/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Digium, Inc. * * David Vossel * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief Presence state management */ /*** MODULEINFO core ***/ /*** DOCUMENTATION Raised when a presence state changes The entity whose presence state has changed The new status of the presentity The new subtype of the presentity The new message of the presentity This differs from the PresenceStatus event because this event is raised for all presence state changes, not only for changes that affect dialplan hints. PresenceStatus ***/ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/_private.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/linkedlists.h" #include "asterisk/presencestate.h" #include "asterisk/pbx.h" #include "asterisk/app.h" /*! \brief Device state strings for printing */ static const struct { const char *string; enum ast_presence_state state; } state2string[] = { { "not_set", AST_PRESENCE_NOT_SET}, { "unavailable", AST_PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE }, { "available", AST_PRESENCE_AVAILABLE}, { "away", AST_PRESENCE_AWAY}, { "xa", AST_PRESENCE_XA}, { "chat", AST_PRESENCE_CHAT}, { "dnd", AST_PRESENCE_DND}, }; static struct ast_manager_event_blob *presence_state_to_ami(struct stasis_message *msg); STASIS_MESSAGE_TYPE_DEFN(ast_presence_state_message_type, .to_ami = presence_state_to_ami, ); struct stasis_topic *presence_state_topic_all; struct stasis_cache *presence_state_cache; struct stasis_caching_topic *presence_state_topic_cached; /*! \brief A presence state provider */ struct presence_state_provider { char label[40]; ast_presence_state_prov_cb_type callback; AST_RWLIST_ENTRY(presence_state_provider) list; }; /*! \brief A list of providers */ static AST_RWLIST_HEAD_STATIC(presence_state_providers, presence_state_provider); const char *ast_presence_state2str(enum ast_presence_state state) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(state2string); i++) { if (state == state2string[i].state) { return state2string[i].string; } } return ""; } enum ast_presence_state ast_presence_state_val(const char *val) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(state2string); i++) { if (!strcasecmp(val, state2string[i].string)) { return state2string[i].state; } } return AST_PRESENCE_INVALID; } static enum ast_presence_state presence_state_cached(const char *presence_provider, char **subtype, char **message) { enum ast_presence_state res = AST_PRESENCE_INVALID; RAII_VAR(struct stasis_message *, msg, NULL, ao2_cleanup); struct ast_presence_state_message *presence_state; msg = stasis_cache_get(ast_presence_state_cache(), ast_presence_state_message_type(), presence_provider); if (!msg) { return res; } presence_state = stasis_message_data(msg); res = presence_state->state; *subtype = !ast_strlen_zero(presence_state->subtype) ? ast_strdup(presence_state->subtype) : NULL; *message = !ast_strlen_zero(presence_state->message) ? ast_strdup(presence_state->message) : NULL; return res; } static enum ast_presence_state ast_presence_state_helper(const char *presence_provider, char **subtype, char **message, int check_cache) { struct presence_state_provider *provider; char *address; char *label = ast_strdupa(presence_provider); int res = AST_PRESENCE_INVALID; *subtype = NULL; *message = NULL; if (check_cache) { res = presence_state_cached(presence_provider, subtype, message); if (res != AST_PRESENCE_INVALID) { return res; } } if ((address = strchr(label, ':'))) { *address = '\0'; address++; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No label found for presence state provider: %s\n", presence_provider); return res; } AST_RWLIST_RDLOCK(&presence_state_providers); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&presence_state_providers, provider, list) { ast_debug(5, "Checking provider %s with %s\n", provider->label, label); if (!strcasecmp(provider->label, label)) { res = provider->callback(address, subtype, message); break; } } AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&presence_state_providers); if (!provider) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No provider found for label %s\n", label); } return res; } enum ast_presence_state ast_presence_state(const char *presence_provider, char **subtype, char **message) { return ast_presence_state_helper(presence_provider, subtype, message, 1); } enum ast_presence_state ast_presence_state_nocache(const char *presence_provider, char **subtype, char **message) { return ast_presence_state_helper(presence_provider, subtype, message, 0); } int ast_presence_state_prov_add(const char *label, ast_presence_state_prov_cb_type callback) { struct presence_state_provider *provider; if (!callback || !