chan_dahdi.conf.sample 67 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; DAHDI Telephony Configuration file
  3. ;
  4. ; You need to restart Asterisk to re-configure the DAHDI channel
  5. ; CLI> module reload
  6. ; will reload the configuration file, but not all configuration options
  7. ; are re-configured during a reload (signalling, as well as PRI and
  8. ; SS7-related settings cannot be changed on a reload).
  9. ;
  10. ; This file documents many configuration variables. Normally unless you know
  11. ; what a variable means or that it should be changed, there's no reason to
  12. ; un-comment those lines.
  13. ;
  14. ; Examples below that are commented out (those lines that begin with a ';' but
  15. ; no space afterwards) typically show a value that is not the default value,
  16. ; but would make sense under certain circumstances. The default values are
  17. ; usually sane. Thus you should typically not touch them unless you know what
  18. ; they mean or you know you should change them.
  19. [trunkgroups]
  20. ;
  21. ; Trunk groups are used for NFAS connections.
  22. ;
  23. ; Group: Defines a trunk group.
  24. ; trunkgroup => <trunkgroup>,<dchannel>[,<backup1>...]
  25. ;
  26. ; trunkgroup is the numerical trunk group to create
  27. ; dchannel is the DAHDI channel which will have the
  28. ; d-channel for the trunk.
  29. ; backup1 is an optional list of backup d-channels.
  30. ;
  31. ;trunkgroup => 1,24,48
  32. ;trunkgroup => 1,24
  33. ;
  34. ; Spanmap: Associates a span with a trunk group
  35. ; spanmap => <dahdispan>,<trunkgroup>[,<logicalspan>]
  36. ;
  37. ; dahdispan is the DAHDI span number to associate
  38. ; trunkgroup is the trunkgroup (specified above) for the mapping
  39. ; logicalspan is the logical span number within the trunk group to use.
  40. ; if unspecified, no logical span number is used.
  41. ;
  42. ;spanmap => 1,1,1
  43. ;spanmap => 2,1,2
  44. ;spanmap => 3,1,3
  45. ;spanmap => 4,1,4
  46. [channels]
  47. ;
  48. ; Default language
  49. ;
  50. ;language=en
  51. ;
  52. ; Context for incoming calls. Defaults to 'default'
  53. ;
  54. context=public
  55. ;
  56. ; Switchtype: Only used for PRI.
  57. ;
  58. ; national: National ISDN 2 (default)
  59. ; dms100: Nortel DMS100
  60. ; 4ess: AT&T 4ESS
  61. ; 5ess: Lucent 5ESS
  62. ; euroisdn: EuroISDN (common in Europe)
  63. ; ni1: Old National ISDN 1
  64. ; qsig: Q.SIG
  65. ;
  66. ;switchtype=euroisdn
  67. ;
  68. ; MSNs for ISDN spans. Asterisk will listen for the listed numbers on
  69. ; incoming calls and ignore any calls not listed.
  70. ; Here you can give a comma separated list of numbers or dialplan extension
  71. ; patterns. An empty list disables MSN matching to allow any incoming call.
  72. ; Only set on PTMP CPE side of ISDN span if needed.
  73. ; The default is an empty list.
  74. ;msn=
  75. ;
  76. ; Some switches (AT&T especially) require network specific facility IE.
  77. ; Supported values are currently 'none', 'sdn', 'megacom', 'tollfreemegacom', 'accunet'
  78. ;
  79. ; nsf cannot be changed on a reload.
  80. ;
  81. ;nsf=none
  82. ;
  83. ;service_message_support=yes
  84. ; Enable service message support for channel. Must be set after switchtype.
  85. ;
  86. ; Dialing options for ISDN (i.e., Dial(DAHDI/g1/exten/options)):
  87. ; R Reverse Charge Indication
  88. ; Indicate to the called party that the call will be reverse charged.
  89. ; K(n) Keypad digits n
  90. ; Send out the specified digits as keypad digits.
  91. ;
  92. ; PRI Dialplan: The ISDN-level Type Of Number (TON) or numbering plan, used for
  93. ; the dialed number. Leaving this as 'unknown' (the default) works for most
  94. ; cases. In some very unusual circumstances, you may need to set this to
  95. ; 'dynamic' or 'redundant'.
  96. ;
  97. ; unknown: Unknown
  98. ; private: Private ISDN
  99. ; local: Local ISDN
  100. ; national: National ISDN
  101. ; international: International ISDN
  102. ; dynamic: Dynamically selects the appropriate dialplan using the
  103. ; prefix settings.
  104. ; redundant: Same as dynamic, except that the underlying number is not
  105. ; changed (not common)
  106. ;
  107. ; pridialplan cannot be changed on reload.
  108. ;pridialplan=unknown
  109. ;
  110. ; PRI Local Dialplan: Only RARELY used for PRI (sets the calling number's
  111. ; numbering plan). In North America, the typical use is sending the 10 digit
  112. ; callerID number and setting the prilocaldialplan to 'national' (the default).
  113. ; Only VERY rarely will you need to change this.
  114. ;
  115. ; unknown: Unknown
  116. ; private: Private ISDN
  117. ; local: Local ISDN
  118. ; national: National ISDN
  119. ; international: International ISDN
  120. ; from_channel: Use the CALLERID(ton) value from the channel.
  121. ; dynamic: Dynamically selects the appropriate dialplan using the
  122. ; prefix settings.
  123. ; redundant: Same as dynamic, except that the underlying number is not
  124. ; changed (not common)
  125. ;
  126. ; prilocaldialplan cannot be changed on reload.
  127. ;prilocaldialplan=national
  128. ;
  129. ; PRI Connected Line Dialplan: Sets the connected party number's numbering plan.
  130. ;
  131. ; unknown: Unknown
  132. ; private: Private ISDN
  133. ; local: Local ISDN
  134. ; national: National ISDN
  135. ; international: International ISDN
  136. ; from_channel: Use the CONNECTEDLINE(ton) value from the channel.
  137. ; dynamic: Dynamically selects the appropriate dialplan using the
  138. ; prefix settings.
  139. ; redundant: Same as dynamic, except that the underlying number is not
  140. ; changed (not common)
  141. ;
  142. ; pricpndialplan cannot be changed on reload.
  143. ;pricpndialplan=from_channel
  144. ;
  145. ; pridialplan may be also set at dialtime, by prefixing the dialed number with
  146. ; one of the following letters:
  147. ; U - Unknown
  148. ; I - International
  149. ; N - National
  150. ; L - Local (Net Specific)
  151. ; S - Subscriber
  152. ; V - Abbreviated
  153. ; R - Reserved (should probably never be used but is included for completeness)
  154. ;
  155. ; Additionally, you may also set the following NPI bits (also by prefixing the
  156. ; dialed string with one of the following letters):
  157. ; u - Unknown
  158. ; e - E.163/E.164 (ISDN/telephony)
  159. ; x - X.121 (Data)
  160. ; f - F.69 (Telex)
  161. ; n - National
  162. ; p - Private
  163. ; r - Reserved (should probably never be used but is included for completeness)
  164. ;
  165. ; You may also set the prilocaldialplan in the same way, but by prefixing the
  166. ; Caller*ID Number rather than the dialed number.
  167. ; Please note that telcos which require this kind of additional manipulation
  168. ; of the TON/NPI are *rare*. Most telco PRIs will work fine simply by
  169. ; setting pridialplan to unknown or dynamic.
  170. ;
  171. ;
  172. ; PRI caller ID prefixes based on the given TON/NPI (dialplan)
  173. ; This is especially needed for EuroISDN E1-PRIs
  174. ;
  175. ; None of the prefix settings can be changed on reload.
  176. ;
  177. ; sample 1 for Germany
  178. ;internationalprefix = 00
  179. ;nationalprefix = 0
  180. ;localprefix = 0711
  181. ;privateprefix = 07115678
  182. ;unknownprefix =
  183. ;
  184. ; sample 2 for Germany
  185. ;internationalprefix = +
  186. ;nationalprefix = +49
  187. ;localprefix = +49711
  188. ;privateprefix = +497115678
  189. ;unknownprefix =
  190. ;
  191. ; PRI resetinterval: sets the time in seconds between restart of unused
  192. ; B channels; defaults to 'never'.
  193. ;
  194. ;resetinterval = 3600
  195. ;
  196. ; Enable per ISDN span to force a RESTART on a channel that returns a cause
  197. ; code of PRI_CAUSE_REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL(44). If this option is enabled
  198. ; and the reason the peer rejected the call with cause 44 was that the
  199. ; channel is stuck in an unavailable state on the peer, then this might
  200. ; help release the channel. It is worth noting that the next outgoing call
  201. ; Asterisk makes will likely try the same channel again.
  202. ;
  203. ; NOTE: Sending a RESTART in response to a cause 44 is not required
  204. ; (nor prohibited) by the standards and is likely a primitive chan_dahdi
  205. ; response to call collisions (glare) and buggy peers. However, there
  206. ; are telco switches out there that ignore the RESTART and continue to
  207. ; send calls to the channel in the restarting state.
  208. ; Default yes in current release branches for backward compatibility.
  209. ;
  210. ;force_restart_unavailable_chans=yes
  211. ;
  212. ; Assume inband audio may be present when a SETUP ACK message is received.
