
Controls ODBC transaction properties.


The ODBC() function allows setting several properties to influence how a connected database processes transactions.


  • property
    • transaction - Gets or sets the active transaction ID. If set, and the transaction ID does not exist and a database name is specified as an argument, it will be created.
    • forcecommit - Controls whether a transaction will be automatically committed when the channel hangs up. Defaults to false. If a transaction ID is specified in the optional argument, the property will be applied to that ID, otherwise to the current active ID.
    • isolation - Controls the data isolation on uncommitted transactions. May be one of the following: read_committed, read_uncommitted, repeatable_read, or serializable. Defaults to the database setting in res_odbc.conf or read_committed if not specified. If a transaction ID is specified as an optional argument, it will be applied to that ID, otherwise the current active ID.
  • argument

See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538