Asterisk Project : Asterisk 13 ManagerEvent_AgentDump



Raised when a queue member hangs up on a caller in the queue.



Event: AgentDump
Channel: <value>
ChannelState: <value>
ChannelStateDesc: <value>
CallerIDNum: <value>
CallerIDName: <value>
ConnectedLineNum: <value>
ConnectedLineName: <value>
AccountCode: <value>
Context: <value>
Exten: <value>
Priority: <value>
Uniqueid: <value>
DestChannel: <value>
DestChannelState: <value>
DestChannelStateDesc: <value>
DestCallerIDNum: <value>
DestCallerIDName: <value>
DestConnectedLineNum: <value>
DestConnectedLineName: <value>
DestAccountCode: <value>
DestContext: <value>
DestExten: <value>
DestPriority: <value>
DestUniqueid: <value>
Queue: <value>
MemberName: <value>
Interface: <value>
  • Channel
  • ChannelState - A numeric code for the channel's current state, related to ChannelStateDesc
  • ChannelStateDesc
    • Down
    • Rsrvd
    • OffHook
    • Dialing
    • Ring
    • Ringing
    • Up
    • Busy
    • Dialing Offhook
    • Pre-ring
    • Unknown
  • CallerIDNum
  • CallerIDName
  • ConnectedLineNum
  • ConnectedLineName
  • AccountCode
  • Context
  • Exten
  • Priority
  • Uniqueid
  • DestChannel
  • DestChannelState - A numeric code for the channel's current state, related to DestChannelStateDesc
  • DestChannelStateDesc
    • Down
    • Rsrvd
    • OffHook
    • Dialing
    • Ring
    • Ringing
    • Up
    • Busy
    • Dialing Offhook
    • Pre-ring
    • Unknown
  • DestCallerIDNum
  • DestCallerIDName
  • DestConnectedLineNum
  • DestConnectedLineName
  • DestAccountCode
  • DestContext
  • DestExten
  • DestPriority
  • DestUniqueid
  • Queue - The name of the queue.
  • MemberName - The name of the queue member.
  • Interface - The queue member's channel technology or location.



See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538