123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585 |
- /*
- * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008, Digium, Inc.
- *
- * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
- * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
- * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
- * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
- * channels for your use.
- *
- * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
- * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
- * at the top of the source tree.
- */
- /*! \file
- *
- * \brief FreeTDS CEL logger
- *
- * See also
- * \arg \ref Config_cel
- * \arg http://www.freetds.org/
- * \ingroup cel_drivers
- */
- /*! \verbatim
- *
- * Table Structure for `cel`
- *
- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[cel] (
- [accountcode] [varchar] (20) NULL ,
- [cidname] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [cidnum] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [cidani] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [cidrdnis] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [ciddnid] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [exten] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [context] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [channame] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [appname] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [appdata] [varchar] (80) NULL ,
- [eventtime] [datetime] NULL ,
- [eventtype] [varchar] (32) NULL ,
- [uniqueid] [varchar] (32) NULL ,
- [linkedid] [varchar] (32) NULL ,
- [amaflags] [varchar] (16) NULL ,
- [userfield] [varchar] (32) NULL ,
- [peer] [varchar] (32) NULL
- \endverbatim
- */
- <depend>freetds</depend>
- <support_level>extended</support_level>
- ***/
- #include "asterisk.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "asterisk/config.h"
- #include "asterisk/channel.h"
- #include "asterisk/cel.h"
- #include "asterisk/module.h"
- #include "asterisk/logger.h"
- #include <sqlfront.h>
- #include <sybdb.h>
- #ifdef FREETDS_PRE_0_62
- #warning "You have older TDS, you should upgrade!"
- #endif
- #define DATE_FORMAT "%Y/%m/%d %T"
- #define TDS_BACKEND_NAME "CEL TDS logging backend"
- static char *config = "cel_tds.conf";
- struct cel_tds_config {
- AST_STRING_FIELD(connection);
- AST_STRING_FIELD(database);
- AST_STRING_FIELD(username);
- AST_STRING_FIELD(password);
- AST_STRING_FIELD(charset);
- AST_STRING_FIELD(language);
- );
- DBPROCESS *dbproc;
- unsigned int connected:1;
- };
- static struct cel_tds_config *settings;
- static char *anti_injection(const char *, int);
- static void get_date(char *, size_t len, struct timeval);
- static int execute_and_consume(DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *fmt, ...)
- __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
- static int mssql_connect(void);
- static int mssql_disconnect(void);
- static void tds_log(struct ast_event *event)
- {
- char start[80];
- char *accountcode_ai, *clidnum_ai, *exten_ai, *context_ai, *clid_ai, *channel_ai, *app_ai, *appdata_ai, *uniqueid_ai, *linkedid_ai, *cidani_ai, *cidrdnis_ai, *ciddnid_ai, *peer_ai, *userfield_ai;
- RETCODE erc;
- int attempt = 1;
- struct ast_cel_event_record record = {
- };
- if (ast_cel_fill_record(event, &record)) {
- return;
- }
- ast_mutex_lock(&tds_lock);
- accountcode_ai = anti_injection(record.account_code, 20);
- clidnum_ai = anti_injection(record.caller_id_num, 80);
- clid_ai = anti_injection(record.caller_id_name, 80);
- cidani_ai = anti_injection(record.caller_id_ani, 80);
- cidrdnis_ai = anti_injection(record.caller_id_rdnis, 80);
- ciddnid_ai = anti_injection(record.caller_id_dnid, 80);
- exten_ai = anti_injection(record.extension, 80);
- context_ai = anti_injection(record.context, 80);
- channel_ai = anti_injection(record.channel_name, 80);
- app_ai = anti_injection(record.application_name, 80);
- appdata_ai = anti_injection(record.application_data, 80);
- uniqueid_ai = anti_injection(record.unique_id, 32);
- linkedid_ai = anti_injection(record.linked_id, 32);
- userfield_ai = anti_injection(record.user_field, 32);
- peer_ai = anti_injection(record.peer, 32);
- get_date(start, sizeof(start), record.event_time);
- retry:
- /* Ensure that we are connected */
- if (!settings->connected) {
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Attempting to reconnect to %s (Attempt %d)\n", settings->connection, attempt);
- if (mssql_connect()) {
- /* Connect failed */
- if (attempt++ < 3) {
- goto retry;
- }
- goto done;
- }
- }
- erc = dbfcmd(settings->dbproc,
- "("
- "accountcode,"
- "cidnum,"
- "cidname,"
- "cidani,"
- "cidrdnis,"
- "ciddnid,"
- "exten,"
- "context,"
- "channel,"
- "appname,"
- "appdata,"
- "eventtime,"
- "eventtype,"
- "amaflags, "
- "uniqueid,"
- "linkedid,"
- "userfield,"
- "peer"
- ") "
- "("
- "'%s'," /* accountcode */
- "'%s'," /* clidnum */
- "'%s'," /* clid */
- "'%s'," /* cid-ani */
- "'%s'," /* cid-rdnis */
- "'%s'," /* cid-dnid */
- "'%s'," /* exten */
- "'%s'," /* context */
- "'%s'," /* channel */
- "'%s'," /* app */
