Asterisk Project : Asterisk 13 Function_FAXOPT_res_fax

FAXOPT() - [res_fax]


Gets/sets various pieces of information about a fax session.


FAXOPT can be used to override the settings for a FAX session listed in res_fax.conf, it can also be used to retreive information about a FAX session that has finished eg. pages/status.


  • item
    • ecm - R/W Error Correction Mode (ECM) enable with 'yes', disable with 'no'.
    • error - R/O FAX transmission error code upon failure.
    • filename - R/O Filename of the first file of the FAX transmission.
    • filenames - R/O Filenames of all of the files in the FAX transmission (comma separated).
    • headerinfo - R/W FAX header information.
    • localstationid - R/W Local Station Identification.
    • minrate - R/W Minimum transfer rate set before transmission.
    • maxrate - R/W Maximum transfer rate set before transmission.
    • modem - R/W Modem type (v17/v27/v29).
    • gateway - R/W T38 fax gateway, with optional fax activity timeout in seconds (yes[,timeout]/no)
    • faxdetect - R/W Enable FAX detect with optional timeout in seconds (yes,t38,cng[,timeout]/no)
    • pages - R/O Number of pages transferred.
    • rate - R/O Negotiated transmission rate.
    • remotestationid - R/O Remote Station Identification after transmission.
    • resolution - R/O Negotiated image resolution after transmission.
    • sessionid - R/O Session ID of the FAX transmission.
    • status - R/O Result Status of the FAX transmission.
    • statusstr - R/O Verbose Result Status of the FAX transmission.

See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538