/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2013, Digium, Inc. * * David M. Lee, II * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! * \file \brief Test ARI API. * \author\verbatim David M. Lee, II \endverbatim * * \ingroup tests */ /*** MODULEINFO TEST_FRAMEWORK res_ari core ***/ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/test.h" #include "asterisk/ari.h" /*!@{*/ /*! * \internal * The following code defines a simple RESTful API for unit testing. The * response encodes the inputs of the invocation. The invocation_count * counter is also incremented. * * - /foo (GET) * - /foo/bar (GET, POST) * - /foo/{bam} (GET) * - /foo/{bam}/bang (GET, POST, DE1LETE) */ static int invocation_count; /*! * \internal * Shared code for all handlers */ static void handler(const char *name, int response_code, struct ast_variable *get_params, struct ast_variable *path_vars, struct ast_variable *headers, struct ast_json *body, struct ast_ari_response *response) { struct ast_json *message = ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: {}, s: {}, s: {}}", "name", name, "get_params", "path_vars", "headers"); struct ast_json *get_params_obj = ast_json_object_get(message, "get_params"); struct ast_json *path_vars_obj = ast_json_object_get(message, "path_vars"); struct ast_json *headers_obj = ast_json_object_get(message, "headers"); for (; get_params != NULL; get_params = get_params->next) { ast_json_object_set(get_params_obj, get_params->name, ast_json_string_create(get_params->value)); } for (; path_vars != NULL; path_vars = path_vars->next) { ast_json_object_set(path_vars_obj, path_vars->name, ast_json_string_create(path_vars->value)); } for (; headers != NULL; headers = headers->next) { ast_json_object_set(headers_obj, headers->name, ast_json_string_create(headers->value)); } ++invocation_count; response->response_code = response_code; response->message = message; } /*! * \internal * Macro to reduce the handler definition boiler-plate. */ #define HANDLER(name, response_code) \ static void name(struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, \ struct ast_variable *get_params, \ struct ast_variable *path_vars, \ struct ast_variable *headers, \ struct ast_json *body, \ struct ast_ari_response *response) \ { \ handler(#name, response_code, get_params, path_vars, headers, body, response); \ } HANDLER(bang_get, 200) HANDLER(bang_post, 200) HANDLER(bang_delete, 204) HANDLER(bar_get, 200) HANDLER(bar_post, 200) HANDLER(bam_get, 200) HANDLER(foo_get, 200) static struct stasis_rest_handlers bang = { .path_segment = "bang", .callbacks = { [AST_HTTP_GET] = bang_get, [AST_HTTP_POST] = bang_post, [AST_HTTP_DELETE] = bang_delete, }, .num_children = 0 }; static struct stasis_rest_handlers bar = { .path_segment = "bar", .callbacks = { [AST_HTTP_GET] = bar_get, [AST_HTTP_POST] = bar_post, }, .num_children = 0 }; static struct stasis_rest_handlers bam = { .path_segment = "bam", .is_wildcard = 1, .callbacks = { [AST_HTTP_GET] = bam_get, }, .num_children = 1, .children = { &bang } }; static struct stasis_rest_handlers test_root = { .path_segment = "foo", .callbacks = { [AST_HTTP_GET] = foo_get, }, .num_children = 3, .children = { &bar, &bam, &bang } }; /*!@}*/ /*! * \internal * \c ast_ari_response constructor. */ static struct ast_ari_response *response_alloc(void) { struct ast_ari_response *resp = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(struct ast_ari_response)); resp->headers = ast_str_create(24); return resp; } /*! * \internal * \c ast_ari_response destructor. */ static void response_free(struct ast_ari_response *resp) { if (!resp) { return; } ast_free(resp->headers); ast_json_unref(resp->message); ast_free(resp); } /*! * \ internal * Setup test fixture for invocation tests. */ static void *setup_invocation_test(void) { int r; invocation_count = 0; r = ast_ari_add_handler(&test_root); ast_assert(r == 0); return &invocation_count; } /*! * \ internal * Tear down test fixture for invocation tests. */ static void tear_down_invocation_test(void *ignore) { if (!ignore) { return; } ast_ari_remove_handler(&test_root); } AST_TEST_DEFINE(get_docs) { RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); RAII_VAR(struct ast_variable *, headers, NULL, ast_variables_destroy); struct ast_json *basePathJson; const char *basePath; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test simple API get."; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } response = response_alloc(); headers = ast_variable_new("Host", "stasis.asterisk.org", __FILE__); ast_ari_get_docs("resources.json", "", headers, response); ast_test_validate(test, 