Asterisk Project : Asterisk 13 ManagerEvent_RequestBadFormat



Raised when a request is received with bad formatting.



Event: RequestBadFormat
EventTV: <value>
Severity: <value>
Service: <value>
EventVersion: <value>
AccountID: <value>
SessionID: <value>
LocalAddress: <value>
RemoteAddress: <value>
RequestType: <value>
[Module:] <value>
[SessionTV:] <value>
[AccountID:] <value>
[RequestParams:] <value>
  • EventTV - The time the event was detected.
  • Severity - A relative severity of the security event.
    • Informational
    • Error
  • Service - The Asterisk service that raised the security event.
  • EventVersion - The version of this event.
  • AccountID - The Service account associated with the security event notification.
  • SessionID - A unique identifier for the session in the service that raised the event.
  • LocalAddress - The address of the Asterisk service that raised the security event.
  • RemoteAddress - The remote address of the entity that caused the security event to be raised.
  • RequestType - The type of request attempted.
  • Module - If available, the name of the module that raised the event.
  • SessionTV - The timestamp reported by the session.
  • AccountID - The account ID associated with the rejected request.
  • RequestParams - Parameters provided to the rejected request.



See Also

Import Version

This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538