(provider = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*provider)))) { return -1; } provider->callback = callback; ast_copy_string(provider->label, label, sizeof(provider->label)); AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&presence_state_providers); AST_RWLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&presence_state_providers, provider, list); AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&presence_state_providers); return 0; } int ast_presence_state_prov_del(const char *label) { struct presence_state_provider *provider; int res = -1; AST_RWLIST_WRLOCK(&presence_state_providers); AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&presence_state_providers, provider, list) { if (!strcasecmp(provider->label, label)) { AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(list); ast_free(provider); res = 0; break; } } AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; AST_RWLIST_UNLOCK(&presence_state_providers); return res; } static void presence_state_dtor(void *obj) { struct ast_presence_state_message *presence_state = obj; ast_string_field_free_memory(presence_state); } static struct ast_presence_state_message *presence_state_alloc(const char *provider, enum ast_presence_state state, const char *subtype, const char *message) { RAII_VAR(struct ast_presence_state_message *, presence_state, ao2_alloc(sizeof(*presence_state), presence_state_dtor), ao2_cleanup); if (!presence_state || ast_string_field_init(presence_state, 256)) { return NULL; } presence_state->state = state; ast_string_field_set(presence_state, provider, provider); ast_string_field_set(presence_state, subtype, S_OR(subtype, "")); ast_string_field_set(presence_state, message, S_OR(message, "")); ao2_ref(presence_state, +1); return presence_state; } static void presence_state_event(const char *provider, enum ast_presence_state state, const char *subtype, const char *message) { RAII_VAR(struct stasis_message *, msg, NULL, ao2_cleanup); RAII_VAR(struct ast_presence_state_message *, presence_state, NULL, ao2_cleanup); if (!ast_presence_state_message_type()) { return; } presence_state = presence_state_alloc(provider, state, subtype, message); if (!presence_state) { return; } msg = stasis_message_create(ast_presence_state_message_type(), presence_state); if (!msg) { return; } stasis_publish(ast_presence_state_topic_all(), msg); } static void do_presence_state_change(const char *provider) { char *subtype = NULL; char *message = NULL; enum ast_presence_state state; state = ast_presence_state_helper(provider, &subtype, &message, 0); if (state == AST_PRESENCE_INVALID) { return; } presence_state_event(provider, state, subtype, message); ast_free(subtype); ast_free(message); } int ast_presence_state_changed_literal(enum ast_presence_state state, const char *subtype, const char *message, const char *presence_provider) { if (state == AST_PRESENCE_NOT_SET) { do_presence_state_change(presence_provider); } else { presence_state_event(presence_provider, state, subtype, message); } return 0; } int ast_presence_state_changed(enum ast_presence_state state, const char *subtype, const char *message, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[AST_MAX_EXTENSION]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ast_presence_state_changed_literal(state, subtype, message, buf); } struct stasis_topic *ast_presence_state_topic_all(void) { return presence_state_topic_all; } struct stasis_cache *ast_presence_state_cache(void) { return presence_state_cache; } struct stasis_topic *ast_presence_state_topic_cached(void) { return stasis_caching_get_topic(presence_state_topic_cached); } static const char *presence_state_get_id(struct stasis_message *msg) { struct ast_presence_state_message *presence_state = stasis_message_data(msg); if (stasis_message_type(msg) != ast_presence_state_message_type()) { return NULL; } return presence_state->provider; } static void presence_state_engine_cleanup(void) { ao2_cleanup(presence_state_topic_all); presence_state_topic_all = NULL; ao2_cleanup(presence_state_cache); presence_state_cache = NULL; presence_state_topic_cached = stasis_caching_unsubscribe_and_join(presence_state_topic_cached); STASIS_MESSAGE_TYPE_CLEANUP(ast_presence_state_message_type); } int ast_presence_state_engine_init(void) { ast_register_cleanup(presence_state_engine_cleanup); if (STASIS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INIT(ast_presence_state_message_type) != 0) { return -1; } presence_state_topic_all = stasis_topic_create("ast_presence_state_topic_all"); if (!presence_state_topic_all) { return -1; } presence_state_cache = stasis_cache_create(presence_state_get_id); if (!presence_state_cache) { return -1; } presence_state_topic_cached = stasis_caching_topic_create(presence_state_topic_all, presence_state_cache); if (!presence_state_topic_cached) { return -1; } stasis_caching_accept_message_type(presence_state_topic_cached, ast_presence_state_message_type()); stasis_caching_set_filter(presence_state_topic_cached, STASIS_SUBSCRIPTION_FILTER_SELECTIVE); return 0; } static struct ast_manager_event_blob *presence_state_to_ami(struct stasis_message *msg) { struct ast_presence_state_message *presence_state = stasis_message_data(msg); struct ast_manager_event_blob *res; char *subtype = ast_escape_c_alloc(presence_state->subtype); char *message = ast_escape_c_alloc(presence_state->message); res = ast_manager_event_blob_create(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "PresenceStateChange", "Presentity: %s\r\n" "Status: %s\r\n" "Subtype: %s\r\n" "Message: %s\r\n", presence_state->provider, ast_presence_state2str(presence_state->state), subtype ?: "", message ?: ""); ast_free(subtype); ast_free(message); return res; }