Asterisk Project : Asterisk 13 ManagerAction_ControlPlayback



Control the playback of a file being played to a channel.


Control the operation of a media file being played back to a channel. Note that this AMI action does not initiate playback of media to channel, but rather controls the operation of a media operation that was already initiated on the channel.



The pause and restart Control options will stop a playback operation if that operation was not initiated from the ControlPlayback application or the control stream file AGI command.


Action: ControlPlayback
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Control: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Channel - The name of the channel that currently has a file being played back to it.
  • Control
    • stop - Stop the playback operation.
    • forward - Move the current position in the media forward. The amount of time that the stream moves forward is determined by the skipms value passed to the application that initiated the playback.



      The default skipms value is 3000 ms.

    • reverse - Move the current position in the media backward. The amount of time that the stream moves backward is determined by the skipms value passed to the application that initiated the playback.



      The default skipms value is 3000 ms.

    • pause - Pause/unpause the playback operation, if supported. If not supported, stop the playback.
    • restart - Restart the playback operation, if supported. If not supported, stop the playback.

See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538