((param = tsk_params_get_param_by_name(header->params, pname))) { return tsk_strdup(param->value); } } return tsk_null; } unsigned XcapMessage::getXcapContentLength() { if(this->httpmessage && this->httpmessage->Content) { return this->httpmessage->Content->size; } return 0; } unsigned XcapMessage::getXcapContent(void* output, unsigned maxsize) { unsigned retsize = 0; if(output && maxsize && this->httpmessage->Content) { retsize = (this->httpmessage->Content->size > maxsize) ? maxsize : this->httpmessage->Content->size; memcpy(output, this->httpmessage->Content->data, retsize); } return retsize; } /* =================================== XCAP Event ==================================== */ XcapEvent::XcapEvent(const thttp_event_t *_httpevent) { this->httpevent = _httpevent; if(_httpevent) { this->httpmessage = new XcapMessage(_httpevent->message); } else { this->httpmessage = tsk_null; } } XcapEvent::~XcapEvent() { if(this->httpmessage) { delete this->httpmessage; } } thttp_event_type_t XcapEvent::getType() { return this->httpevent->type; } const XcapMessage* XcapEvent::getXcapMessage() const { return this->httpmessage; } /* =================================== XCAP Callback ==================================== */ XcapCallback::XcapCallback() { } XcapCallback::~XcapCallback() { } /* =================================== XCAP Stack ==================================== */ XcapStack::XcapStack(XcapCallback* _callback, const char* xui, const char* password, const char* xcap_root) { /* Initialize network layer */ if(XcapStack::count == 0) { tnet_startup(); } this->callback = _callback; this->handle = txcap_stack_create(stack_callback, xui, password, xcap_root, TXCAP_STACK_SET_USERDATA(this), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()); } XcapStack::~XcapStack() { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(this->handle); /* DeInitialize the network layer (only if last stack) */ if(--XcapStack::count == 0) { tnet_cleanup(); } } bool XcapStack::registerAUID(const char* id, const char* mime_type, const char* ns, const char* document_name, bool is_global) { txcap_stack_t* stack = (txcap_stack_t*)this->handle; if(stack) { tsk_bool_t _global = is_global?tsk_true:tsk_false; // 32bit <-> 64bit workaround return (txcap_auid_register(stack->auids, id, mime_type, ns, document_name, _global) == 0); } return false; } bool XcapStack::start() { return (txcap_stack_start(this->handle) == 0); } bool XcapStack::setCredentials(const char* xui, const char* password) { return txcap_stack_set(this->handle, TXCAP_STACK_SET_XUI(xui), TXCAP_STACK_SET_PASSWORD(password), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::setXcapRoot(const char* xcap_root) { return txcap_stack_set(this->handle, TXCAP_STACK_SET_ROOT(xcap_root), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::setLocalIP(const char* ip) { return txcap_stack_set(this->handle, TXCAP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_IP(ip), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::setLocalPort(unsigned port) { tsk_istr_t port_str; tsk_itoa(port, &port_str); return txcap_stack_set(this->handle, TXCAP_STACK_SET_LOCAL_PORT(port_str), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::addHeader(const char* name, const char* value) { return txcap_stack_set(this->handle, TXCAP_STACK_SET_HEADER(name, value), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::removeHeader(const char* name) { return txcap_stack_set(this->handle, TXCAP_STACK_UNSET_HEADER(name), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::setTimeout(unsigned timeout) { tsk_istr_t timeout_str; tsk_itoa(timeout, &timeout_str); return txcap_stack_set(this->handle, TXCAP_STACK_SET_TIMEOUT(timeout_str), TXCAP_STACK_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::getDocument(const char* url) { return txcap_action_fetch_document(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::getElement(const char* url) { return txcap_action_fetch_element(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::getAttribute(const char* url) { return txcap_action_fetch_attribute(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::deleteDocument(const char* url) { return txcap_action_delete_document(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::deleteElement(const char* url) { return txcap_action_delete_element(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::deleteAttribute(const char* url) { return txcap_action_delete_attribute(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::putDocument(const char* url, const void* payload, unsigned len, const char* contentType) { return txcap_action_create_document(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_PAYLOAD(payload, len), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_HEADER("Content-Type", contentType), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::putElement(const char* url, const void* payload, unsigned len) { return txcap_action_create_element(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_PAYLOAD(payload, len), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::putAttribute(const char* url, const void* payload, unsigned len) { return txcap_action_create_attribute(this->handle, TXCAP_ACTION_SET_REQUEST_URI(url), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_PAYLOAD(payload, len), TXCAP_ACTION_SET_NULL()) == 0; } bool XcapStack::stop() { return (txcap_stack_stop(this->handle) == 0); } int stack_callback(const thttp_event_t *httpevent) { const XcapStack* stack = tsk_null; XcapEvent* e = tsk_null; const txcap_stack_handle_t* stack_handle = thttp_session_get_userdata(httpevent->session); if(!stack_handle || !(stack = dyn_cast((const XcapStack*)stack_handle))) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid user data"); return -1; } if(stack->getCallback()) { if((e = new XcapEvent(httpevent))) { stack->getCallback()->onEvent(e); delete e; } } return 0; }