- "'%s'," /* appdata */
- "%s, " /* eventtime */
- "'%s'," /* eventtype */
- "'%s'," /* amaflags */
- "'%s'," /* uniqueid */
- "'%s'," /* linkedid */
- "'%s'," /* userfield */
- "'%s'" /* peer */
- ")",
- settings->table, accountcode_ai, clidnum_ai, clid_ai, cidani_ai, cidrdnis_ai,
- ciddnid_ai, exten_ai, context_ai, channel_ai, app_ai, appdata_ai, start,
- (record.event_type == AST_CEL_USER_DEFINED)
- ? record.user_defined_name : record.event_name,
- ast_channel_amaflags2string(record.amaflag), uniqueid_ai, linkedid_ai,
- userfield_ai, peer_ai);
- if (erc == FAIL) {
- if (attempt++ < 3) {
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to build INSERT statement, retrying...\n");
- mssql_disconnect();
- goto retry;
- } else {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to build INSERT statement, no CEL was logged.\n");
- goto done;
- }
- }
- if (dbsqlexec(settings->dbproc) == FAIL) {
- if (attempt++ < 3) {
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to execute INSERT statement, retrying...\n");
- mssql_disconnect();
- goto retry;
- } else {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to execute INSERT statement, no CEL was logged.\n");
- goto done;
- }
- }
- /* Consume any results we might get back (this is more of a sanity check than
- * anything else, since an INSERT shouldn't return results). */
- while (dbresults(settings->dbproc) != NO_MORE_RESULTS) {
- while (dbnextrow(settings->dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS);
- }
- done:
- ast_mutex_unlock(&tds_lock);
- free(accountcode_ai);
- free(clidnum_ai);
- free(clid_ai);
- free(cidani_ai);
- free(cidrdnis_ai);
- free(ciddnid_ai);
- free(exten_ai);
- free(context_ai);
- free(channel_ai);
- free(app_ai);
- free(appdata_ai);
- free(uniqueid_ai);
- free(linkedid_ai);
- free(userfield_ai);
- free(peer_ai);
- return;
- }
- static char *anti_injection(const char *str, int len)
- {
- /* Reference to http://www.nextgenss.com/papers/advanced_sql_injection.pdf */
- char *buf;
- char *buf_ptr, *srh_ptr;
- char *known_bad[] = {"select", "insert", "update", "delete", "drop", ";", "--", "\0"};
- int idx;
- if (!(buf = ast_calloc(1, len + 1))) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- buf_ptr = buf;
- /* Escape single quotes */
- for (; *str && strlen(buf) < len; str++) {
- if (*str == '\'') {
- *buf_ptr++ = '\'';
- }
- *buf_ptr++ = *str;
- }
- *buf_ptr = '\0';
- /* Erase known bad input */
- for (idx = 0; *known_bad[idx]; idx++) {
- while ((srh_ptr = strcasestr(buf, known_bad[idx]))) {
- memmove(srh_ptr, srh_ptr + strlen(known_bad[idx]), strlen(srh_ptr + strlen(known_bad[idx])) + 1);
- }
- }
- return buf;
- }
- static void get_date(char *dateField, size_t len, struct timeval when)
- {
- /* To make sure we have date variable if not insert null to SQL */
- if (!ast_tvzero(when)) {
- struct ast_tm tm;
- ast_localtime(&when, &tm, NULL);
- ast_strftime(dateField, len, "'" DATE_FORMAT "'", &tm);
- } else {
- ast_copy_string(dateField, "null", len);
- }
- }
- static int execute_and_consume(DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *fmt, ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- char *buffer;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- if (ast_vasprintf(&buffer, fmt, ap) < 0) {
- va_end(ap);
- return 1;
- }
- va_end(ap);
- if (dbfcmd(dbproc, buffer) == FAIL) {
- free(buffer);
- return 1;
- }
- free(buffer);
- if (dbsqlexec(dbproc) == FAIL) {
- return 1;
- }
- /* Consume the result set (we don't really care about the result, though) */
- while (dbresults(dbproc) != NO_MORE_RESULTS) {
- while (dbnextrow(dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int mssql_disconnect(void)
- {
- if (settings->dbproc) {
- dbclose(settings->dbproc);
- settings->dbproc = NULL;
- }
- settings->connected = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- static int mssql_connect(void)
- {
- LOGINREC *login;
- if ((login = dblogin()) == NULL) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate login structure for db-lib\n");
- return -1;
- }
- DBSETLAPP(login, "TSQL");
- DBSETLUSER(login, (char *) settings->username);
- DBSETLPWD(login, (char *) settings->password);
- if (!ast_strlen_zero(settings->charset)) {
- DBSETLCHARSET(login, (char *) settings->charset);
- }
- if (!ast_strlen_zero(settings->language)) {
- DBSETLNATLANG(login, (char *) settings->language);
- }
- if ((settings->dbproc = dbopen(login, (char *) settings->connection)) == NULL) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to connect to %s\n", settings->connection);
- dbloginfree(login);
- return -1;
- }
- dbloginfree(login);
- if (dbuse(settings->dbproc, (char *) settings->database) == FAIL) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to select database %s\n", settings->database);
- goto failed;
- }
- if (execute_and_consume(settings->dbproc, "SELECT 1 FROM [%s]", settings->table)) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to find table '%s'\n", settings->table);
- goto failed;
- }
- settings->connected = 1;
- return 0;
- failed:
- dbclose(settings->dbproc);