  213. ; Q.931 Section 5.1.3 says that in scenarios with overlap dialing, when a
  214. ; dialtone is sent from the network side, progress indicator 8 "Inband info
  215. ; now available" MAY be sent to the CPE if no digits were received with
  216. ; the SETUP. It is thus implied that the ie is mandatory if digits came
  217. ; with the SETUP and dialtone is needed.
  218. ; This option should be enabled, when the network sends dialtone and you
  219. ; want to hear it, but the network doesn't send the progress indicator when
  220. ; needed.
  221. ;
  222. ; NOTE: For Q.SIG setups this option should be enabled when outgoing overlap
  223. ; dialing is also enabled because Q.SIG does not send the progress indicator
  224. ; with the SETUP ACK.
  225. ; Default no.
  226. ;
  227. ;inband_on_setup_ack=yes
  228. ;
  229. ; Assume inband audio may be present when a PROCEEDING message is received.
  230. ; Q.931 Section 5.1.2 says the network cannot assume that the CPE side has
  231. ; attached to the B channel at this time without explicitly sending the
  232. ; progress indicator ie informing the CPE side to attach to the B channel
  233. ; for audio. However, some non-compliant ISDN switches send a PROCEEDING
  234. ; without the progress indicator ie indicating inband audio is available and
  235. ; assume that the CPE device has connected the media path for listening to
  236. ; ringback and other messages.
  237. ; Default no.
  238. ;
  239. ;inband_on_proceeding=yes
  240. ;
  241. ; Overlap dialing mode (sending overlap digits)
  242. ; Cannot be changed on a reload.
  243. ;
  244. ; incoming: incoming direction only
  245. ; outgoing: outgoing direction only
  246. ; no: neither direction
  247. ; yes or both: both directions
  248. ;
  249. ;overlapdial=yes
  250. ; Send/receive ISDN display IE options. The display options are a comma separated
  251. ; list of the following options:
  252. ;
  253. ; block: Do not pass display text data.
  254. ; Q.SIG: Default for send/receive.
  255. ; ETSI CPE: Default for send.
  256. ; name_initial: Use display text in SETUP/CONNECT messages as the party name.
  257. ; Default for all other modes.
  258. ; name_update: Use display text in other messages (NOTIFY/FACILITY) for COLP name
  259. ; update.
  260. ; name: Combined name_initial and name_update options.
  261. ; text: Pass any unused display text data as an arbitrary display message
  262. ; during a call. Sent text goes out in an INFORMATION message.
  263. ;
  264. ; * Default is an empty string for legacy behavior.
  265. ; * The name options are not recommended for Q.SIG since Q.SIG already
  266. ; supports names.
  267. ; * The send block is the only recommended setting for CPE mode since Q.931 uses
  268. ; the display IE only in the network to user direction.
  269. ;
  270. ; display_send and display_receive cannot be changed on reload.
  271. ;
  272. ;display_send=
  273. ;display_receive=
  274. ; Allow sending an ISDN Malicious Caller ID (MCID) request on this span.
  275. ; Default disabled
  276. ;
  277. ;mcid_send=yes
  278. ; Send ISDN date/time IE in CONNECT message option. Only valid on NT spans.
  279. ;
  280. ; no: Do not send date/time IE in CONNECT message.
  281. ; date: Send date only.
  282. ; date_hh Send date and hour.
  283. ; date_hhmm Send date, hour, and minute.
  284. ; date_hhmmss Send date, hour, minute, and second.
  285. ;
  286. ; Default is an empty string which lets libpri pick the default
  287. ; date/time IE send policy.
  288. ;
  289. ;datetime_send=
  290. ; Send ISDN conected line information.
  291. ;
  292. ; block: Do not send any connected line information.
  293. ; connect: Send connected line information on initial connect.
  294. ; update: Same as connect but also send any updates during a call.
  295. ; Updates happen if the call is transferred. (Default)
  296. ;
  297. ;colp_send=update
  298. ; Allow inband audio (progress) when a call is DISCONNECTed by the far end of a PRI
  299. ;
  300. ;inbanddisconnect=yes
  301. ;
  302. ; Allow a held call to be transferred to the active call on disconnect.
  303. ; This is useful on BRI PTMP NT lines where an ISDN phone can simulate the
  304. ; transfer feature of an analog phone.
  305. ; The default is no.
  306. ;hold_disconnect_transfer=yes
  307. ; BRI PTMP layer 1 presence.
  308. ; You should normally not need to set this option.
  309. ; You may need to set this option if your telco brings layer 1 down when
  310. ; the line is idle.
  311. ; required: Layer 1 presence required for outgoing calls. (default)
  312. ; ignore: Ignore alarms from DAHDI about this span.
  313. ; (Layer 1 and 2 will be brought back up for an outgoing call.)
  314. ; NOTE: You will not be able to detect physical line problems
  315. ; until an outgoing call is attempted and fails.
  316. ;
  317. ;layer1_presence=ignore
  318. ; BRI PTMP layer 2 persistence.
  319. ; You should normally not need to set this option.
  320. ; You may need to set this option if your telco brings layer 1 down when
  321. ; the line is idle.
  322. ; <blank>: Use libpri default.
  323. ; keep_up: Bring layer 2 back up if peer takes it down.
  324. ; leave_down: Leave layer 2 down if peer takes it down. (Libpri default)
  325. ; (Layer 2 will be brought back up for an outgoing call.)
  326. ;
  327. ;layer2_persistence=leave_down
  328. ; PRI Out of band indications.
  329. ; Enable this to report Busy and Congestion on a PRI using out-of-band
  330. ; notification. Inband indication, as used by Asterisk doesn't seem to work
  331. ; with all telcos.
  332. ;
  333. ; outofband: Signal Busy/Congestion out of band with RELEASE/DISCONNECT
  334. ; inband: Signal Busy/Congestion using in-band tones (default)
  335. ;
  336. ; priindication cannot be changed on a reload.
  337. ;
  338. ;priindication = outofband
  339. ;
  340. ; If you need to override the existing channels selection routine and force all
  341. ; PRI channels to be marked as exclusively selected, set this to yes.
  342. ;
  343. ; priexclusive cannot be changed on a reload.
  344. ;
  345. ;priexclusive = yes
  346. ;
  347. ;
  348. ; If you need to use the logical channel mapping with your Q.SIG PRI instead
  349. ; of the physical mapping you must use the qsigchannelmapping option.
  350. ;
  351. ; logical: Use the logical channel mapping
  352. ; physical: Use physical channel mapping (default)
  353. ;
  354. ;qsigchannelmapping=logical
  355. ;
  356. ; If you wish to ignore remote hold indications (and use MOH that is supplied over
  357. ; the B channel) enable this option.
  358. ;
  359. ;discardremoteholdretrieval=yes
  360. ;
  361. ; ISDN Timers
  362. ; All of the ISDN timers and counters that are used are configurable. Specify
  363. ; the timer name, and its value (in ms for timers).
  364. ; K: Layer 2 max number of outstanding unacknowledged I frames (default 7)
  365. ; N200: Layer 2 max number of retransmissions of a frame (default 3)
  366. ; T200: Layer 2 max time before retransmission of a frame (default 1000 ms)
  367. ; T203: Layer 2 max time without frames being exchanged (default 10000 ms)
  368. ; T305: Wait for DISCONNECT acknowledge (default 30000 ms)
  369. ; T308: Wait for RELEASE acknowledge (default 4000 ms)
  370. ; T309: Maintain active calls on Layer 2 disconnection (default 6000 ms)
  371. ; EuroISDN: 6000 to 12000 ms, according to (N200 + 1) x T200 + 2s
  372. ; May vary in other ISDN standards (Q.931 1993 : 90000 ms)
  373. ; T313: Wait for CONNECT acknowledge, CPE side only (default 3000 ms)
  374. ;
  375. ; T-RESPONSE: Maximum time to wait for a typical APDU response. (default 4000 ms)
  376. ; This is an implementation timer when the standard does not specify one.
  377. ; T-ACTIVATE: Request supervision timeout. (default 10000 ms)
  378. ; T-RETENTION: Maximum time to wait for user A to activate call-completion. (default 30000 ms)
  379. ; Used by ETSI PTP, ETSI PTMP, and Q.SIG as the cc_offer_timer.
  380. ; T-CCBS1: T-STATUS timer equivalent for CC user A status. (default 4000 ms)
  381. ; T-CCBS2: Maximum time the CCBS service will be active (default 45 min in ms)
  382. ; T-CCBS3: Maximum time to wait for user A to respond to user B availability. (default 20000 ms)
  383. ; T-CCBS5: Network B CCBS supervision timeout. (default 60 min in ms)
  384. ; T-CCBS6: Network A CCBS supervision timeout. (default 60 min in ms)
  385. ; T-CCNR2: Maximum time the CCNR service will be active (default 180 min in ms)
  386. ; T-CCNR5: Network B CCNR supervision timeout. (default 195 min in ms)
  387. ; T-CCNR6: Network A CCNR supervision timeout. (default 195 min in ms)
  388. ; CC-T1: Q.SIG CC request supervision timeout. (default 30000 ms)
  389. ; CCBS-T2: Q.SIG CCBS supervision timeout. (default 60 min in ms)
  390. ; CCNR-T2: Q.SIG CCNR supervision timeout. (default 195 min in ms)
  391. ; CC-T3: Q.SIG CC Maximum time to wait for user A to respond to user B availability. (default 30000 ms)
  392. ;
  393. ;pritimer => t200,1000
  394. ;pritimer => t313,4000
  395. ;
  396. ; CC PTMP recall mode:
  397. ; specific - Only the CC original party A can participate in the CC callback
  398. ; global - Other compatible endpoints on the PTMP line can be party A in the CC callback
  399. ;
  400. ; cc_ptmp_recall_mode cannot be changed on a reload.
