stasis.conf.sample 4.9 KB

  1. [threadpool]
  2. ;initial_size = 5 ; Initial size of the threadpool.
  3. ; ; 0 means the threadpool has no threads initially
  4. ; ; until a task needs a thread.
  5. ;idle_timeout_sec = 20 ; Number of seconds a thread should be idle before
  6. ; ; dying. 0 means threads never time out.
  7. ;max_size = 50 ; Maximum number of threads in the Stasis threadpool.
  8. ; ; 0 means no limit to the number of threads in the
  9. ; ; threadpool.
  10. [declined_message_types]
  11. ; This config section contains the names of message types that should be prevented
  12. ; from being created. By default, all message types are allowed to be created.
  13. ;
  14. ; Using this functionality requires knowledge of the names of internal stasis
  15. ; message types which is generally the same as the name of the accessor function.
  16. ;
  17. ; Use of this functionality may break more complex functionality in Asterisk
  18. ; such as CEL, CDR, transfers, etc. and will likely cause related messages in ARI
  19. ; and AMI to go missing.
  20. ; decline=stasis_app_recording_snapshot_type
  21. ; decline=stasis_app_playback_snapshot_type
  22. ; decline=stasis_test_message_type
  23. ; decline=confbridge_start_type
  24. ; decline=confbridge_end_type
  25. ; decline=confbridge_join_type
  26. ; decline=confbridge_leave_type
  27. ; decline=confbridge_start_record_type
  28. ; decline=confbridge_stop_record_type
  29. ; decline=confbridge_mute_type
  30. ; decline=confbridge_unmute_type
  31. ; decline=confbridge_talking_type
  32. ; decline=cel_generic_type
  33. ; decline=ast_bridge_snapshot_type
  34. ; decline=ast_bridge_merge_message_type
  35. ; decline=ast_channel_entered_bridge_type
  36. ; decline=ast_channel_left_bridge_type
  37. ; decline=ast_blind_transfer_type
  38. ; decline=ast_attended_transfer_type
  39. ; decline=ast_endpoint_snapshot_type
  40. ; decline=ast_endpoint_state_type
  41. ; decline=ast_device_state_message_type
  42. ; decline=ast_test_suite_message_type
  43. ; decline=ast_mwi_state_type
  44. ; decline=ast_mwi_vm_app_type
  45. ; decline=ast_format_register_type
  46. ; decline=ast_format_unregister_type
  47. ; decline=ast_manager_get_generic_type
  48. ; decline=ast_parked_call_type
  49. ; decline=ast_channel_snapshot_type
  50. ; decline=ast_channel_dial_type
  51. ; decline=ast_channel_varset_type
  52. ; decline=ast_channel_hangup_request_type
  53. ; decline=ast_channel_dtmf_begin_type
  54. ; decline=ast_channel_dtmf_end_type
  55. ; decline=ast_channel_hold_type
  56. ; decline=ast_channel_unhold_type
  57. ; decline=ast_channel_chanspy_start_type
  58. ; decline=ast_channel_chanspy_stop_type
  59. ; decline=ast_channel_fax_type
  60. ; decline=ast_channel_hangup_handler_type
  61. ; decline=ast_channel_moh_start_type
  62. ; decline=ast_channel_moh_stop_type
  63. ; decline=ast_channel_monitor_start_type
  64. ; decline=ast_channel_monitor_stop_type
  65. ; decline=ast_channel_agent_login_type
  66. ; decline=ast_channel_agent_logoff_type
  67. ; decline=ast_channel_talking_start
  68. ; decline=ast_channel_talking_stop
  69. ; decline=ast_security_event_type
  70. ; decline=ast_named_acl_change_type
  71. ; decline=ast_local_bridge_type
  72. ; decline=ast_local_optimization_begin_type
  73. ; decline=ast_local_optimization_end_type
  74. ; decline=stasis_subscription_change_type
  75. ; decline=ast_multi_user_event_type
  76. ; decline=stasis_cache_clear_type
  77. ; decline=stasis_cache_update_type
  78. ; decline=ast_network_change_type
  79. ; decline=ast_system_registry_type
  80. ; decline=ast_cc_available_type
  81. ; decline=ast_cc_offertimerstart_type
  82. ; decline=ast_cc_requested_type
  83. ; decline=ast_cc_requestacknowledged_type
  84. ; decline=ast_cc_callerstopmonitoring_type
  85. ; decline=ast_cc_callerstartmonitoring_type
  86. ; decline=ast_cc_callerrecalling_type
  87. ; decline=ast_cc_recallcomplete_type
  88. ; decline=ast_cc_failure_type
  89. ; decline=ast_cc_monitorfailed_type
  90. ; decline=ast_presence_state_message_type
  91. ; decline=ast_rtp_rtcp_sent_type
  92. ; decline=ast_rtp_rtcp_received_type
  93. ; decline=ast_call_pickup_type
  94. ; decline=aoc_s_type
  95. ; decline=aoc_d_type
  96. ; decline=aoc_e_type
  97. ; decline=dahdichannel_type
  98. ; decline=mcid_type
  99. ; decline=session_timeout_type
  100. ; decline=cdr_read_message_type
  101. ; decline=cdr_write_message_type
  102. ; decline=cdr_prop_write_message_type
  103. ; decline=corosync_ping_message_type
  104. ; decline=agi_exec_start_type
  105. ; decline=agi_exec_end_type
  106. ; decline=agi_async_start_type
  107. ; decline=agi_async_exec_type
  108. ; decline=agi_async_end_type
  109. ; decline=queue_caller_join_type
  110. ; decline=queue_caller_leave_type
  111. ; decline=queue_caller_abandon_type
  112. ; decline=queue_member_status_type
  113. ; decline=queue_member_added_type
  114. ; decline=queue_member_removed_type
  115. ; decline=queue_member_pause_type
  116. ; decline=queue_member_penalty_type
  117. ; decline=queue_member_ringinuse_type
  118. ; decline=queue_agent_called_type
  119. ; decline=queue_agent_connect_type
  120. ; decline=queue_agent_complete_type
  121. ; decline=queue_agent_dump_type
  122. ; decline=queue_agent_ringnoanswer_type
  123. ; decline=meetme_join_type
  124. ; decline=meetme_leave_type
  125. ; decline=meetme_end_type
  126. ; decline=meetme_mute_type
  127. ; decline=meetme_talking_type
  128. ; decline=meetme_talk_request_type
  129. ; decline=appcdr_message_type
  130. ; decline=forkcdr_message_type
  131. ; decline=cdr_sync_message_type