3.0 KB

  1. ## For more information about scenarios, please refer to the Programmer's Guide
  2. # user's parameters (like ANSI-C #define)
  3. %%domain
  4. %%user mamadou
  5. %%pwd mamadou
  6. %%proxy_ip # IP address or FQDN
  7. %%proxy_port 5081
  8. %%proxy_trans tcp # udp, tcp, tls or sctp
  9. %%expires 100 # expires used by all dialogs
  10. %%sleep-sec 1.0 # number of seconds to wait before sending next sip message
  11. %%reg-sid
  12. %%sub-reg-sid
  13. %%sub-pres-sid
  14. %%pub-sid
  15. %%inv_audio_sid
  16. #--local-ip\
  17. # Configure the stack
  18. # Realm, IMPI and IMPU are mandatory
  19. ++cst --realm $$(domain) --impi $$(user)@$$(domain) --impu sip:$$(user)@$$(domain) --pwd $$(pwd) \
  20. --pcscf-ip $$(proxy_ip) --pcscf-port $$(proxy_port) --pcscf-trans $$(proxy_trans) \
  21. --header Privacy=none --header Allow=INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, MESSAGE, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER \
  22. --header P-Access-Network-Info=ADSL;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000 \
  23. --header User-Agent=IM-client/OMA1.0 doubango/v1.0.0 # last should not have backslash
  24. # Run the engine
  25. ++r
  26. # OPTIONS to hack AOR
  27. #++opt
  28. #++sleep --sec 1
  29. # REGISTER
  30. ++reg --xp $$(expires) --caps +g.oma.sip-im --caps +g.3gpp.smsip --caps language="en,fr" \
  31. --header Action-Header=Myheader-value @@action \
  32. >>(reg-sid)
  33. # sleep
  34. ++sleep --sec $$(sleep-sec)
  35. # SUBSCRIBE to reg event package (silent hangup)
  36. #++sub --to sip:$$(user)@$$(domain) --xp $$(expires) --silent --header Event=reg --header Accept=application/reginfo+xml \
  37. # --header Allow-Events=refer, presence, presence.winfo, xcap-diff, conference >>(sub-reg-sid)
  38. #SUBSCRIBE to presence event package (alice)
  39. #++sub --to sip:alice@$$(domain) --xp $$(expires) --header Event=presence --header Supported=eventlist\
  40. # --header Accept=multipart/related, application/rlmi+xml, application/pidf+xml, application/rpid+xml, application/xcap-diff+xml, message/external-body \
  41. # --header Allow-Events=refer, presence, presence.winfo, xcap-diff, conference >>(sub-pres-sid)
  42. #PUBLISH
  43. #++sn --path ./
  44. #send Pager Mode IM
  45. #++m --to sip:alice@$$(domain) \
  46. # --header NS=imdn <urn:ietf:params:imdn> \
  47. # --header imdn.Message-ID=34jk324j \
  48. # --header DateTime=2006-04-04T12:16:49-05:00 \
  49. # --header imdn.Disposition-Notification=positive-delivery, negative-delivery \
  50. # --header Content-Type=text/plain \
  51. # --pay Hello World
  52. #Send Binary SMS (RP-DATA)
  53. #++sms --smsc sip:+33185145269@$$(domain);user=phone;npi=ISDN --to sip:+33685214585@$$(domain);user=phone \
  54. # --header Content-Type=application/vnd.3gpp.sms \
  55. # --header Transfer-Encoding=binary \
  56. # --pay hello world
  57. #send INVITE
  58. #++a --to sip:alice@$$(domain) >>(inv_audio_sid)
  59. #++sleep --sec -1
  60. #++ho --sid $$(inv_audio_sid)
  61. #++sleep --sec -1
  62. #++res --sid $$(inv_audio_sid)
  63. #++ect --sid $$(inv_audio_sid) --to sip:alice@$$(domain)
  64. # Press ENTER
  65. ++sleep --sec -1
  66. # unsunscribe (reg and pres)
  67. #++hu --sid $$(sub-reg-sid)
  68. #++hu --sid $$(sub-pres-sid)
  69. #++hu --sid $$(pub-sid)
  70. # sleep
  71. #++sleep --sec $$(sleep-sec)
  72. # unregister
  73. #++hu --sid $$(reg-sid)
  74. # sleep
  75. #++sleep --sec $$(sleep-sec)
  76. # Exit the application
  77. ++e