  401. ;
  402. ;cc_ptmp_recall_mode = specific
  403. ;
  404. ; CC Q.SIG Party A (requester) retain signaling link option
  405. ; retain Require that the signaling link be retained.
  406. ; release Request that the signaling link be released.
  407. ; do_not_care The responder is free to choose if the signaling link will be retained.
  408. ;
  409. ;cc_qsig_signaling_link_req = retain
  410. ;
  411. ; CC Q.SIG Party B (responder) retain signaling link option
  412. ; retain Prefer that the signaling link be retained.
  413. ; release Prefer that the signaling link be released.
  414. ;
  415. ;cc_qsig_signaling_link_rsp = retain
  416. ;
  417. ; See ccss.conf.sample for more options. The timers described by ccss.conf.sample
  418. ; are not used by ISDN for the native protocol since they are defined by the
  419. ; standards and set by pritimer above.
  420. ;
  421. ; To enable transmission of facility-based ISDN supplementary services (such
  422. ; as caller name from CPE over facility), enable this option.
  423. ; Cannot be changed on a reload.
  424. ;
  425. ;facilityenable = yes
  426. ;
  427. ; This option enables Advice of Charge pass-through between the ISDN PRI and
  428. ; Asterisk. This option can be set to any combination of 's', 'd', and 'e' which
  429. ; represent the different variants of Advice of Charge, AOC-S, AOC-D, and AOC-E.
  430. ; Advice of Charge pass-through is currently only supported for ETSI. Since most
  431. ; AOC messages are sent on facility messages, the 'facilityenable' option must
  432. ; also be enabled to fully support AOC pass-through.
  433. ;
  434. ;aoc_enable=s,d,e
  435. ;
  436. ; When this option is enabled, a hangup initiated by the ISDN PRI side of the
  437. ; asterisk channel will result in the channel delaying its hangup in an
  438. ; attempt to receive the final AOC-E message from its bridge. The delay
  439. ; period is configured as one half the T305 timer length. If the channel
  440. ; is not bridged the hangup will occur immediatly without delay.
  441. ;
  442. ;aoce_delayhangup=yes
  443. ; pritimer cannot be changed on a reload.
  444. ;
  445. ; Signalling method. The default is "auto". Valid values:
  446. ; auto: Use the current value from DAHDI.
  447. ; em: E & M
  448. ; em_e1: E & M E1
  449. ; em_w: E & M Wink
  450. ; featd: Feature Group D (The fake, Adtran style, DTMF)
  451. ; featdmf: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))
  452. ; featdmf_ta: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US)) through
  453. ; a Tandem Access point
  454. ; featb: Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))
  455. ; fgccama: Feature Group C-CAMA (DP DNIS, MF ANI)
  456. ; fgccamamf: Feature Group C-CAMA MF (MF DNIS, MF ANI)
  457. ; fxs_ls: FXS (Loop Start)
  458. ; fxs_gs: FXS (Ground Start)
  459. ; fxs_ks: FXS (Kewl Start)
  460. ; fxo_ls: FXO (Loop Start)
  461. ; fxo_gs: FXO (Ground Start)
  462. ; fxo_ks: FXO (Kewl Start)
  463. ; pri_cpe: PRI signalling, CPE side
  464. ; pri_net: PRI signalling, Network side
  465. ; bri_cpe: BRI PTP signalling, CPE side
  466. ; bri_net: BRI PTP signalling, Network side
  467. ; bri_cpe_ptmp: BRI PTMP signalling, CPE side
  468. ; bri_net_ptmp: BRI PTMP signalling, Network side
  469. ; sf: SF (Inband Tone) Signalling
  470. ; sf_w: SF Wink
  471. ; sf_featd: SF Feature Group D (The fake, Adtran style, DTMF)
  472. ; sf_featdmf: SF Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))
  473. ; sf_featb: SF Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))
  474. ; e911: E911 (MF) style signalling
  475. ; ss7: Signalling System 7
  476. ; mfcr2: MFC/R2 Signalling. To specify the country variant see 'mfcr2_variant'
  477. ;
  478. ; The following are used for Radio interfaces:
  479. ; fxs_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXS kewlstart interface (FXO at the
  480. ; channel bank)
  481. ; fxs_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXS loopstart interface (FXO at the
  482. ; channel bank)
  483. ; fxo_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXO loopstart interface (FXS at the
  484. ; channel bank)
  485. ; fxo_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXO groundstart interface (FXS at
  486. ; the channel bank)
  487. ; em_rx: Receive audio/COR on an E&M interface (1-way)
  488. ; em_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (1-way)
  489. ; em_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface
  490. ; (2-way)
  491. ; em_rxtx: Same as em_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)
  492. ; sf_rx: Receive audio/COR on an SF interface (1-way)
  493. ; sf_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface (1-way)
  494. ; sf_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface
  495. ; (2-way)
  496. ; sf_rxtx: Same as sf_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)
  497. ; ss7: Signalling System 7
  498. ;
  499. ; signalling of a channel can not be changed on a reload.
  500. ;
  501. ;signalling=fxo_ls
  502. ;
  503. ; If you have an outbound signalling format that is different from format
  504. ; specified above (but compatible), you can specify outbound signalling format,
  505. ; (see below). The 'signalling' format specified will be the inbound signalling
  506. ; format. If you only specify 'signalling', then it will be the format for
  507. ; both inbound and outbound.
  508. ;
  509. ; outsignalling can only be one of:
  510. ; em, em_e1, em_w, sf, sf_w, sf_featd, sf_featdmf, sf_featb, featd,
  511. ; featdmf, featdmf_ta, e911, fgccama, fgccamamf
  512. ;
  513. ; outsignalling cannot be changed on a reload.
  514. ;
  515. ;signalling=featdmf
  516. ;
  517. ;outsignalling=featb
  518. ;
  519. ; For Feature Group D Tandem access, to set the default CIC and OZZ use these
  520. ; parameters (Will not be updated on reload):
  521. ;
  522. ;defaultozz=0000
  523. ;defaultcic=303
  524. ;
  525. ; A variety of timing parameters can be specified as well
  526. ; The default values for those are "-1", which is to use the
  527. ; compile-time defaults of the DAHDI kernel modules. The timing
  528. ; parameters, (with the standard default from DAHDI):
  529. ;
  530. ; prewink: Pre-wink time (default 50ms)
  531. ; preflash: Pre-flash time (default 50ms)
  532. ; wink: Wink time (default 150ms)
  533. ; flash: Flash time (default 750ms)
  534. ; start: Start time (default 1500ms)
  535. ; rxwink: Receiver wink time (default 300ms)
  536. ; rxflash: Receiver flashtime (default 1250ms)
  537. ; debounce: Debounce timing (default 600ms)
  538. ;
  539. ; None of them will update on a reload.
  540. ;
  541. ; How long generated tones (DTMF and MF) will be played on the channel
  542. ; (in milliseconds).
  543. ;
  544. ; This is a global, rather than a per-channel setting. It will not be
  545. ; updated on a reload.
  546. ;
  547. ;toneduration=100
  548. ;
  549. ; Whether or not to do distinctive ring detection on FXO lines:
  550. ;
  551. ;usedistinctiveringdetection=yes
  552. ;
  553. ; enable dring detection after caller ID for those countries like Australia
  554. ; where the ring cadence is changed *after* the caller ID spill:
  555. ;
  556. ;distinctiveringaftercid=yes
  557. ;
  558. ; Whether or not to use caller ID:
  559. ;
  560. usecallerid=yes
  561. ;
  562. ; Type of caller ID signalling in use
  563. ; bell = bell202 as used in US (default)
  564. ; v23 = v23 as used in the UK
  565. ; v23_jp = v23 as used in Japan
  566. ; dtmf = DTMF as used in Denmark, Sweden and Netherlands
  567. ; smdi = Use SMDI for caller ID. Requires SMDI to be enabled (usesmdi).
  568. ;
  569. ;cidsignalling=v23
  570. ;
  571. ; What signals the start of caller ID
  572. ; ring = a ring signals the start (default)
  573. ; polarity = polarity reversal signals the start
  574. ; polarity_IN = polarity reversal signals the start, for India,
  575. ; for dtmf dialtone detection; using DTMF.
  576. ; (see
  577. ; dtmf = causes monitor loop to look for dtmf energy on the
  578. ; incoming channel to initate cid acquisition
  579. ;
  580. ;cidstart=polarity
  581. ;
  582. ; When cidstart=dtmf, the energy level on the line used to trigger dtmf cid
  583. ; acquisition. This number is compared to the average over a packet of audio
  584. ; of the absolute values of 16 bit signed linear samples. The default is set
  585. ; to 256. The choice of 256 is arbitrary. The value you should select should
  586. ; be high enough to prevent false detections while low enough to insure that
  587. ; no dtmf spills are missed.
