Asterisk Project : Asterisk 13 ManagerAction_PJSIPNotify



Send a NOTIFY to either an endpoint or an arbitrary URI.


Sends a NOTIFY to an endpoint or an arbitrary URI.

All parameters for this event must be specified in the body of this requestvia multiple Variable: name=value sequences.



One (and only one) of Endpoint or URI must be specified. If URI is used, thedefault outbound endpoint will be used to send the message. If the default outbound endpoint isn't configured, this command can not send to an arbitrary URI.


Action: PJSIPNotify
ActionID: <value>
[Endpoint:] <value>
[URI:] <value>
Variable: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Endpoint - The endpoint to which to send the NOTIFY.
  • URI - Abritrary URI to which to send the NOTIFY.
  • Variable - Appends variables as headers/content to the NOTIFY. If the variable is named Content, then the value will compose the body of the message if another variable sets Content-Type. name=value

See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538