vpb.conf.sample 5.8 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; Voicetronix Voice Processing Board (VPB) telephony interface
  3. ;
  4. ; Configuration file
  5. ;
  6. [general]
  7. ;
  8. ; Total number of Voicetronix cards in this machine
  9. ;
  10. cards=0
  11. ;
  12. ; Which indication functions to use
  13. ; 1 = use Asterisk functions
  14. ; 0 = use VPB functions
  15. ;
  16. indication=1
  17. ;
  18. ; Echo Canceller suppression threshold
  19. ; 0 = no suppression threshold
  20. ; 2048 = -18dB
  21. ; 4096 = -24dB
  22. ;
  23. ;ecsuppthres=0
  24. ;
  25. ; Inter-digit delay timeout, used when collecting DTMF tones for dialling
  26. ; from a station port. Measured in milliseconds.
  27. ;
  28. dtmfidd=3000
  29. ;
  30. ; How to play DTMF tones
  31. ; any value = use Asterisk functions
  32. ; commented out = use VPB functions
  33. ;
  34. ;ast-dtmf=1
  35. ;
  36. ; How to detect DTMF tones
  37. ; any value = use Asterisk functions
  38. ; commented out = use VPB functions
  39. ;
  40. ; NOTE: this setting is currently broken, and uncommenting it will
  41. ; stop dialling from working. Any volunteers to fix it?
  42. ;ast-dtmf-det=1
  43. ;
  44. ; Use relaxed DTMF detection (ignored unless ast-dtmf-det is set)
  45. ;
  46. relaxdtmf=1
  47. ;
  48. ; When we do a native bridge between two VPB channels:
  49. ; yes = only break the connection for '#' and '*'
  50. ; no = break the connection for any DTMF
  51. ;
  52. ; NOTE: this is currently broken, and setting to no will segfault
  53. ; Asterisk while dialling. Any volunteers to fix it?
  54. ;
  55. break-for-dtmf=yes
  56. ;
  57. ; The maximum period between received rings. Measures in milliseconds.
  58. ;
  59. timer_period_ring=4000
  60. [interfaces]
  61. ;
  62. ; Default language
  63. ;
  64. language=en
  65. ;
  66. ; Default context
  67. ;
  68. context=public
  69. ;
  70. ; Echo cancellation
  71. ; off = no not use echo cancellation
  72. ; on = use echo cancellation
  73. ;
  74. echocancel=off
  75. ;
  76. ; Caller ID routines/signalling
  77. ; For FXO ports, select one of:
  78. ; on = collect caller ID between 1st/2nd rings using VPB routines
  79. ; off = do not use caller ID
  80. ; bell = bell202 as used in US, using Asterisk's caller ID routines
  81. ; v23 = v23 as used in the UK, using Asterisk's caller ID routines
  82. ; For FXS ports, set the channel's CID in '"name" <number>' format
  83. ;
  84. ; NOTE that other caller ID standards are supported in Asterisk, but are
  85. ; not yet active in chan_vpb. It should be reasonably trivial to add
  86. ; support for the other standards (see the default chan_dahdi.conf for a
  87. ; list of them) that Asterisk already handles.
  88. ;
  89. callerid=bell
  90. ;
  91. ; Use a polarity reversal as the trigger for the start of caller ID,
  92. ; rather than triggering after the first ring.
  93. ;
  94. usepolaritycid=0
  95. ;
  96. ; Use loop drop to detect the end of a call. On by default, but if you
  97. ; experience unexpected hangups, try turning it off.
  98. ;
  99. useloopdrop=1
  100. ;
  101. ; Use in-kernel bridging. This will generally give lower delay audio if
  102. ; bridging between two VPB channels. It will not affect bridging
  103. ; between VPB channels and other technologies.
  104. ;
  105. usenativebridge=1
  106. ;
  107. ; Software transmit and receive gain. Adjusting these will change the
  108. ; volume of audio files that are played (tx) and recorded (rx). It will
  109. ; _not_ affect audio between channels in a native bridge. It will,
  110. ; however, affect the volume of audio between VPB channels and channels
  111. ; using other technologies (such as VoIP channels). Usually it's best to
  112. ; leave these as they are. If you're looking to get rid of echo, the
  113. ; first thing to do is match your line impedance with the bal1/bal2/bal3
  114. ; settings.
