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  33. Created by <span class='author'> wikibot</span> on Aug 08, 2014
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  36. <h1 id="Asterisk13Function_DENOISE-DENOISE()">DENOISE()</h1>
  37. <h3 id="Asterisk13Function_DENOISE-Synopsis">Synopsis</h3>
  38. <p>Apply noise reduction to audio on a channel.</p>
  39. <h3 id="Asterisk13Function_DENOISE-Description">Description</h3>
  40. <p>The DENOISE function will apply noise reduction to audio on the channel that it is executed on. It is very useful for noisy analog lines, especially when adjusting gains or using AGC. Use <code>rx</code> for audio received from the channel and <code>tx</code> to apply the filter to the audio being sent to the channel.</p>
  41. <p>Examples:</p>
  42. <p>exten =&gt; 1,1,Set(DENOISE(rx)=on)</p>
  43. <p>exten =&gt; 1,2,Set(DENOISE(tx)=off)</p>
  44. <h3 id="Asterisk13Function_DENOISE-Syntax">Syntax</h3>
  45. <div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
  46. <pre>DENOISE(channeldirection)</pre>
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  48. <h5 id="Asterisk13Function_DENOISE-Arguments">Arguments</h5>
  49. <ul>
  50. <li><code>channeldirection</code> - This can be either <code>rx</code> or <code>tx</code> the values that can be set to this are either <code>on</code> and <code>off</code></li>
  51. </ul>
  52. <h3 id="Asterisk13Function_DENOISE-SeeAlso">See Also</h3>
  53. <h3 id="Asterisk13Function_DENOISE-ImportVersion">Import Version</h3>
  54. <p>This documentation was imported from Asterisk Version SVN-branch-13-r420538</p>
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  59. <p>Document generated by Confluence on Aug 11, 2014 13:46</p>
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