telemarket_torture.ael2 27 KB

  1. //
  3. // (What better testing ground than on telemarketers?)
  4. //
  5. // BAD DESIGN: long, boring introductions followed by long, drawn out menus of choices.
  6. // if they survive to the last option, how will they remember the choices?
  7. //
  8. // BAD DESIGN: Amateur Recording. Poor voice quality, too quiet.
  9. // Also, the announcer is definitely not vocally gifted.
  10. // Also, the long pauses and clicks between the intro
  11. // and menu choices might lead some to think that
  12. // the announcements are over, and hang up. Too bad!
  13. // WORSE DESIGN: Instead of using the Background application, the Playback
  14. // application is used. After taking so much time and trouble
  15. // to record this material, the caller must listen and enjoy
  16. // every syllable before they can make an option choice. None
  17. // of that interrupting with a choice. We want them to savour
  18. // every word!
  22. context telemarket {
  23. s => {
  24. begin:
  25. Playback(telemarketer-intro); // ; Script:
  26. // Due to the extremely high volume of calls from everything from telemarketers
  27. // to Septic System Bacteria vendors, we are asking all such organizations
  28. // to remove this number from their call list, or as need be, to add this
  29. // number to their No-Call list, whichever is relevent.
  30. // [THE CARROT:]
  31. // We HAVE made some exceptions, and if you wish to see if your organization
  32. // has been exempted, please listen to and follow the following prompts.
  33. //
  34. // Otherwise, please Cease calling this number!
  35. //
  36. Playback(telemarketer-choices);
  37. // if you represent a charitable organization, please dial 1,
  38. // if you represent a political organization, please dial 2.
  39. // if you represent a polling company, please dial 3,
  40. // if you represent a market research organization, please dial 4.
  41. // if you represent a magazine or newsletter, please dial 5.
  42. // if you represent a commercial organization, please dial 6.
  43. }
  44. 1 => goto telemarket-charity|s|begin;
  45. 2 => goto telemarket-political|s|begin;
  46. 3 => goto telemarket-pollster|s|begin;
  47. 4 => goto telemarket-research|s|begin;
  48. 5 => goto telemarket-magazine|s|begin;
  49. 6 => goto telemarket-commercial|s|begin;
  50. 7 => goto telemarket-other|s|begin;
  51. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  52. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  53. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  54. }
  55. context telemarket-charity {
  56. s => {
  57. begin:
  58. Playback(telemark-charity-intro);
  59. // We have contributed generously to many worthy causes in the past, and will
  60. // continue to do so in the future. But we suspect that such organizatons
  61. // have sold our name and phone number to each other until we are now hounded
  62. // day and night by literally hundreds of such organizations.
  63. // Enough is Enough!
  64. //
  65. // If we have contributed to your cause in the past, we may, perhaps, be disposed to
  66. // do so in the future, at our option,
  67. // we give no pledges nor make any commitments here.
  68. // Send us material via the post if you feel this necessary
  69. // but do not even consider email. Any email or further phone calls from your organization
  70. // in the future, will be considered an act of aggression, and we will
  71. // blacklist your organization for the rest of our natural lives.
  72. //
  73. // To see if your organization is exempt from these prohibitions, please
  74. // comply with the following options.
  75. Playback(telemark-charity-choices);
  76. // If your organization is disease or genetic defect related, dial 1,
  77. // If your organization is handicap related, dial 2.
  78. // If your organization is a police or fireman or other similar support entity, please dial 3.
  79. // If your organization is a grade school to high school related
  80. // fund raiser or other type of activity, please dial 4.
  81. // If your organization is a college or univerity or alumnis organization, please dial 5.
  82. // If your organization is animal rights or ecology related organization, please dial 6.
  83. // If your organization is a political action or candidate support related, please dial 7.
  84. // If your organization is a substance abuse related organization or cause, please dial 8.
  85. // And any other charity or tax exempt organization should dial 9.