  588. ;
  589. ;dtmfcidlevel=256
  590. ;
  591. ; Whether or not to hide outgoing caller ID (Override with *67 or *82)
  592. ; (If your dialplan doesn't catch it)
  593. ;
  594. ;hidecallerid=yes
  595. ;
  596. ; Enable if you need to hide just the name and not the number for legacy PBX use.
  597. ; Only applies to PRI channels.
  598. ;hidecalleridname=yes
  599. ;
  600. ; On UK analog lines, the caller hanging up determines the end of calls. So
  601. ; Asterisk hanging up the line may or may not end a call (DAHDI could just as
  602. ; easily be re-attaching to a prior incoming call that was not yet hung up).
  603. ; This option changes the hangup to wait for a dialtone on the line, before
  604. ; marking the line as once again available for use with outgoing calls.
  605. ; Specified in milliseconds, not set by default.
  606. ;waitfordialtone=1000
  607. ;
  608. ; For analog lines, enables Asterisk to use dialtone detection per channel
  609. ; if an incoming call was hung up before it was answered. If dialtone is
  610. ; detected, the call is hung up.
  611. ; no: Disabled. (Default)
  612. ; yes: Look for dialtone for 10000 ms after answer.
  613. ; <number>: Look for dialtone for the specified number of ms after answer.
  614. ; always: Look for dialtone for the entire call. Dialtone may return
  615. ; if the far end hangs up first.
  616. ;
  617. ;dialtone_detect=no
  618. ;
  619. ; The following option enables receiving MWI on FXO lines. The default
  620. ; value is no.
  621. ; The mwimonitor can take the following values
  622. ; no - No mwimonitoring occurs. (default)
  623. ; yes - The same as specifying fsk
  624. ; fsk - the FXO line is monitored for MWI FSK spills
  625. ; fsk,rpas - the FXO line is monitored for MWI FSK spills preceded
  626. ; by a ring pulse alert signal.
  627. ; neon - The fxo line is monitored for the presence of NEON pulses
  628. ; indicating MWI.
  629. ; When detected, an internal Asterisk MWI event is generated so that any other
  630. ; part of Asterisk that cares about MWI state changes is notified, just as if
  631. ; the state change came from app_voicemail.
  632. ; For FSK MWI Spills, the energy level that must be seen before starting the
  633. ; MWI detection process can be set with 'mwilevel'.
  634. ;
  635. ;mwimonitor=no
  636. ;mwilevel=512
  637. ;
  638. ; This option is used in conjunction with mwimonitor. This will get executed
  639. ; when incoming MWI state changes. The script is passed 2 arguments. The
  640. ; first is the corresponding configured mailbox, and the second is 1 or 0,
  641. ; indicating if there are messages waiting or not.
  642. ; Note: app_voicemail mailboxes are in the form of mailbox@context.
  643. ;
  644. ; /usr/local/bin/ 501@mailboxes 1
  645. ;
  646. ;mwimonitornotify=/usr/local/bin/
  647. ;
  648. ; The following keyword 'mwisendtype' enables various VMWI methods on FXS lines (if supported).
  649. ; The default is to send FSK only.
  650. ; The following options are available;
  651. ; 'rpas' Ring Pulse Alert Signal, alerts intelligent phones that a FSK message is about to be sent.
  652. ; 'lrev' Line reversed to indicate messages waiting.
  653. ; 'hvdc' 90Vdc OnHook DC voltage to indicate messages waiting.
  654. ; 'hvac' or 'neon' 90Vac OnHook AC voltage to light Neon bulb.
  655. ; 'nofsk' Disables FSK MWI spills from being sent out.
  656. ; It is feasible that multiple options can be enabled.
  657. ;mwisendtype=rpas,lrev
  658. ;
  659. ; Whether or not to enable call waiting on internal extensions
  660. ; With this set to 'yes', busy extensions will hear the call-waiting
  661. ; tone, and can use hook-flash to switch between callers. The Dial()
  662. ; app will not return the "BUSY" result for extensions.
  663. ;
  664. callwaiting=yes
  665. ;
  666. ; Configure the number of outstanding call waiting calls for internal ISDN
  667. ; endpoints before bouncing the calls as busy. This option is equivalent to
  668. ; the callwaiting option for analog ports.
  669. ; A call waiting call is a SETUP message with no B channel selected.
  670. ; The default is zero to disable call waiting for ISDN endpoints.
  671. ;max_call_waiting_calls=0
  672. ;
  673. ; Allow incoming ISDN call waiting calls.
  674. ; A call waiting call is a SETUP message with no B channel selected.
  675. ;allow_call_waiting_calls=no
  676. ; Configure the ISDN span to indicate MWI for the list of mailboxes.
  677. ; You can give a comma separated list of up to 8 mailboxes per span.
  678. ; An empty list disables MWI.
  679. ;
  680. ; The default is an empty list.
  681. ;mwi_mailboxes=vm-mailbox{,vm-mailbox}
  682. ; vm-mailbox = Internal voicemail mailbox identifier.
  683. ; Note: app_voicemail mailboxes must be in the form of mailbox@context.
  684. ;mwi_mailboxes=501@mailboxes,502@mailboxes
  685. ; Configure the ISDN mailbox number sent over the span for MWI mailboxes.
  686. ; The position of the number in the list corresponds to the position in
  687. ; mwi_mailboxes. If either position in mwi_mailboxes or mwi_vm_boxes is
  688. ; empty then that position is disabled.
  689. ;
  690. ; The default is an empty list.
  691. ;mwi_vm_boxes=mailbox_number{,mailbox_number}
  692. ;mwi_vm_boxes=501,502
  693. ; Configure the ISDN span voicemail controlling numbers for MWI mailboxes.
  694. ; What number to call for a user to retrieve voicemail messages.
  695. ;
  696. ; You can give a comma separated list of numbers. The position of the number
  697. ; corresponds to the position in mwi_mailboxes. If a position is empty then
  698. ; the last number is reused.
  699. ;
  700. ; For example:
  701. ; mwi_vm_numbers=700,,800,,900
  702. ; is equivalent to:
  703. ; mwi_vm_numbers=700,700,800,800,900,900,900,900
  704. ;
  705. ; The default is no number.
  706. ;mwi_vm_numbers=
  707. ; Whether or not restrict outgoing caller ID (will be sent as ANI only, not
  708. ; available for the user)
  709. ; Mostly use with FXS ports
  710. ; Does nothing. Use hidecallerid instead.
  711. ;
  712. ;restrictcid=no
  713. ;
  714. ; Whether or not to use the caller ID presentation from the Asterisk channel
  715. ; for outgoing calls.
  716. ; See dialplan function CALLERID(pres) for more information.
  717. ; Only applies to PRI and SS7 channels.
  718. ;
  719. usecallingpres=yes
  720. ;
  721. ; Some countries (UK) have ring tones with different ring tones (ring-ring),
  722. ; which means the caller ID needs to be set later on, and not just after
  723. ; the first ring, as per the default (1).
  724. ;
  725. ;sendcalleridafter = 2
  726. ;
  727. ;
  728. ; Support caller ID on Call Waiting
  729. ;
  730. callwaitingcallerid=yes
  731. ;
  732. ; Support three-way calling
  733. ;
  734. threewaycalling=yes
  735. ;
  736. ; For FXS ports (either direct analog or over T1/E1):
  737. ; Support flash-hook call transfer (requires three way calling)
  738. ; Also enables call parking (overrides the 'canpark' parameter)
  739. ;
  740. ; For digital ports using ISDN PRI protocols:
  741. ; Support switch-side transfer (called 2BCT, RLT or other names)
  742. ; This setting must be enabled on both ports involved, and the
  743. ; 'facilityenable' setting must also be enabled to allow sending
  744. ; the transfer to the ISDN switch, since it sent in a FACILITY
  745. ; message.
  746. ; NOTE: This should be disabled for NT PTMP mode. Phones cannot
  747. ; have tromboned calls pushed down to them.
  748. ;
  749. transfer=yes
  750. ;
  751. ; Allow call parking
  752. ; ('canpark=no' is overridden by 'transfer=yes')
  753. ;
  754. canpark=yes
  755. ; Sets the default parking lot for call parking.
  756. ; This is setable per channel.
  757. ; Parkinglots are configured in features.conf
  758. ;
  759. ;parkinglot=plaza
  760. ;
  761. ; Support call forward variable
  762. ;
  763. cancallforward=yes
  764. ;
  765. ; Whether or not to support Call Return (*69, if your dialplan doesn't
  766. ; catch this first)
  767. ;
  768. callreturn=yes
  769. ;
  770. ; Stutter dialtone support: If voicemail is received in the mailbox then
  771. ; taking the phone off hook will cause a stutter dialtone instead of a
  772. ; normal one.
  773. ;
  774. ; Note: app_voicemail mailboxes must be in the form of mailbox@context.