  115. ;
  116. ;txgain=0.0
  117. ;rxgain=0.0
  118. ;
  119. ; Hardware transmit and receive gain. Adjusting these will change the
  120. ; volume of all audio on a channel. The allowed range of settings is
  121. ; -12.0 to 12.0 (measured in dB).
  122. ;
  123. ;txhwgain=0.0
  124. ;rxhwgain=0.0
  125. ;
  126. ; Balance register settings, for matching the impedance of the card to
  127. ; that of the connected equipment. Only relevant for OpenLine and
  128. ; OpenSwitch series cards. Values should be in the range 0 - 255.
  129. ;
  130. ; We (Voicetronix) have determined the best codec balance values for
  131. ; standard interfaces based on their US, Australian and European
  132. ; specifications, shown below.
  133. ;
  134. ; US (600 ohm)
  135. ;bal1=0xf8
  136. ;bal2=0x1a
  137. ;bal3=0x0c
  138. ;
  139. ; Australia (complex impedance)
  140. ;bal1=0xf0
  141. ;bal2=0x5d
  142. ;bal3=0x79
  143. ;
  144. ; Europe (CTR-21)
  145. ;bal1=0xf0
  146. ;bal2=0x6e
  147. ;bal3=0x75
  148. ;
  149. ; Logical groups can be assigned to allow outgoing rollover. Groups range
  150. ; from 0 to 63, and multiple groups can be specified.
  151. ;
  152. group=1
  153. ;
  154. ; Ring groups (a.k.a. call groups) and pickup groups. If a phone is
  155. ; ringing and it is a member of a group which is one of your pickup
  156. ; groups, then you can answer it by picking up and dialling *8#. For
  157. ; simple offices, just make these both the same. Groups range from 0 to
  158. ; 63.
  159. ;
  160. callgroup=1
  161. pickupgroup=1
  162. ;
  163. ; If we haven't had a "grunt" (voice activity detection) for this many
  164. ; seconds, then we hang up the line due to inactivity. Default is one
  165. ; hour.
  166. ;
  167. grunttimeout=3600
  168. ;
  169. ; Type of line and line handling. This setting will usually be overridden
  170. ; on a per channel basis. Valid settings are:
  171. ; fxo = this is an FXO port
  172. ; immediate = this is an FXS port, with no dialtone or dialling
  173. ; required (ie it is a "hotline")
  174. ; dialtone = this is an FXS port, providing dialtone and dialling
  175. ;
  176. mode=immediate
  177. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. ; Channel definitions
  179. ;
  180. ; Each channel inherits the settings specified above, unless the are
  181. ; overridden. As a minimum, the board number and channel number must be
  182. ; set, starting from 0 for the first board, and for the channels on each
  183. ; board. For example, board 0, channels 0 to 11, then board 1, channels
  184. ; 0 to 11 for two OpenSwitch12 cards.
  185. ;
  186. ;
  187. ; First board is an OpenSwitch12 card (jumpers at factory defaults)
  188. ;
  189. ;board=0
  190. ;
  191. ;mode=dialtone
  192. ;context=from-handset
  193. ;group=1
  194. ;channel=0
  195. ;channel=1
  196. ;channel=2
  197. ;channel=3
  198. ;channel=4
  199. ;channel=5
  200. ;channel=6
  201. ;channel=7
  202. ;
  203. ;mode=fxo
  204. ;context=from-pstn
  205. ;group=2
  206. ;channel=8
  207. ;channel=9
  208. ;channel=10
  209. ;channel=11
  210. ;
  211. ; Second board is an OpenLine4
  212. ;
  213. ;board=1
  214. ;
  215. ;mode=fxo
  216. ;group=2
  217. ;context=from-pstn
  218. ;channel=0
  219. ;channel=1
  220. ;channel=2
  221. ;channel=3