  86. }
  87. 1 => goto telemarket-char-disease|s|begin;
  88. 2 => goto telemarket-char-handicap|s|begin;
  89. 3 => goto telemarket-char-police|s|begin;
  90. 4 => goto telemarket-char-school|s|begin;
  91. 5 => goto telemarket-char-college|s|begin;
  92. 6 => goto telemarket-char-animal|s|begin;
  93. 7 => goto telemarket-char-candidate|s|begin;
  94. 8 => goto telemarket-char-abuse|s|begin;
  95. 9 => goto telemarket-char-other|s|begin;
  96. // BAD DESIGN: referring all timeouts,invalid choices, etc, back to the root of the menu tree will frustrate users no end!
  97. // WORSE DESIGN: How about having the user have to push a button to repeat the current menu? When a time out could just
  98. // automatically do it for the user?
  99. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  100. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  101. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  102. }
  103. context telemarket-char-disease {
  104. s => {
  105. begin:
  106. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  107. }
  108. }
  109. context telemarket-char-handicap {
  110. s => {
  111. begin:
  112. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  113. }
  114. }
  115. context telemarket-char-police {
  116. s => {
  117. begin:
  118. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  119. }
  120. }
  121. context telemarket-char-school {
  122. s => {
  123. begin:
  124. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  125. }
  126. }
  127. context telemarket-char-college {
  128. s => {
  129. begin:
  130. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  131. }
  132. }
  133. context telemarket-char-animal {
  134. s => {
  135. begin:
  136. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  137. }
  138. }
  139. context telemarket-char-candidate {
  140. s => {
  141. begin:
  142. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  143. }
  144. }
  145. context telemarket-char-abuse {
  146. s => {
  147. begin:
  148. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  149. }
  150. }
  151. context telemarket-char-other {
  152. s => {
  153. begin:
  154. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  155. }
  156. }
  157. context telemarket-sorry {
  158. s => {
  159. begin:
  160. Playback(telemarket-sorry);
  161. // Sorry -- your organization is not exempt. Please stop calling us.
  162. // Thank you. goodbye.
  163. Hangup();
  164. }
  165. }
  166. // BAD DESIGN: Hanging up on your audience, no matter what the outcome, is not a nice thing to do!
  167. context telemarket-exception {
  168. s => {
  169. begin:
  170. Playback(telemarket-success);
  171. // Congratulations. Your organization IS exempt. Please call us back,
  172. // but this time, just act like a normal caller. Thank you. Goodbye.
  173. Hangup();
  174. }
  175. }
  176. // BAD DESIGN: Making long cascading menu choices is a nasty thing to do to callers!
  177. // BAD DESIGN: Putting the most frequently encountered items at the end of a list is also a nasty thing to do!
  178. // GOOD DESIGN: All rejection notices use a single context. All Acceptance also. To change a rejection to an
  179. // acceptance, just change the reference from telemarket-sorry to telemarket-exception
  180. context telemarket-political {
  181. s => {
  182. begin:
  183. Playback(telemark-polit-intro);
  184. // To see if your organization is exempt from our prohibitions,
  185. // please follow the following prompts.
  186. // please note that they are not in alphabetical order, and you will have to
  187. // give them your full attention.
  188. Playback(telemark-polit-choices);
  189. // if You represent the America First Party, dial 1.
  190. // if You represent the American Party, dial 2.
  191. // if You represent the American Heritage Party, dial 3.
  192. // if You represent the American Independent Party, dial 4.
  193. // if You represent the American Nazi Party, dial 5.
  194. // if You represent the Pot Party, dial 6.
  195. // if You represent the American Reform Party, dial 7.
  196. // if You represent the Christian Falenqist Party of America, dial 8.
  197. // all others, please dial 9.
