xcap-error.xsd 5.8 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <xs:schema xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-error" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-error" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
  3. <xs:element name="error-element" abstract="true"/>
  4. <xs:element name="xcap-error">
  5. <xs:annotation>
  6. <xs:documentation>Indicates the reason for the error.</xs:documentation>
  7. </xs:annotation>
  8. <xs:complexType>
  9. <xs:sequence>
  10. <xs:element ref="error-element"/>
  11. </xs:sequence>
  12. </xs:complexType>
  13. </xs:element>
  14. <xs:element name="schema-validation-error" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  15. <xs:annotation>
  16. <xs:documentation>This element indicates
  17. that the document was not compliant to the schema after the requested
  18. operation was performed.</xs:documentation>
  19. </xs:annotation>
  20. <xs:complexType>
  21. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  22. </xs:complexType>
  23. </xs:element>
  24. <xs:element name="not-xml-frag" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  25. <xs:annotation>
  26. <xs:documentation>This indicates that the request was supposed to
  27. contain a valid XML fragment body, but did not.</xs:documentation>
  28. </xs:annotation>
  29. <xs:complexType>
  30. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  31. </xs:complexType>
  32. </xs:element>
  33. <xs:element name="no-parent" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  34. <xs:annotation>
  35. <xs:documentation>This indicates that an attempt to insert
  36. an element, attribute or document failed because the document or
  37. element into which the insertion was
  38. supposed to occur does not exist</xs:documentation>
  39. </xs:annotation>
  40. <xs:complexType>
  41. <xs:sequence>
  42. <xs:element name="ancestor" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0">
  43. <xs:annotation>
  44. <xs:documentation>Contains an HTTP URI that points to the
  45. element which is the closest ancestor that does exist.</xs:documentation>
  46. </xs:annotation>
  47. </xs:element>
  48. </xs:sequence>
  49. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  50. </xs:complexType>
  51. </xs:element>
  52. <xs:element name="cannot-insert" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  53. <xs:annotation>
  54. <xs:documentation>This indicates that the requested
  55. PUT operation could not be performed because a GET of that resource
  56. after the PUT would not yield the content of the PUT request.
  57. </xs:documentation>
  58. </xs:annotation>
  59. <xs:complexType>
  60. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  61. </xs:complexType>
  62. </xs:element>
  63. <xs:element name="not-xml-att-value" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  64. <xs:annotation>
  65. <xs:documentation>This indicates that the
  66. request was supposed to contain a valid XML attribute value, but did
  67. not.</xs:documentation>
  68. </xs:annotation>
  69. <xs:complexType>
  70. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  71. </xs:complexType>
  72. </xs:element>
  73. <xs:element name="uniqueness-failure" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  74. <xs:annotation>
  75. <xs:documentation>This indicates that the
  76. requested operation would result in a document that did not meet a
  77. uniqueness constraint defined by the application usage.</xs:documentation>
  78. </xs:annotation>
  79. <xs:complexType>
  80. <xs:sequence>
  81. <xs:element name="exists" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  82. <xs:annotation>
  83. <xs:documentation>For each URI,
  84. element or attribute specified by the client which is not unique,
  85. one of these is present.</xs:documentation>
  86. </xs:annotation>
  87. <xs:complexType>
  88. <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
  89. <xs:element name="alt-value" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  90. <xs:annotation>
  91. <xs:documentation>An optional set of alternate values can be
  92. provided.</xs:documentation>
  93. </xs:annotation>
  94. </xs:element>
  95. </xs:sequence>
  96. <xs:attribute name="field" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
  97. </xs:complexType>
  98. </xs:element>
  99. </xs:sequence>
  100. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  101. </xs:complexType>
  102. </xs:element>
  103. <xs:element name="not-well-formed" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  104. <xs:annotation>
  105. <xs:documentation>This indicates that the body of the request was
  106. not a well-formed document.</xs:documentation>
  107. </xs:annotation>
  108. <xs:complexType>
  109. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  110. </xs:complexType>
  111. </xs:element>
  112. <xs:element name="constraint-failure" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  113. <xs:annotation>
  114. <xs:documentation>This indicates that the
  115. requested operation would result in a document that failed a data
  116. constraint defined by the application usage, but not enforced by the
  117. schema or a uniqueness constraint.</xs:documentation>
  118. </xs:annotation>
  119. <xs:complexType>
  120. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  121. </xs:complexType>
  122. </xs:element>
  123. <xs:element name="cannot-delete" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  124. <xs:annotation>
  125. <xs:documentation>This indicates that the requested DELETE
  126. operation could not be performed because it would not be
  127. idempotent.</xs:documentation>
  128. </xs:annotation>
  129. <xs:complexType>
  130. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  131. </xs:complexType>
  132. </xs:element>
  133. <xs:element name="not-utf-8" substitutionGroup="error-element">
  134. <xs:annotation>
  135. <xs:documentation>This indicates that request could not be completed because it would have produced a document not encoded in UTF-8.</xs:documentation>
  136. </xs:annotation>
  137. <xs:complexType>
  138. <xs:attribute name="phrase" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  139. </xs:complexType>
  140. </xs:element>
  141. </xs:schema>