  775. ;
  776. ;mailbox=1234@context
  777. ;
  778. ; Enable echo cancellation
  779. ; Use either "yes", "no", or a power of two from 32 to 256 if you wish to
  780. ; actually set the number of taps of cancellation.
  781. ;
  782. ; Note that when setting the number of taps, the number 256 does not translate
  783. ; to 256 ms of echo cancellation. echocancel=256 means 256 / 8 = 32 ms.
  784. ;
  785. ; Note that if any of your DAHDI cards have hardware echo cancellers,
  786. ; then this setting only turns them on and off; numeric settings will
  787. ; be treated as "yes". There are no special settings required for
  788. ; hardware echo cancellers; when present and enabled in their kernel
  789. ; modules, they take precedence over the software echo canceller compiled
  790. ; into DAHDI automatically.
  791. ;
  792. ;
  793. echocancel=yes
  794. ;
  795. ; Some DAHDI echo cancellers (software and hardware) support adjustable
  796. ; parameters; these parameters can be supplied as additional options to
  797. ; the 'echocancel' setting. Note that Asterisk does not attempt to
  798. ; validate the parameters or their values, so if you supply an invalid
  799. ; parameter you will not know the specific reason it failed without
  800. ; checking the kernel message log for the error(s) put there by DAHDI.
  801. ;
  802. ;echocancel=128,param1=32,param2=0,param3=14
  803. ;
  804. ; Generally, it is not necessary (and in fact undesirable) to echo cancel when
  805. ; the circuit path is entirely TDM. You may, however, change this behavior
  806. ; by enabling the echo canceller during pure TDM bridging below.
  807. ;
  808. echocancelwhenbridged=yes
  809. ;
  810. ; In some cases, the echo canceller doesn't train quickly enough and there
  811. ; is echo at the beginning of the call. Enabling echo training will cause
  812. ; DAHDI to briefly mute the channel, send an impulse, and use the impulse
  813. ; response to pre-train the echo canceller so it can start out with a much
  814. ; closer idea of the actual echo. Value may be "yes", "no", or a number of
  815. ; milliseconds to delay before training (default = 400)
  816. ;
  817. ; WARNING: In some cases this option can make echo worse! If you are
  818. ; trying to debug an echo problem, it is worth checking to see if your echo
  819. ; is better with the option set to yes or no. Use whatever setting gives
  820. ; the best results.
  821. ;
  822. ; Note that these parameters do not apply to hardware echo cancellers.
  823. ;
  824. ;echotraining=yes
  825. ;echotraining=800
  826. ;
  827. ; If you are having trouble with DTMF detection, you can relax the DTMF
  828. ; detection parameters. Relaxing them may make the DTMF detector more likely
  829. ; to have "talkoff" where DTMF is detected when it shouldn't be.
  830. ;
  831. ;relaxdtmf=yes
  832. ;
  833. ; Hardware gain settings increase/decrease the analog volume level on a channel.
  834. ; The values are in db (decibels) and can be adjusted in 0.1 dB increments.
  835. ; A positive number increases the volume level on a channel, and a negavive
  836. ; value decreases volume level.
  837. ;
  838. ; Hardware gain settings are only possible on hardware with analog ports
  839. ; because the gain is done on the analog side of the analog/digital conversion.
  840. ;
  841. ; When hardware gains are disabled, Asterisk will NOT touch the gain setting
  842. ; already configured in hardware.
  843. ;
  844. ; hwrxgain: Hardware receive gain for the channel (into Asterisk).
  845. ; Default: disabled
  846. ; hwtxgain: Hardware transmit gain for the channel (out of Asterisk).
  847. ; Default: disabled
  848. ;
  849. ;hwrxgain=disabled
  850. ;hwtxgain=disabled
  851. ;hwrxgain=2.0
  852. ;hwtxgain=3.0
  853. ;
  854. ; Software gain settings digitally increase/decrease the volume level on a channel.
  855. ; The values are in db (decibels). A positive number increases the volume
  856. ; level on a channel, and a negavive value decreases volume level.
  857. ;
  858. ; Software gains work on the digital side of the analog/digital conversion
  859. ; and thus can also work with T1/E1 cards.
  860. ;
  861. ; rxgain: Software receive gain for the channel (into Asterisk). Default: 0.0
  862. ; txgain: Software transmit gain for the channel (out of Asterisk).
  863. ; Default: 0.0
  864. ;
  865. ; cid_rxgain: Add this gain to rxgain when Asterisk expects to receive
  866. ; a Caller ID stream.
  867. ; Default: 5.0 .
  868. ;
  869. ;rxgain=2.0
  870. ;txgain=3.0
  871. ;
  872. ; Dynamic Range Compression: You can also enable dynamic range compression
  873. ; on a channel. This will digitally amplify quiet sounds while leaving louder
  874. ; sounds untouched. This is useful in situations where a linear gain setting
  875. ; would cause clipping. Acceptable values are in the range of 0.0 to around
  876. ; 6.0 with higher values causing more compression to be done.
  877. ;
  878. ; rxdrc: dynamic range compression for the rx channel. Default: 0.0
  879. ; txdrc: dynamic range compression for the tx channel. Default: 0.0
  880. ;
  881. ;rxdrc=1.0
  882. ;txdrc=4.0
  883. ;
  884. ; Logical groups can be assigned to allow outgoing roll-over. Groups range
  885. ; from 0 to 63, and multiple groups can be specified. By default the
  886. ; channel is not a member of any group.
  887. ;
  888. ; Note that an explicit empty value for 'group' is invalid, and will not
  889. ; override a previous non-empty one. The same applies to callgroup and
  890. ; pickupgroup as well.
  891. ;
  892. group=1
  893. ;
  894. ; Ring groups (a.k.a. call groups) and pickup groups. If a phone is ringing
  895. ; and it is a member of a group which is one of your pickup groups, then
  896. ; you can answer it by picking up and dialing *8#. For simple offices, just
  897. ; make these both the same. Groups range from 0 to 63.
  898. ;
  899. callgroup=1
  900. pickupgroup=1
  901. ;
  902. ; Named ring groups (a.k.a. named call groups) and named pickup groups.
  903. ; If a phone is ringing and it is a member of a group which is one of your
  904. ; named pickup groups, then you can answer it by picking up and dialing *8#.
  905. ; For simple offices, just make these both the same.
  906. ; The number of named groups is not limited.
  907. ;
  908. ;namedcallgroup=engineering,sales,netgroup,protgroup
  909. ;namedpickupgroup=sales
  910. ; Channel variables to be set for all calls from this channel
  911. ;setvar=CHANNEL=42
  912. ;setvar=ATTENDED_TRANSFER_COMPLETE_SOUND=beep ; This channel variable will
  913. ; cause the given audio file to
  914. ; be played upon completion of
  915. ; an attended transfer to the
  916. ; target of the transfer.
  917. ;
  918. ; Specify whether the channel should be answered immediately or if the simple
  919. ; switch should provide dialtone, read digits, etc.
  920. ; Note: If immediate=yes the dialplan execution will always start at extension
  921. ; 's' priority 1 regardless of the dialed number!
  922. ;
  923. ;immediate=yes
  924. ;
  925. ; Specify whether flash-hook transfers to 'busy' channels should complete or
  926. ; return to the caller performing the transfer (default is yes).
  927. ;
  928. ;transfertobusy=no
  929. ; Calls will have the party id user tag set to this string value.
  930. ;
  931. ;cid_tag=
  932. ; With this set, you can automatically append the MSN of a party
  933. ; to the cid_tag. An '_' is used to separate the tag from the MSN.
  934. ; Applies to ISDN spans.
  935. ; Default is no.
  936. ;
  937. ; Table of what number is appended:
  938. ; outgoing incoming
  939. ; net dialed caller
  940. ; cpe caller dialed
  941. ;
  942. ;append_msn_to_cid_tag=no
  943. ; caller ID can be set to "asreceived" or a specific number if you want to
  944. ; override it. Note that "asreceived" only applies to trunk interfaces.
  945. ; fullname sets just the
  946. ;
  947. ; fullname: sets just the name part.
  948. ; cid_number: sets just the number part:
  949. ;
  950. ;callerid = 123456
  951. ;
  952. ;callerid = My Name <2564286000>
  953. ; Which can also be written as:
  954. ;cid_number = 2564286000
  955. ;fullname = My Name
  956. ;
  957. ;callerid = asreceived
  958. ;
  959. ; should we use the caller ID from incoming call on DAHDI transfer?
  960. ;
  961. ;useincomingcalleridondahditransfer = yes
  962. ;
  963. ; Add a description for the channel which can be shown through the Asterisk
  964. ; console when executing the 'dahdi show channels' command is run.
  965. ;
  966. ;description=Phone located in lobby
  967. ;
  968. ; AMA flags affects the recording of Call Detail Records. If specified
  969. ; it may be 'default', 'omit', 'billing', or 'documentation'.
  970. ;
  971. ;amaflags=default
  972. ;
  973. ; Channels may be associated with an account code to ease
  974. ; billing
  975. ;
  976. ;accountcode=lss0101
  977. ;
  978. ; ADSI (Analog Display Services Interface) can be enabled on a per-channel
  979. ; basis if you have (or may have) ADSI compatible CPE equipment
  980. ;
  981. ;adsi=yes
  982. ;
  983. ; SMDI (Simplified Message Desk Interface) can be enabled on a per-channel
  984. ; basis if you would like that channel to behave like an SMDI message desk.