  198. }
  199. 1 => goto telemarket-poli-Am1st|s|begin;
  200. 2 => goto telemarket-poli-American|s|begin;
  201. 3 => goto telemarket-poli-AmHer|s|begin;
  202. 4 => goto telemarket-poli-AmInd|s|begin;
  203. 5 => goto telemarket-poli-AmNaz|s|begin;
  204. 6 => goto telemarket-poli-Pot|s|begin;
  205. 7 => goto telemarket-poli-AmRef|s|begin;
  206. 8 => goto telemarket-poli-CFP|s|begin;
  207. 9 => goto telemarket-political2|s|begin;
  208. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  209. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  210. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  211. }
  212. context telemarket-political2 {
  213. s => {
  214. begin:
  215. Playback(telemark-politx-intro);
  216. // Thank you for your patience, and I congratulate you for your persistence.
  217. // Just a few more options!
  218. //
  219. Playback(telemark-polit2-choices);
  220. // if You represent the Communist Party USA, dial 1.
  221. // if You represent the Constitution Party, dial 2.
  222. // if You represent the Family Values Party, dial 3.
  223. // if You represent the Freedom Socialist Party, dial 4.
  224. // if You represent the Grass Roots Party, dial 5.
  225. // if You represent the Green Party, dial 6.
  226. // if You represent the Greens Party, dial 7.
  227. // if You represent the Independence Party, dial 8.
  228. // all others, goto 9.
  229. }
  230. 1 => goto telemarket-poli-Communist|s|begin;
  231. 2 => goto telemarket-poli-Constit|s|begin;
  232. 3 => goto telemarket-poli-FamVal|s|begin;
  233. 4 => goto telemarket-poli-FreedSoc|s|begin;
  234. 5 => goto telemarket-poli-Grassroot|s|begin;
  235. 6 => goto telemarket-poli-Green|s|begin;
  236. 7 => goto telemarket-poli-Greens|s|begin;
  237. 8 => goto telemarket-poli-Independence|s|begin;
  238. 9 => goto telemarket-political3|s|begin;
  239. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  240. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  241. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  242. }
  243. context telemarket-political3 {
  244. s => {
  245. begin:
  246. Playback(telemark-politx-intro);
  247. Playback(telemark-polit3-choices);
  248. // if You represent the Independant American Party, dial 1.
  249. // if You represent the Labor Party, dial 2.
  250. // if You represent the Libertarian Party, dial 3.
  251. // if You represent the Light Party, dial 4.
  252. // if You represent the Natural Law Party, dial 5.
  253. // if You represent the New Party, dial 6.
  254. // if You represent the New Union Party, dial 7.
  255. // if You represent the Peace and Freedom Party, dial 8.
  256. // all others, hang on, dial 9.
  257. }
  258. 1 => goto telemarket-poli-IndAm|s|begin;
  259. 2 => goto telemarket-poli-Labor|s|begin;
  260. 3 => goto telemarket-poli-Liber|s|begin;
  261. 4 => goto telemarket-poli-Light|s|begin;
  262. 5 => goto telemarket-poli-NatLaw|s|begin;
  263. 6 => goto telemarket-poli-New|s|begin;
  264. 7 => goto telemarket-poli-NewUn|s|begin;
  265. 8 => goto telemarket-poli-PeaceFree|s|begin;
  266. 9 => goto telemarket-political4|s|begin;
  267. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  268. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  269. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  270. }
  271. context telemarket-political4 {
  272. s => {
  273. begin:
  274. Playback(telemark-politx-intro);
  275. Playback(telemark-polit4-choices);
  276. // if You represent the Prohibition Party, dial 1.
  277. // if You represent the Reform Party, dial 2.
  278. // if You represent the Revolution , dial 3.
  279. // if You represent the Socialist Party USA, dial 4.
  280. // if You represent the Socialist Action Party, dial 5.
  281. // if You represent the Socialist Equality Party, dial 6.
  282. // if You represent the Socialist Labor Party, dial 7.
  283. // if You represent the Socialist Workers Party, dial 8.
  284. // all others, hang on, and dial 9.
