Asterisk Project : Asterisk 13 ManagerAction_PJSIPShowEndpoint



Detail listing of an endpoint and its objects.


Provides a detailed listing of options for a given endpoint. Events are issued showing the configuration and status of the endpoint and associated objects. These events include EndpointDetail, AorDetail, AuthDetail, TransportDetail, and IdentifyDetail. Some events may be listed multiple times if multiple objects are associated (for instance AoRs). Once all detail events have been raised a final EndpointDetailComplete event is issued.


Action: PJSIPShowEndpoint
ActionID: <value>
Endpoint: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Endpoint - The endpoint to list.

See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538