  985. ; The SMDI port specified should have already been defined in smdi.conf. The
  986. ; default port is /dev/ttyS0.
  987. ;
  988. ;usesmdi=yes
  989. ;smdiport=/dev/ttyS0
  990. ;
  991. ; On trunk interfaces (FXS) and E&M interfaces (E&M, Wink, Feature Group D
  992. ; etc, it can be useful to perform busy detection either in an effort to
  993. ; detect hangup or for detecting busies. This enables listening for
  994. ; the beep-beep busy pattern.
  995. ;
  996. ;busydetect=yes
  997. ;
  998. ; If busydetect is enabled, it is also possible to specify how many busy tones
  999. ; to wait for before hanging up. The default is 3, but it might be
  1000. ; safer to set to 6 or even 8. Mind that the higher the number, the more
  1001. ; time that will be needed to hangup a channel, but lowers the probability
  1002. ; that you will get random hangups.
  1003. ;
  1004. ;busycount=6
  1005. ;
  1006. ; If busydetect is enabled, it is also possible to specify the cadence of your
  1007. ; busy signal. In many countries, it is 500msec on, 500msec off. Without
  1008. ; busypattern specified, we'll accept any regular sound-silence pattern that
  1009. ; repeats <busycount> times as a busy signal. If you specify busypattern,
  1010. ; then we'll further check the length of the sound (tone) and silence, which
  1011. ; will further reduce the chance of a false positive.
  1012. ;
  1013. ;busypattern=500,500
  1014. ;
  1015. ; NOTE: In make menuselect, you'll find further options to tweak the busy
  1016. ; detector. If your country has a busy tone with the same length tone and
  1017. ; silence (as many countries do), consider enabling the
  1019. ;
  1020. ; To further detect which hangup tone your telco provider is sending, it is
  1021. ; useful to use the dahdi_monitor utility to record the audio that main/dsp.c
  1022. ; is receiving after the caller hangs up.
  1023. ;
  1024. ; For FXS (FXO signalled) ports
  1025. ; switch the line polarity to signal the connected PBX that an outgoing
  1026. ; call was answered by the remote party.
  1027. ; For FXO (FXS signalled) ports
  1028. ; watch for a polarity reversal to mark when a outgoing call is
  1029. ; answered by the remote party.
  1030. ;
  1031. ;answeronpolarityswitch=yes
  1032. ;
  1033. ; For FXS (FXO signalled) ports
  1034. ; switch the line polarity to signal the connected PBX that the current
  1035. ; call was "hung up" by the remote party
  1036. ; For FXO (FXS signalled) ports
  1037. ; In some countries, a polarity reversal is used to signal the disconnect of a
  1038. ; phone line. If the hanguponpolarityswitch option is selected, the call will
  1039. ; be considered "hung up" on a polarity reversal.
  1040. ;
  1041. ;hanguponpolarityswitch=yes
  1042. ;
  1043. ; polarityonanswerdelay: minimal time period (ms) between the answer
  1044. ; polarity switch and hangup polarity switch.
  1045. ; (default: 600ms)
  1046. ;
  1047. ; On trunk interfaces (FXS) it can be useful to attempt to follow the progress
  1048. ; of a call through RINGING, BUSY, and ANSWERING. If turned on, call
  1049. ; progress attempts to determine answer, busy, and ringing on phone lines.
  1050. ; This feature is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and can easily detect false answers,
  1051. ; so don't count on it being very accurate.
  1052. ;
  1053. ; Few zones are supported at the time of this writing, but may be selected
  1054. ; with "progzone".
  1055. ;
  1056. ; progzone also affects the pattern used for buzydetect (unless
  1057. ; busypattern is set explicitly). The possible values are:
  1058. ; us (default)
  1059. ; ca (alias for 'us')
  1060. ; cr (Costa Rica)
  1061. ; br (Brazil, alias for 'cr')
  1062. ; uk
  1063. ;
  1064. ; This feature can also easily detect false hangups. The symptoms of this is
  1065. ; being disconnected in the middle of a call for no reason.
  1066. ;
  1067. ;callprogress=yes
  1068. ;progzone=uk
  1069. ;
  1070. ; Set the tonezone. Equivalent of the defaultzone settings in
  1071. ; /etc/dahdi/system.conf. This sets the tone zone by number.
  1072. ; Note that you'd still need to load tonezones (loadzone in
  1073. ; /etc/dahdi/system.conf).
  1074. ; The default is -1: not to set anything.
  1075. ;tonezone = 0 ; 0 is US
  1076. ;
  1077. ; FXO (FXS signalled) devices must have a timeout to determine if there was a
  1078. ; hangup before the line was answered. This value can be tweaked to shorten
  1079. ; how long it takes before DAHDI considers a non-ringing line to have hungup.
  1080. ;
  1081. ; ringtimeout will not update on a reload.
  1082. ;
  1083. ;ringtimeout=8000
  1084. ;
  1085. ; For FXO (FXS signalled) devices, whether to use pulse dial instead of DTMF
  1086. ; Pulse digits from phones (FXS devices, FXO signalling) are always
  1087. ; detected.
  1088. ;
  1089. ;pulsedial=yes
  1090. ;
  1091. ; For fax detection, uncomment one of the following lines. The default is *OFF*
  1092. ;
  1093. ;faxdetect=both
  1094. ;faxdetect=incoming
  1095. ;faxdetect=outgoing
  1096. ;faxdetect=no
  1097. ;
  1098. ; When 'faxdetect' is enabled, one could use 'faxdetect_timeout' to disable fax
  1099. ; detection after the specified number of seconds into a call. Be aware that
  1100. ; outgoing analog channels may consider the channel is answered immediately
  1101. ; when dialing completes. Analog does not have a reliable method of detecting
  1102. ; when the far end answers. Zero disables the timeout.
  1103. ; Default is 0 to disable the timeout.
  1104. ;
  1105. ;faxdetect_timeout=30
  1106. ;
  1107. ; When 'faxdetect' is used, one could use 'faxbuffers' to configure the DAHDI
  1108. ; transmit buffer policy. The default is *OFF*. When this configuration
  1109. ; option is used, the faxbuffer policy will be used for the life of the call
  1110. ; after a fax tone is detected. The faxbuffer policy is reverted after the
  1111. ; call is torn down. The sample below will result in 6 buffers and a full
  1112. ; buffer policy.
  1113. ;
  1114. ;faxbuffers=>6,full
  1115. ;
  1116. ; Configure the default number of DAHDI buffers and the transmit policy to use.
  1117. ; This can be used to eliminate data drops when scheduling jitter prevents
  1118. ; Asterisk from writing to a DAHDI channel regularly. Most users will probably
  1119. ; want "faxbuffers" instead of "buffers".
  1120. ;
  1121. ; The policies are:
  1122. ; immediate - DAHDI will immediately start sending the data to the hardware after
  1123. ; Asterisk writes to the channel. This is the default mode. It
  1124. ; introduces the least amount of latency but has an increased chance for
  1125. ; hardware under runs if Asterisk is not able to keep the DAHDI write
  1126. ; queue from going empty.
  1127. ; half - DAHDI will wait until half of the configured buffers are full before
  1128. ; starting to transmit. This adds latency to the audio but reduces
  1129. ; the chance of under runs. Essentially, this is like an in-kernel jitter
  1130. ; buffer.
  1131. ; full - DAHDI will not start transmitting until all buffers are full.
  1132. ; Introduces the most amount of latency and is susceptible to over
  1133. ; runs from the Asterisk process.
  1134. ;
  1135. ; The receive policy is never changed. DAHDI will always pass up audio as soon
  1136. ; as possible.
  1137. ;
  1138. ; The default number of buffers is 4 (from jitterbuffers) and the default policy
  1139. ; is immediate.
  1140. ;
  1141. ;buffers=4,immediate
  1142. ;
  1143. ; This option specifies what to do when the channel's bridged peer puts the
  1144. ; ISDN channel on hold. Settable per logical ISDN span.
  1145. ; moh: Generate music-on-hold to the remote party.
  1146. ; notify: Send hold notification signaling to the remote party.
  1147. ; For ETSI PTP and ETSI PTMP NT links.
  1148. ; (The notify setting deprecates the mohinterpret=passthrough setting.)
  1149. ; hold: Use HOLD/RETRIEVE signaling to release the B channel while on hold.
  1150. ; For ETSI PTMP TE links.
  1151. ;
  1152. ;moh_signaling=moh
  1153. ;
  1154. ; This option specifies a preference for which music on hold class this channel
  1155. ; should listen to when put on hold if the music class has not been set on the
  1156. ; channel with Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan, and the peer
  1157. ; channel putting this one on hold did not suggest a music class.
  1158. ;
  1159. ; This option may be set globally or on a per-channel basis.
  1160. ;
  1161. ;mohinterpret=default
  1162. ;
  1163. ; This option specifies which music on hold class to suggest to the peer channel
  1164. ; when this channel places the peer on hold. This option may be set globally,
  1165. ; or on a per-channel basis.
