agents.conf.sample 2.0 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; Agent pool configuration
  3. ;
  4. [general]
  5. ; The general section of this config is not currently used, but reserved
  6. ; for future use.
  7. ;[agent-id]
  8. ; Define ackcall to require the agent to give a DTMF acknowledgement
  9. ; when the agent receives a call.
  10. ; The channel variable AGENTACKCALL overrides on agent login.
  11. ; Default is "no".
  12. ;ackcall=no
  13. ;
  14. ; Set what DTMF key sequence the agent should use to acknowledge a call.
  15. ; The channel variable AGENTACCEPTDTMF overrides on agent login.
  16. ; This option is ignored unless ackcall is enabled.
  17. ; Default is "#".
  18. ;acceptdtmf=##
  19. ;
  20. ; Set how many seconds a call for the agent has to wait for the agent to
  21. ; acknowledge the call before the agent is automatically logged off. If
  22. ; set to zero then the call will wait forever for the agent to acknowledge.
  23. ; The channel variable AGENTAUTOLOGOFF overrides on agent login.
  24. ; This option is ignored unless ackcall is enabled.
  25. ; Default is 0.
  26. ;autologoff=15
  27. ;
  28. ; Set the minimum amount of time after disconnecting a call before
  29. ; the agent can receive a new call in milliseconds.
  30. ; The channel variable AGENTWRAPUPTIME overrides on agent login.
  31. ; Default is 0.
  32. ;wrapuptime=5000
  33. ;
  34. ; Set the musiconhold class for the agent.
  35. ; Default is "default".
  36. ;musiconhold=default
  37. ;
  38. ; Enable recording calls the agent takes automatically by invoking the
  39. ; DTMF automixmon feature when the agent connects to a caller.
  40. ; See features.conf.sample for information about the automixmon feature.
  41. ; Default is "no".
  42. ;recordagentcalls=yes
  43. ;
  44. ; The sound file played to alert the agent when a call is present.
  45. ; Default is "beep".
  46. ;custom_beep=beep
  47. ;
  48. ; A friendly name for the agent used in log messages.
  49. ; Default is "".
  50. ;fullname=Mark Spencer
  51. ;
  52. ; --------------------------------------------------
  53. ;
  54. ; This section contains example agent definitions:
  55. ;
  56. ; Define a template called my-agents:
  57. ;[my-agents](!)
  58. ;autologoff=15
  59. ;ackcall=yes
  60. ;acceptdtmf=##
  61. ;
  62. ; Define agent 1001 using the my-agents template:
  63. ;[1001](my-agents)
  64. ;fullname=Mark Spencer
  65. ;
  66. ; Define agent 1002 using the my-agents template:
  67. ;[1002](my-agents)
  68. ;fullname=Will Meadows