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  33. Created by <span class='author'> wikibot</span> on Aug 08, 2014
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  36. <h1 id="Asterisk13Application_Queue-Queue()">Queue()</h1>
  37. <h3 id="Asterisk13Application_Queue-Synopsis">Synopsis</h3>
  38. <p>Queue a call for a call queue.</p>
  39. <h3 id="Asterisk13Application_Queue-Description">Description</h3>
  40. <p>In addition to transferring the call, a call may be parked and then picked up by another user.</p>
  41. <p>This application will return to the dialplan if the queue does not exist, or any of the join options cause the caller to not enter the queue.</p>
  42. <p>This application does not automatically answer and should be preceeded by an application such as Answer(), Progress(), or Ringing().</p>
  43. <p>This application sets the following channel variable upon completion:</p>
  44. <ul>
  45. <li><code>QUEUESTATUS</code> - The status of the call as a text string.
  46. <ul>
  47. <li>TIMEOUT</li>
  48. <li>FULL</li>
  49. <li>JOINEMPTY</li>
  50. <li>LEAVEEMPTY</li>
  51. <li>JOINUNAVAIL</li>
  52. <li>LEAVEUNAVAIL</li>
  53. <li>CONTINUE</li>
  54. </ul>
  55. </li>
  56. </ul>
  57. <h3 id="Asterisk13Application_Queue-Syntax">Syntax</h3>
  58. <div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
  59. <pre>Queue(queuename,[options,[URL,[announceoverride,[timeout,[AGI,[macro,[gosub,[rule,[position]]]]]]]]])</pre>
  60. </div></div>
  61. <h5 id="Asterisk13Application_Queue-Arguments">Arguments</h5>
  62. <ul>
  63. <li><code>queuename</code></li>
  64. <li><code>options</code>
  65. <ul>
  66. <li><code>C</code> - Mark all calls as &quot;answered elsewhere&quot; when cancelled.</li>
  67. <li><code>c</code> - Continue in the dialplan if the callee hangs up.</li>
  68. <li><code>d</code> - data-quality (modem) call (minimum delay).</li>
  69. <li><code>F</code> - When the caller hangs up, transfer the <strong>called member</strong> to the specified destination and <strong>start</strong> execution at that location.
  70. <ul>
  71. <li><code>context</code></li>
  72. <li><code>exten</code></li>
  73. <li><code>priority</code></li>
  74. </ul>
  75. </li>
  76. <li><code>F</code> - When the caller hangs up, transfer the <strong>called member</strong> to the next priority of the current extension and <strong>start</strong> execution at that location.</li>
  77. <li><code>h</code> - Allow <strong>callee</strong> to hang up by pressing <code>*</code>.</li>
  78. <li><code>H</code> - Allow <strong>caller</strong> to hang up by pressing <code>*</code>.</li>
  79. <li><code>n</code> - No retries on the timeout; will exit this application and go to the next step.</li>
  80. <li><code>i</code> - Ignore call forward requests from queue members and do nothing when they are requested.</li>
  81. <li><code>I</code> - Asterisk will ignore any connected line update requests or any redirecting party update requests it may receive on this dial attempt.</li>
  82. <li><code>r</code> - Ring instead of playing MOH. Periodic Announcements are still made, if applicable.</li>
  83. <li><code>R</code> - Ring instead of playing MOH when a member channel is actually ringing.</li>
  84. <li><code>t</code> - Allow the <strong>called</strong> user to transfer the calling user.</li>
  85. <li><code>T</code> - Allow the <strong>calling</strong> user to transfer the call.</li>
  86. <li><code>w</code> - Allow the <strong>called</strong> user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor.</li>
  87. <li><code>W</code> - Allow the <strong>calling</strong> user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor.</li>
  88. <li><code>k</code> - Allow the <strong>called</strong> party to enable parking of the call by sending the DTMF sequence defined for call parking in <code>features.conf</code>.</li>
  89. <li><code>K</code> - Allow the <strong>calling</strong> party to enable parking of the call by sending the DTMF sequence defined for call parking in <code>features.conf</code>.</li>
  90. <li><code>x</code> - Allow the <strong>called</strong> user to write the conversation to disk via MixMonitor.</li>
  91. <li><code>X</code> - Allow the <strong>calling</strong> user to write the conversation to disk via MixMonitor.</li>
  92. </ul>
  93. </li>
  94. <li><code>URL</code> - URL will be sent to the called party if the channel supports it.</li>
  95. <li><code>announceoverride</code></li>
  96. <li><code>timeout</code> - Will cause the queue to fail out after a specified number of seconds, checked between each <code>queues.conf</code> <em>timeout</em> and <em>retry</em> cycle.</li>
  97. <li><code>AGI</code> - Will setup an AGI script to be executed on the calling party's channel once they are connected to a queue member.</li>
  98. <li><code>macro</code> - Will run a macro on the called party's channel (the queue member) once the parties are connected.</li>
  99. <li><code>gosub</code> - Will run a gosub on the called party's channel (the queue member) once the parties are connected.</li>
  100. <li><code>rule</code> - Will cause the queue's defaultrule to be overridden by the rule specified.</li>
  101. <li><code>position</code> - Attempt to enter the caller into the queue at the numerical position specified. <code>1</code> would attempt to enter the caller at the head of the queue, and <code>3</code> would attempt to place the caller third in the queue.</li>
  102. </ul>
  103. <h3 id="Asterisk13Application_Queue-SeeAlso">See Also</h3>
  104. <ul>
  105. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Application_Queue_29394417.html">Asterisk 13 Application_Queue</a></li>
  106. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Application_QueueLog_29394422.html">Asterisk 13 Application_QueueLog</a></li>
  107. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Application_AddQueueMember_29394418.html">Asterisk 13 Application_AddQueueMember</a></li>
  108. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Application_RemoveQueueMember_29394419.html">Asterisk 13 Application_RemoveQueueMember</a></li>
  109. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Application_PauseQueueMember_29394420.html">Asterisk 13 Application_PauseQueueMember</a></li>
  110. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Application_UnpauseQueueMember_29394421.html">Asterisk 13 Application_UnpauseQueueMember</a></li>
  111. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Function_QUEUE_VARIABLES_29394423.html">Asterisk 13 Function_QUEUE_VARIABLES</a></li>
  112. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Function_QUEUE_MEMBER_29394424.html">Asterisk 13 Function_QUEUE_MEMBER</a></li>
  113. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Function_QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT_29394425.html">Asterisk 13 Function_QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT</a></li>
  114. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Function_QUEUE_EXISTS_29394426.html">Asterisk 13 Function_QUEUE_EXISTS</a></li>
  115. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Function_QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT_29394427.html">Asterisk 13 Function_QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT</a></li>
  116. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Function_QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST_29394428.html">Asterisk 13 Function_QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST</a></li>
  117. <li><a href="Asterisk-13-Function_QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY_29394429.html">Asterisk 13 Function_QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY</a></li>
  118. </ul>
  119. <h3 id="Asterisk13Application_Queue-ImportVersion">Import Version</h3>
  120. <p>This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538</p>
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  125. <p>Document generated by Confluence on Aug 11, 2014 13:45</p>
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