  285. }
  286. 1 => goto telemarket-poli-Prohib|s|begin;
  287. 2 => goto telemarket-poli-Ref|s|begin;
  288. 3 => goto telemarket-poli-Revol|s|begin;
  289. 4 => goto telemarket-poli-SocPart|s|begin;
  290. 5 => goto telemarket-poli-SocAct|s|begin;
  291. 6 => goto telemarket-poli-SocEq|s|begin;
  292. 7 => goto telemarket-poli-SocLab|s|begin;
  293. 8 => goto telemarket-poli-SocWork|s|begin;
  294. 9 => goto telemarket-political5|s|begin;
  295. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  296. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  297. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  298. }
  299. context telemarket-political5 {
  300. s => {
  301. begin:
  302. Playback(telemark-politx-intro);
  303. Playback(telemark-polit5-choices);
  304. // if You represent the Southern Party, dial 1.
  305. // if You represent the Southern Independence Party, dial 2.
  306. // if You represent the US Pacifist Party, dial 3.
  307. // if You represent the We the People Party, dial 4.
  308. // if You represent the Workers World Party, dial 5.
  309. // if You represent the Democratic Party, dial 6.
  310. // if You represent the Republican Party, dial 7.
  311. // all others, may dial 8.
  312. }
  313. 1 => goto telemarket-poli-South|s|begin;
  314. 2 => goto telemarket-poli-SoInd|s|begin;
  315. 3 => goto telemarket-poli-USPac|s|begin;
  316. 4 => goto telemarket-poli-WTP|s|begin;
  317. 5 => goto telemarket-poli-WWP|s|begin;
  318. 6 => goto telemarket-poli-Democrat|s|begin;
  319. 7 => goto telemarket-poli-Repub|s|begin;
  320. 8 => goto telemarket-poli-other|s|begin;
  321. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  322. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  323. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  324. }
  325. context telemarket-poli-other {
  326. s => {
  327. begin:
  328. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  329. }
  330. }
  331. context telemarket-poli-Repub {
  332. s => {
  333. begin:
  334. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  335. }
  336. }
  337. context telemarket-poli-Democrat {
  338. s => {
  339. begin:
  340. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  341. }
  342. }
  343. context telemarket-poli-WWP {
  344. s => {
  345. begin:
  346. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  347. }
  348. }
  349. context telemarket-poli-WTP {
  350. s => {
  351. begin:
  352. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  353. }
  354. }
  355. context telemarket-poli-USPac {
  356. s => {
  357. begin:
  358. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  359. }
  360. }
  361. context telemarket-poli-SoInd {
  362. s => {
  363. begin:
  364. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  365. }
  366. }
  367. context telemarket-poli-South {
  368. s => {
  369. begin:
  370. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  371. }
  372. }
  373. context telemarket-poli-SocWork {
  374. s => {
  375. begin:
  376. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  377. }
  378. }
  379. context telemarket-poli-SocLab {
  380. s => {
  381. begin:
  382. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  383. }
  384. }
  385. context telemarket-poli-SocEq {
  386. s => {
  387. begin:
  388. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  389. }
  390. }
  391. context telemarket-poli-SocAct {
  392. s => {
  393. begin:
  394. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  395. }
  396. }
  397. context telemarket-poli-SocPart {
  398. s => {
  399. begin:
  400. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  401. }
  402. }
  403. context telemarket-poli-Revol {
  404. s => {
  405. begin:
  406. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  407. }
  408. }
  409. context telemarket-poli-Ref {
  410. s => {
  411. begin:
  412. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  413. }
  414. }
  415. context telemarket-poli-Prohib {
  416. s => {
  417. begin:
  418. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  419. }
  420. }
  421. context telemarket-poli-PeaceFree {
  422. s => {
  423. begin:
  424. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  425. }
  426. }
  427. context telemarket-poli-NewUn {
  428. s => {
  429. begin:
  430. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  431. }
  432. }
  433. context telemarket-poli-New {
  434. s => {
  435. begin:
  436. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  437. }
  438. }
  439. context telemarket-poli-NatLaw {
  440. s => {
  441. begin:
  442. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  443. }
  444. }
  445. context telemarket-poli-Light {
  446. s => {
  447. begin:
  448. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  449. }
  450. }
  451. context telemarket-poli-Liber {
  452. s => {
  453. begin:
  454. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  455. }
  456. }
  457. context telemarket-poli-Labor {
  458. s => {
  459. begin:
  460. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  461. }
  462. }
  463. context telemarket-poli-IndAm {
  464. s => {
  465. begin:
  466. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  467. }
  468. }
  469. context telemarket-poli-Independence {
  470. s => {
  471. begin:
  472. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  473. }
  474. }
  475. context telemarket-poli-Greens {
  476. s => {
  477. begin:
  478. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  479. }
  480. }
  481. context telemarket-poli-Green {
  482. s => {
  483. begin:
  484. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  485. }
  486. }
  487. context telemarket-poli-Grassroot {
  488. s => {
  489. begin:
  490. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  491. }
  492. }
  493. context telemarket-poli-FreedSoc {
  494. s => {
  495. begin:
  496. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  497. }
  498. }
  499. context telemarket-poli-FamVal {
  500. s => {
  501. begin:
  502. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  503. }
  504. }
  505. context telemarket-poli-Constit {
  506. s => {
  507. begin:
  508. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  509. }
  510. }
  511. context telemarket-poli-Communist {
  512. s => {
  513. begin:
  514. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  515. }
  516. }
  517. context telemarket-poli-CFP {
  518. s => {
  519. begin:
  520. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  521. }
  522. }
  523. context telemarket-poli-AmRef {
  524. s => {
  525. begin:
  526. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  527. }
  528. }
  529. // BAD DESIGN: Putting in infinite loops in the menus, whether by design or mistake is not nice!
  530. context telemarket-poli-Pot {
  531. s => {
  532. begin:
  533. goto telemarket-political|s|begin; // will the Pot Party Guys even notice an infinite loop?
  534. }
  535. }
  536. context telemarket-poli-AmNaz {
  537. s => {
  538. begin:
  539. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  540. }
  541. }
  542. context telemarket-poli-AmInd {
  543. s => {
  544. begin:
  545. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  546. }
  547. }
  548. context telemarket-poli-AmHer {
  549. s => {
  550. begin:
  551. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  552. }
  553. }
  554. context telemarket-poli-American {
  555. s => {
  556. begin:
  557. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  558. }
  559. }
  560. context telemarket-poli-Am1st {
  561. s => {
  562. begin:
  563. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  564. }
  565. }
  566. context telemarket-pollster {
  567. s => {
  568. begin:
  569. Playback(telemark-poll-intro);
  570. // I'm sorry-- We are just not available for doing any polling at the moment. So,
  571. // please remove us from your list.
  572. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  573. }
  574. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  575. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  576. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  577. }
  578. context telemarket-research {
  579. s => {
  580. begin:
  581. Playback(telemark-research-intro);
  582. // I'd like to say I'd love to help you with your market survey, but that would be a complete
  583. // and total lie. I am not interested in helping you with Market Surveys.
  584. //
  585. // Please remove me from your call list. It just doesn't pay enough. But Thank you.
  586. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  587. }
  588. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  589. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  590. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  591. }
  592. context telemarket-magazine {
  593. s => {
  594. begin:
  595. Playback(telemark-mag-choices);
  596. // If you are calling to see if I would like a NEW free subscription
  597. // to your magazine or newsletter, please dial 1.
  598. // If you are calling to see if I want to Renew an existing subscription, please dial 2.
  599. // If you are representing some publisher, and want my opinion about something, or are doing
  600. // some kind of survey, please dial 3.
  601. // If you are calling to verify that some previous caller actually called me, and the
  602. // verification information is correct, please dial 4.
  603. // and if your call purpose doesn't match any of the above, please dial 5.