200 == response->response_code); /* basePath should be relative to the Host header */ basePathJson = ast_json_object_get(response->message, "basePath"); ast_test_validate(test, NULL != basePathJson); basePath = ast_json_string_get(basePathJson); ast_test_validate(test, 0 == strcmp("http://stasis.asterisk.org/ari", basePath)); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(get_docs_nohost) { RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; struct ast_json *basePathJson; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test API get without a Host header"; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } response = response_alloc(); ast_ari_get_docs("resources.json", "", headers, response); ast_test_validate(test, 200 == response->response_code); /* basePath should be relative to the Host header */ basePathJson = ast_json_object_get(response->message, "basePath"); ast_test_validate(test, NULL == basePathJson); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(get_docs_notfound) { RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test API get for invalid resource"; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } response = response_alloc(); ast_ari_get_docs("i-am-not-a-resource.json", "", headers, response); ast_test_validate(test, 404 == response->response_code); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(get_docs_hackerz) { RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test API get for a file outside the rest-api path"; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } response = response_alloc(); ast_ari_get_docs("../../../../sbin/asterisk", "", headers, response); ast_test_validate(test, 404 == response->response_code); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(invoke_get) { RAII_VAR(void *, fixture, NULL, tear_down_invocation_test); RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); RAII_VAR(struct ast_json *, expected, NULL, ast_json_unref); struct ast_variable *get_params = NULL; struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test simple GET of an HTTP resource."; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } fixture = setup_invocation_test(); response = response_alloc(); get_params = ast_variable_new("get1", "get-one", __FILE__); ast_assert(get_params != NULL); get_params->next = ast_variable_new("get2", "get-two", __FILE__); ast_assert(get_params->next != NULL); headers = ast_variable_new("head1", "head-one", __FILE__); ast_assert(headers != NULL); headers->next = ast_variable_new("head2", "head-two", __FILE__); ast_assert(headers->next != NULL); expected = ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: {s: s, s: s}, s: {s: s, s: s}, s: {}}", "name", "foo_get", "get_params", "get1", "get-one", "get2", "get-two", "headers", "head1", "head-one", "head2", "head-two", "path_vars"); ast_ari_invoke(NULL, "foo", AST_HTTP_GET, get_params, headers, ast_json_null(), response); ast_test_validate(test, 1 == invocation_count); ast_test_validate(test, 200 == response->response_code); ast_test_validate(test, ast_json_equal(expected, response->message)); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(invoke_wildcard) { RAII_VAR(void *, fixture, NULL, tear_down_invocation_test); RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); RAII_VAR(struct ast_json *, expected, NULL, ast_json_unref); struct ast_variable *get_params = NULL; struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test GET of a wildcard resource."; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } fixture = setup_invocation_test(); response = response_alloc(); expected = ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: {}, s: {}, s: {s: s}}", "name", "bam_get", "get_params", "headers", "path_vars", "bam", "foshizzle"); ast_ari_invoke(NULL, "foo/foshizzle", AST_HTTP_GET, get_params, headers, ast_json_null(), response); ast_test_validate(test, 1 == invocation_count); ast_test_validate(test, 200 == response->response_code); ast_test_validate(test, ast_json_equal(expected, response->message)); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(invoke_delete) { RAII_VAR(void *, fixture, NULL, tear_down_invocation_test); RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); RAII_VAR(struct ast_json *, expected, NULL, ast_json_unref); struct ast_variable *get_params = NULL; struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test DELETE of an HTTP resource."; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } fixture = setup_invocation_test(); response = response_alloc(); expected = ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: {}, s: {}, s: {s: s}}", "name", "bang_delete", "get_params", "headers", "path_vars", "bam", "foshizzle"); ast_ari_invoke(NULL, "foo/foshizzle/bang", AST_HTTP_DELETE, get_params, headers, ast_json_null(), response); ast_test_validate(test, 1 == invocation_count); ast_test_validate(test, 204 == response->response_code); ast_test_validate(test, ast_json_equal(expected, response->message)); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(invoke_post) { RAII_VAR(void *, fixture, NULL, tear_down_invocation_test); RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); RAII_VAR(struct ast_json *, expected, NULL, ast_json_unref); struct ast_variable *get_params = NULL; struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test POST of an HTTP resource."; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } fixture = setup_invocation_test(); response = response_alloc(); get_params = ast_variable_new("get1", "get-one", __FILE__); ast_assert(get_params != NULL); get_params->next = ast_variable_new("get2", "get-two", __FILE__); ast_assert(get_params->next != NULL); headers = ast_variable_new("head1", "head-one", __FILE__); ast_assert(headers != NULL); headers->next = ast_variable_new("head2", "head-two", __FILE__); ast_assert(headers->next != NULL); expected = ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: {s: s, s: s}, s: {s: s, s: s}, s: {}}", "name", "bar_post", "get_params", "get1", "get-one", "get2", "get-two", "headers", "head1", "head-one", "head2", "head-two", "path_vars"); ast_ari_invoke(NULL, "foo/bar", AST_HTTP_POST, get_params, headers, ast_json_null(), response); ast_test_validate(test, 1 == invocation_count); ast_test_validate(test, 200 == response->response_code); ast_test_validate(test, ast_json_equal(expected, response->message)); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(invoke_bad_post) { RAII_VAR(void *, fixture, NULL, tear_down_invocation_test); RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); struct ast_variable *get_params = NULL; struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test POST on a resource that doesn't support it."; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } fixture = setup_invocation_test(); response = response_alloc(); ast_ari_invoke(NULL, "foo", AST_HTTP_POST, get_params, headers, ast_json_null(), response); ast_test_validate(test, 0 == invocation_count); ast_test_validate(test, 405 == response->response_code); return AST_TEST_PASS; } AST_TEST_DEFINE(invoke_not_found) { RAII_VAR(void *, fixture, NULL, tear_down_invocation_test); RAII_VAR(struct ast_ari_response *, response, NULL, response_free); struct ast_variable *get_params = NULL; struct ast_variable *headers = NULL; switch (cmd) { case TEST_INIT: info->name = __func__; info->category = "/res/ari/"; info->summary = "Test GET on a resource that does not exist."; info->description = "Test ARI binding logic."; return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN; case TEST_EXECUTE: break; } fixture = setup_invocation_test(); response = response_alloc(); ast_ari_invoke(NULL, "foo/fizzle/i-am-not-a-resource", AST_HTTP_GET, get_params, headers, ast_json_null(), response); ast_test_validate(test, 0 == invocation_count); ast_test_validate(test, 404 == response->response_code); return AST_TEST_PASS; } static int unload_module(void) { AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(get_docs); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(get_docs_nohost); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(get_docs_notfound); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(get_docs_hackerz); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(invoke_get); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(invoke_wildcard); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(invoke_delete); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(invoke_post); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(invoke_bad_post); AST_TEST_UNREGISTER(invoke_not_found); return 0; } static int load_module(void) { AST_TEST_REGISTER(get_docs); AST_TEST_REGISTER(get_docs_nohost); AST_TEST_REGISTER(get_docs_notfound); AST_TEST_REGISTER(get_docs_hackerz); AST_TEST_REGISTER(invoke_get); AST_TEST_REGISTER(invoke_wildcard); AST_TEST_REGISTER(invoke_delete); AST_TEST_REGISTER(invoke_post); AST_TEST_REGISTER(invoke_bad_post); AST_TEST_REGISTER(invoke_not_found); return AST_MODULE_LOAD_SUCCESS; } AST_MODULE_INFO(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, AST_MODFLAG_DEFAULT, "ARI testing", .support_level = AST_MODULE_SUPPORT_CORE, .load = load_module, .unload = unload_module, );