Asterisk Project : Asterisk 13 ManagerEvent_AorDetail



Provide details about an Address of Record (AoR) section.



Event: AorDetail
ObjectType: <value>
ObjectName: <value>
MinimumExpiration: <value>
MaximumExpiration: <value>
DefaultExpiration: <value>
QualifyFrequency: <value>
AuthenticateQualify: <value>
MaxContacts: <value>
RemoveExisting: <value>
Mailboxes: <value>
OutboundProxy: <value>
SupportPath: <value>
TotalContacts: <value>
ContactsRegistered: <value>
EndpointName: <value>
  • ObjectType - The object's type. This will always be 'aor'.
  • ObjectName - The name of this object.
  • MinimumExpiration - Minimum keep alive time for an AoR
  • MaximumExpiration - Maximum time to keep an AoR
  • DefaultExpiration - Default expiration time in seconds for contacts that are dynamically bound to an AoR.
  • QualifyFrequency - Interval at which to qualify an AoR
  • AuthenticateQualify - Authenticates a qualify request if needed
  • MaxContacts - Maximum number of contacts that can bind to an AoR
  • RemoveExisting - Determines whether new contacts replace existing ones.
  • Mailboxes - Allow subscriptions for the specified mailbox(es)
  • OutboundProxy - Outbound proxy used when sending OPTIONS request
  • SupportPath - Enables Path support for REGISTER requests and Route support for other requests.
  • TotalContacts - The total number of contacts associated with this AoR.
  • ContactsRegistered - The number of non-permanent contacts associated with this AoR.
  • EndpointName - The name of the endpoint associated with this information.



See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538