  1166. ;
  1167. ;mohsuggest=default
  1168. ;
  1169. ; PRI channels can have an idle extension and a minunused number. So long as
  1170. ; at least "minunused" channels are idle, chan_dahdi will try to call "idledial"
  1171. ; on them, and then dump them into the PBX in the "idleext" extension (which
  1172. ; is of the form exten@context). When channels are needed the "idle" calls
  1173. ; are disconnected (so long as there are at least "minidle" calls still
  1174. ; running, of course) to make more channels available. The primary use of
  1175. ; this is to create a dynamic service, where idle channels are bundled through
  1176. ; multilink PPP, thus more efficiently utilizing combined voice/data services
  1177. ; than conventional fixed mappings/muxings.
  1178. ;
  1179. ; Those settings cannot be changed on reload.
  1180. ;
  1181. ;idledial=6999
  1182. ;idleext=6999@dialout
  1183. ;minunused=2
  1184. ;minidle=1
  1185. ;
  1186. ;
  1187. ; ignore_failed_channels: Continue even if some channels failed to configure.
  1188. ; True by default. Disable this if you can guarantee that DAHDI starts before
  1189. ; Asterisk and want to be sure chan_dahdi will not start with broken
  1190. ; configuration.
  1191. ;
  1192. ;ignore_failed_channels = false
  1193. ;
  1194. ; Configure jitter buffers in DAHDI (each one is 20ms, default is 4)
  1195. ; This is set globally, rather than per-channel.
  1196. ;
  1197. ;jitterbuffers=4
  1198. ;
  1199. ; ----------------------------- JITTER BUFFER CONFIGURATION --------------------------
  1200. ; jbenable = yes ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of a
  1201. ; DAHDI channel. Defaults to "no". An enabled jitterbuffer will
  1202. ; be used only if the sending side can create and the receiving
  1203. ; side can not accept jitter. The DAHDI channel can't accept jitter,
  1204. ; thus an enabled jitterbuffer on the receive DAHDI side will always
  1205. ; be used if the sending side can create jitter.
  1206. ; jbmaxsize = 200 ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.
  1207. ; jbresyncthreshold = 1000 ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
  1208. ; resynchronized. Useful to improve the quality of the voice, with
  1209. ; big jumps in/broken timestamps, usually sent from exotic devices
  1210. ; and programs. Defaults to 1000.
  1211. ; jbimpl = fixed ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of a DAHDI
  1212. ; channel. Two implementations are currently available - "fixed"
  1213. ; (with size always equals to jbmax-size) and "adaptive" (with
  1214. ; variable size, actually the new jb of IAX2). Defaults to fixed.
  1215. ; jbtargetextra = 40 ; This option only affects the jb when 'jbimpl = adaptive' is set.
  1216. ; The option represents the number of milliseconds by which the new
  1217. ; jitter buffer will pad its size. the default is 40, so without
  1218. ; modification, the new jitter buffer will set its size to the jitter
  1219. ; value plus 40 milliseconds. increasing this value may help if your
  1220. ; network normally has low jitter, but occasionally has spikes.
  1221. ; jblog = no ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to "no".
  1222. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1223. ;
  1224. ; You can define your own custom ring cadences here. You can define up to 8
  1225. ; pairs. If the silence is negative, it indicates where the caller ID spill is
  1226. ; to be placed. Also, if you define any custom cadences, the default cadences
  1227. ; will be turned off.
  1228. ;
  1229. ; This setting is global, rather than per-channel. It will not update on
  1230. ; a reload.
  1231. ;
  1232. ; Syntax is: cadence=ring,silence[,ring,silence[...]]
  1233. ;
  1234. ; These are the default cadences:
  1235. ;
  1236. ;cadence=125,125,2000,-4000
  1237. ;cadence=250,250,500,1000,250,250,500,-4000
  1238. ;cadence=125,125,125,125,125,-4000
  1239. ;cadence=1000,500,2500,-5000
  1240. ;
  1241. ; Each channel consists of the channel number or range. It inherits the
  1242. ; parameters that were specified above its declaration.
  1243. ;
  1244. ;
  1245. ;callerid="Green Phone"<(256) 428-6121>
  1246. ;description=Reception Phone ; add a description for 'dahdi show channels'
  1247. ;channel => 1
  1248. ;callerid="Black Phone"<(256) 428-6122>
  1249. ;description=Courtesy Phone
  1250. ;channel => 2
  1251. ;callerid="CallerID Phone" <(630) 372-1564>
  1252. ;description= ; reset the description for following channels
  1253. ;channel => 3
  1254. ;callerid="Pac Tel Phone" <(256) 428-6124>
  1255. ;channel => 4
  1256. ;callerid="Uniden Dead" <(256) 428-6125>
  1257. ;channel => 5
  1258. ;callerid="Cortelco 2500" <(256) 428-6126>
  1259. ;channel => 6
  1260. ;callerid="Main TA 750" <(256) 428-6127>
  1261. ;channel => 44
  1262. ;
  1263. ; For example, maybe we have some other channels which start out in a
  1264. ; different context and use E & M signalling instead.
  1265. ;
  1266. ;context=remote
  1267. ;signaling=em
  1268. ;channel => 15
  1269. ;channel => 16
  1270. ;signalling=em_w
  1271. ;
  1272. ; All those in group 0 I'll use for outgoing calls
  1273. ;
  1274. ; Strip most significant digit (9) before sending
  1275. ;
  1276. ;stripmsd=1
  1277. ;callerid=asreceived
  1278. ;group=0
  1279. ;signalling=fxs_ls
  1280. ;channel => 45
  1281. ;signalling=fxo_ls
  1282. ;group=1
  1283. ;callerid="Joe Schmoe" <(256) 428-6131>
  1284. ;channel => 25
  1285. ;callerid="Megan May" <(256) 428-6132>
  1286. ;channel => 26
  1287. ;callerid="Suzy Queue" <(256) 428-6233>
  1288. ;channel => 27
  1289. ;callerid="Larry Moe" <(256) 428-6234>
  1290. ;channel => 28
  1291. ;
  1292. ; Sample PRI (CPE) config: Specify the switchtype, the signalling as either
  1293. ; pri_cpe or pri_net for CPE or Network termination, and generally you will
  1294. ; want to create a single "group" for all channels of the PRI.
  1295. ;
  1296. ; switchtype cannot be changed on a reload.
  1297. ;
  1298. ; switchtype = national
  1299. ; signalling = pri_cpe
  1300. ; group = 2
  1301. ; channel => 1-23
  1302. ;
  1303. ; Alternatively, the number of the channel may be replaced with a relative
  1304. ; path to a device file under /dev/dahdi . The final element of that file
  1305. ; must be a number, though. The directory separator is '!', as we can't
  1306. ; use '/' in a dial string. So if we have
  1307. ;
  1308. ; /dev/dahdi/span-name/pstn/00/1
  1309. ; /dev/dahdi/span-name/pstn/00/2
  1310. ; /dev/dahdi/span-name/pstn/00/3
  1311. ; /dev/dahdi/span-name/pstn/00/4
  1312. ;
  1313. ; we could use:
  1314. ;channel => span-name!pstn!00!1-4
  1315. ;
  1316. ; or:
  1317. ;channel => span-name!pstn!00!1,2,3,4
  1318. ;
  1319. ; See also ignore_failed_channels above.
  1320. ; Used for distinctive ring support for x100p.
  1321. ; You can see the dringX patterns is to set any one of the dringXcontext fields
  1322. ; and they will be printed on the console when an inbound call comes in.
  1323. ;
  1324. ; dringXrange is used to change the acceptable ranges for "tone offsets". Defaults to 10.
  1325. ; Note: a range of 0 is NOT what you might expect - it instead forces it to the default.
  1326. ; A range of -1 will force it to always match.
  1327. ; Anything lower than -1 would presumably cause it to never match.
  1328. ;
  1329. ;dring1=95,0,0
  1330. ;dring1context=internal1
  1331. ;dring1range=10
  1332. ;dring2=325,95,0
  1333. ;dring2context=internal2
  1334. ;dring2range=10
  1335. ; If no pattern is matched here is where we go.
  1336. ;context=default
  1337. ;channel => 1
  1338. ; AMI alarm event reporting
  1339. ;reportalarms=channels
  1340. ;Possible values are:
  1341. ;channels - report each channel alarms (current behavior, default for backward compatibility)
  1342. ;spans - report an "SpanAlarm" event when the span of any configured channel is alarmed
  1343. ;all - report channel and span alarms (aggregated behavior)
  1344. ;none - do not report any alarms.
  1345. ; ---------------- Options for use with signalling=ss7 -----------------
  1346. ; None of them can be changed by a reload.