  604. }
  605. 1 => goto telemark-mag-new|s|begin;
  606. 2 => goto telemark-mag-renew|s|begin;
  607. 3 => goto telemark-mag-survey|s|begin;
  608. 4 => goto telemark-mag-verify|s|begin;
  609. 5 => goto telemark-mag-other|s|begin;
  610. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  611. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  612. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  613. }
  614. context telemark-mag-new {
  615. s => {
  616. begin:
  617. Playback(telemark-mag-new);
  618. // I'm sorry, I'm maxed out, and the answer is NO.
  619. // If you really think I'd LOVE to add your publication to the pile I already get,
  620. // Send something via the post. Don't call me.
  621. // Thank you. bye.
  622. Hangup();
  623. }
  624. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  625. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  626. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  627. }
  628. context telemark-mag-renew {
  629. s => {
  630. begin:
  631. Playback(telemark-mag-renew);
  632. // So, you want to see if I want to Renew, do you? The answer is most likely "YES".
  633. //
  634. // But, I will not answer a long list of questions over the phone. Send such
  635. // categorization info via the post, and stop bothering me over the phone,
  636. // if this is what you want.
  637. // Do you need verification information? Normally I opt out of such nonsense, if possible.
  638. // If not, use whatever of the following you can:
  639. // My birth month is October.
  640. // My birthplace is Kigali, in Rwanda, in Afica.
  641. // My eye color is orange.
  642. // All of these are wonderfully false, but I use them regularly for such purposes. Thank you.
  643. Hangup();
  644. }
  645. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  646. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  647. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  648. }
  649. context telemark-mag-survey {
  650. s => {
  651. begin:
  652. Playback(telemark-mag-survey);
  653. // Sorry, I don't have time to answer survey or opinion questions. Find someone
  654. // else to help build your marketing database, I guess. Good Luck.
  655. Hangup();
  656. }
  657. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  658. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  659. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  660. }
  661. context telemark-mag-verify {
  662. s => {
  663. begin:
  664. Playback(telemark-mag-verify);
  665. // If you are calling to verify that your own agents aren't ripping you off,
  666. // sorry, I can't help you. I opt out whenever I can, mainly because I'm not
  667. // paid enough for this kind of thing. I always lie, and I can't remember
  668. // what I might have said. Sorry. Goodbye.
  669. Hangup();
  670. }
  671. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  672. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  673. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  674. }
  675. context telemark-mag-other {
  676. s => {
  677. begin:
  678. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  679. }
  680. }
  681. // BAD DESIGN: Is it entrapment, when you lure telemarketers to reveal their contact information,
  682. // Just so you can report them to the FTC/FCC? If it is, isn't it unethical for them
  683. // to hide their CID (via Anonymous, usually), to hide their identities from the public?
  684. // BTW -- What telemarketer would be stupid enough to fall for this? I'll bet not a single one!
  685. // For that matter, what telemarketer will be stupid enough to even enter any of this? I'll bet not a single one!
  686. // (but it was fun messing around).
  687. context telemarket-commercial {
  688. s => {
  689. begin:
  690. Playback(telemark-comm-intro); // Script: Please leave your name, organization, and phone number, plus
  691. // a short description of the purpose of your call, at the prompt.
  692. // We will do our best to respond to your call! And, in the mean time,
  693. // do not forget to add us to your no-call list!
  694. Voicemail(u82);
  695. goto telemarket-sorry|s|begin;
  696. }
  697. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  698. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  699. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  700. }
  701. context telemarket-other {
  702. s => {
  703. begin:
  704. Playback(telemark-other-intro);
  705. // Please review the previous menu options, and see if you really don't
  706. // fit in one of the previous categories.
  707. // If you do not, go ahead, and call me again, and let me know what category
  708. // I should have included in the above list. I appreciate this. Thank you much!
  709. Hangup();
  710. }
  711. t => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  712. i => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  713. o => goto telemarket|s|begin;
  714. }