- settings->dbproc = NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- static int tds_unload_module(void)
- {
- ast_cel_backend_unregister(TDS_BACKEND_NAME);
- if (settings) {
- ast_mutex_lock(&tds_lock);
- mssql_disconnect();
- ast_mutex_unlock(&tds_lock);
- ast_string_field_free_memory(settings);
- ast_free(settings);
- }
- dbexit();
- return 0;
- }
- static int tds_error_handler(DBPROCESS *dbproc, int severity, int dberr, int oserr, char *dberrstr, char *oserrstr)
- {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "%s (%d)\n", dberrstr, dberr);
- if (oserr != DBNOERR) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "%s (%d)\n", oserrstr, oserr);
- }
- return INT_CANCEL;
- }
- static int tds_message_handler(DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT msgno, int msgstate, int severity, char *msgtext, char *srvname, char *procname, int line)
- {
- ast_debug(1, "Msg %d, Level %d, State %d, Line %d\n", msgno, severity, msgstate, line);
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s\n", msgtext);
- return 0;
- }
- static int tds_load_module(int reload)
- {
- struct ast_config *cfg;
- const char *ptr = NULL;
- struct ast_flags config_flags = { reload ? CONFIG_FLAG_FILEUNCHANGED : 0 };
- cfg = ast_config_load(config, config_flags);
- if (!cfg || cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEINVALID) {
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Unable to load TDS config for CELs: %s\n", config);
- return 0;
- } else if (cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEUNCHANGED) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!ast_variable_browse(cfg, "global")) {
- /* nothing configured */
- ast_config_destroy(cfg);
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "cel_tds has no global category, nothing to configure.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- ast_mutex_lock(&tds_lock);
- /* Clear out any existing settings */
- ast_string_field_init(settings, 0);
- ptr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", "connection");
- if (ptr) {
- ast_string_field_set(settings, connection, ptr);
- } else {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to connect: Database connection name not specified.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- ptr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", "dbname");
- if (ptr) {
- ast_string_field_set(settings, database, ptr);
- } else {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to connect: Database dbname not specified.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- ptr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", "user");
- if (ptr) {
- ast_string_field_set(settings, username, ptr);
- } else {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to connect: Database dbuser not specified.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- ptr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", "password");
- if (ptr) {
- ast_string_field_set(settings, password, ptr);
- } else {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to connect: Database password not specified.\n");
- goto failed;
- }
- ptr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", "charset");
- if (ptr) {
- ast_string_field_set(settings, charset, ptr);
- }
- ptr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", "language");
- if (ptr) {
- ast_string_field_set(settings, language, ptr);
- }
- ptr = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", "table");
- if (ptr) {
- ast_string_field_set(settings, table, ptr);
- } else {
- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Table name not specified, using 'cel' by default.\n");
- ast_string_field_set(settings, table, "cel");
- }
- mssql_disconnect();
- if (mssql_connect()) {
- /* We failed to connect (mssql_connect takes care of logging it) */
- goto failed;
- }
- ast_mutex_unlock(&tds_lock);
- ast_config_destroy(cfg);
- return 1;
- failed:
- ast_mutex_unlock(&tds_lock);
- ast_config_destroy(cfg);
- return 0;
- }
- static int reload(void)
- {
- return tds_load_module(1);
- }
- static int load_module(void)
- {
- if (dbinit() == FAIL) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to initialize FreeTDS db-lib\n");
- }
- dberrhandle(tds_error_handler);
- dbmsghandle(tds_message_handler);
- settings = ast_calloc_with_stringfields(1, struct cel_tds_config, 256);
- if (!settings) {
- dbexit();
- }
- if (!tds_load_module(0)) {
- ast_string_field_free_memory(settings);
- ast_free(settings);
- settings = NULL;
- dbexit();
- ast_log(LOG_WARNING,"cel_tds module had config problems; declining load\n");
- }
- /* Register MSSQL CEL handler */
- if (ast_cel_backend_register(TDS_BACKEND_NAME, tds_log)) {
- ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to register MSSQL CEL handling\n");
- ast_string_field_free_memory(settings);
- ast_free(settings);
- settings = NULL;
- dbexit();
- }
- }
- static int unload_module(void)
- {
- return tds_unload_module();
- }
- .load = load_module,
- .unload = unload_module,
- .reload = reload,
- .load_pri = AST_MODPRI_CDR_DRIVER,
- );