eppcom-1.0.xml 2.3 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <schema targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:eppcom-1.0"
  3. xmlns:eppcom="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:eppcom-1.0"
  4. xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
  5. elementFormDefault="qualified">
  6. <annotation>
  7. <documentation>
  8. Extensible Provisioning Protocol v1.0
  9. shared structures schema.
  10. </documentation>
  11. </annotation>
  12. <!--
  13. Object authorization information types.
  14. -->
  15. <complexType name="pwAuthInfoType">
  16. <simpleContent>
  17. <extension base="normalizedString">
  18. <attribute name="roid" type="eppcom:roidType"/>
  19. </extension>
  20. </simpleContent>
  21. </complexType>
  22. <complexType name="extAuthInfoType">
  23. <sequence>
  24. <any namespace="##other"/>
  25. </sequence>
  26. </complexType>
  27. <!--
  28. <check> response types.
  29. -->
  30. <complexType name="reasonType">
  31. <simpleContent>
  32. <extension base="eppcom:reasonBaseType">
  33. <attribute name="lang" type="language"/>
  34. </extension>
  35. </simpleContent>
  36. </complexType>
  37. <simpleType name="reasonBaseType">
  38. <restriction base="token">
  39. <minLength value="1"/>
  40. <maxLength value="32"/>
  41. </restriction>
  42. </simpleType>
  43. <!--
  44. Abstract client and object identifier type.
  45. -->
  46. <simpleType name="clIDType">
  47. <restriction base="token">
  48. <minLength value="3"/>
  49. <maxLength value="16"/>
  50. </restriction>
  51. </simpleType>
  52. <!--
  53. DNS label type.
  54. -->
  55. <simpleType name="labelType">
  56. <restriction base="token">
  57. <minLength value="1"/>
  58. <maxLength value="255"/>
  59. </restriction>
  60. </simpleType>
  61. <!--
  62. Non-empty token type.
  63. -->
  64. <simpleType name="minTokenType">
  65. <restriction base="token">
  66. <minLength value="1"/>
  67. </restriction>
  68. </simpleType>
  69. <!--
  70. Repository Object IDentifier type.
  71. -->
  72. <simpleType name="roidType">
  73. <restriction base="token">
  74. <pattern value="(\w|_){1,80}-\w{1,8}"/>
  75. </restriction>
  76. </simpleType>
  77. <!--
  78. Transfer status identifiers.
  79. -->
  80. <simpleType name="trStatusType">
  81. <restriction base="token">
  82. <enumeration value="clientApproved"/>
  83. <enumeration value="clientCancelled"/>
  84. <enumeration value="clientRejected"/>
  85. <enumeration value="pending"/>
  86. <enumeration value="serverApproved"/>
  87. <enumeration value="serverCancelled"/>
  88. </restriction>
  89. </simpleType>
  90. <!--
  91. End of schema.
  92. -->
  93. </schema>