  1347. ;
  1348. ; Variant of SS7 signalling:
  1349. ; Options are itu and ansi
  1350. ;ss7type = itu
  1351. ; SS7 Called Nature of Address Indicator
  1352. ;
  1353. ; unknown: Unknown
  1354. ; subscriber: Subscriber
  1355. ; national: National
  1356. ; international: International
  1357. ; dynamic: Dynamically selects the appropriate dialplan
  1358. ;
  1359. ;ss7_called_nai=dynamic
  1360. ;
  1361. ; SS7 Calling Nature of Address Indicator
  1362. ;
  1363. ; unknown: Unknown
  1364. ; subscriber: Subscriber
  1365. ; national: National
  1366. ; international: International
  1367. ; dynamic: Dynamically selects the appropriate dialplan
  1368. ;
  1369. ;ss7_calling_nai=dynamic
  1370. ;
  1371. ;
  1372. ; sample 1 for Germany
  1373. ;ss7_internationalprefix = 00
  1374. ;ss7_nationalprefix = 0
  1375. ;ss7_subscriberprefix =
  1376. ;ss7_unknownprefix =
  1377. ;
  1378. ; This option is used to disable automatic sending of ACM when the call is started
  1379. ; in the dialplan. If you do use this option, you will need to use the Proceeding()
  1380. ; application in the dialplan to send ACM or enable ss7_autoacm below.
  1381. ;ss7_explicitacm=yes
  1382. ; Use this option to automatically send ACM when the call rings or is answered and
  1383. ; has not seen proceeding yet. If you use this option, you should disable ss7_explicitacm.
  1384. ; You may still use Proceeding() to explicitly send an ACM from the dialplan.
  1385. ;ss7_autoacm=yes
  1386. ; Create the linkset with all CICs in hardware remotely blocked state.
  1387. ;ss7_initialhwblo=yes
  1388. ; This option is whether or not to trust the remote echo control indication. This means
  1389. ; that in cases where echo control is reported by the remote end, we will trust them and
  1390. ; not enable echo cancellation on the call.
  1391. ;ss7_use_echocontrol=yes
  1392. ; This option is to set what our echo control indication is to the other end. Set to
  1393. ; yes to indicate that we are using echo cancellation or no if we are not.
  1394. ;ss7_default_echocontrol=yes
  1395. ; All settings apply to linkset 1
  1396. ;linkset = 1
  1397. ; Set the Signaling Link Code (SLC) for each sigchan.
  1398. ; If you manually set any you need to manually set all.
  1399. ; Should be defined before sigchan.
  1400. ; The default SLC starts with zero and increases for each defined sigchan.
  1401. ;slc=
  1402. ; Point code of the linkset. For ITU, this is the decimal number
  1403. ; format of the point code. For ANSI, this can either be in decimal
  1404. ; number format or in the xxx-xxx-xxx format
  1405. ;pointcode = 1
  1406. ; Point code of node adjacent to this signalling link (Possibly the STP between you and
  1407. ; your destination). Point code format follows the same rules as above.
  1408. ;adjpointcode = 2
  1409. ; Default point code that you would like to assign to outgoing messages (in case of
  1410. ; routing through STPs, or using A links). Point code format follows the same rules
  1411. ; as above.
  1412. ;defaultdpc = 3
  1413. ; Begin CIC (Circuit indication codes) count with this number
  1414. ;cicbeginswith = 1
  1415. ; What the MTP3 network indicator bits should be set to. Choices are
  1416. ; national, national_spare, international, international_spare
  1417. ;networkindicator=international
  1418. ; First signalling channel
  1419. ;sigchan = 48
  1420. ; Additional signalling channel for this linkset (So you can have a linkset
  1421. ; with two signalling links in it). It seems like a silly way to do it, but
  1422. ; for linksets with multiple signalling links, you add an additional sigchan
  1423. ; line for every additional signalling link on the linkset.
  1424. ;sigchan = 96
  1425. ; Channels to associate with CICs on this linkset
  1426. ;channel = 25-47
  1427. ;
  1428. ; Set this option if you wish to send an Information Request Message (INR) request
  1429. ; if no calling party number is specified. This will attempt to tell the other end
  1430. ; to send it anyways. Should be defined after sigchan.
  1431. ;inr_if_no_calling=yes
  1432. ; Set this to set whether or not the originating access is (non) ISDN in the forward and
  1433. ; backward call indicators. Should be defined after sigchan
  1434. ;non_isdn_access=yes
  1435. ; This sets the number of binary places to shift the CIC when doing load balancing between
  1436. ; sigchans on a linkset. Should be defined after sigchan. Default 0
  1437. ;sls_shift = 0
  1438. ; Send custom cause_location value
  1439. ; Should be defined after sigchan. Default 1 (private local)
  1440. ;cause_location=1
  1441. ; SS7 timers (ISUP and MTP3) should be explicitly defined for each linkset to be used.
  1442. ; For a full list of supported timers and their default values (applicable for both ITU
  1443. ; and ANSI) see ss7.timers
  1444. ; Should be defined after sigchan
  1445. ;#include ss7.timers
  1446. ; For more information on setting up SS7, see the README file in libss7 or
  1447. ;
  1448. ; ----------------- SS7 Options ----------------------------------------
  1449. ; ---------------- Options for use with signalling=mfcr2 --------------
  1450. ; MFC-R2 signaling has lots of variants from country to country and even sometimes
  1451. ; minor variants inside the same country. The only mandatory parameters here are:
  1452. ; mfcr2_variant, mfcr2_max_ani and mfcr2_max_dnis.
  1453. ; IT IS RECOMMENDED that you leave the default values (leaving it commented) for the
  1454. ; other parameters unless you have problems or you have been instructed to change some
  1455. ; parameter. OpenR2 library uses the mfcr2_variant parameter to try to determine the
  1456. ; best defaults for your country, also refer to the OpenR2 package directory
  1457. ; doc/asterisk/ where you can find sample configurations for some countries. If you
  1458. ; want to contribute your configs for a particular country send them to the e-mail
  1459. ; of the primary OpenR2 developer that you can find in the AUTHORS file of the OpenR2 package
  1460. ; MFC/R2 variant. This depends on the OpenR2 supported variants
  1461. ; A list of values can be found by executing the openr2 command r2test -l
  1462. ; some valid values are:
  1463. ; ar (Argentina)
  1464. ; br (Brazil)
  1465. ; mx (Mexico)
  1466. ; ph (Philippines)
  1467. ; itu (per ITU spec)
  1468. ; mfcr2_variant=mx
  1469. ; Max amount of ANI to ask for
  1470. ; mfcr2_max_ani=10
  1471. ; Max amount of DNIS to ask for
  1472. ; mfcr2_max_dnis=4
  1473. ; whether or not to get the ANI before getting DNIS.
  1474. ; some telcos require ANI first some others do not care
  1475. ; if this go wrong, change this value
  1476. ; mfcr2_get_ani_first=no
  1477. ; Caller Category to send
  1478. ; national_subscriber
  1479. ; national_priority_subscriber
  1480. ; international_subscriber
  1481. ; international_priority_subscriber
  1482. ; collect_call
  1483. ; usually national_subscriber works just fine
  1484. ; you can change this setting from the dialplan
  1485. ; by setting the variable MFCR2_CATEGORY
  1486. ; (remember to set _MFCR2_CATEGORY from originating channels)
  1487. ; MFCR2_CATEGORY will also be a variable available in your context
  1488. ; on incoming calls set to the value received from the far end
  1489. ; mfcr2_category=national_subscriber
  1490. ; Call logging is stored at the Asterisk
  1491. ; logging directory specified in asterisk.conf
  1492. ; plus mfcr2/<whatever you put here>
  1493. ; if you specify 'span1' here and asterisk.conf has
  1494. ; as logging directory /var/log/asterisk then the full
  1495. ; path to your MFC/R2 call logs will be /var/log/asterisk/mfcr2/span1
  1496. ; (the directory will be automatically created if not present already)
  1497. ; remember to set mfcr2_call_files=yes
  1498. ; mfcr2_logdir=span1
  1499. ; whether or not to drop call files into mfcr2_logdir
  1500. ; mfcr2_call_files=yes|no
  1501. ; MFC/R2 valid logging values are: all,error,warning,debug,notice,cas,mf,stack,nothing
  1502. ; error,warning,debug and notice are self-descriptive
  1503. ; 'cas' is for logging ABCD CAS tx and rx
  1504. ; 'mf' is for logging of the Multi Frequency tones
  1505. ; 'stack' is for very verbose output of the channel and context call stack, only useful
  1506. ; if you are debugging a crash or want to learn how the library works. The stack logging
  1507. ; will be only enabled if the openr2 library was compiled with -DOR2_TRACE_STACKS
  1508. ; You can mix up values, like: loglevel=error,debug,mf to log just error, debug and
  1509. ; multi frequency messages
  1510. ; 'all' is a special value to log all the activity
  1511. ; 'nothing' is a clean-up value, in case you want to not log any activity for
  1512. ; a channel or group of channels
  1513. ; BE AWARE that the level of output logged will ALSO depend on
  1514. ; the value you have in logger.conf, if you disable output in logger.conf
  1515. ; then it does not matter you specify 'all' here, nothing will be logged
  1516. ; so logger.conf has the last word on what is going to be logged
  1517. ; mfcr2_logging=all
  1518. ; MFC/R2 value in milliseconds for the MF timeout. Any negative value
  1519. ; means 'default', smaller values than 500ms are not recommended
  1520. ; and can cause malfunctioning. If you experience protocol error
  1521. ; due to MF timeout try incrementing this value in 500ms steps
  1522. ; mfcr2_mfback_timeout=-1
  1523. ; MFC/R2 value in milliseconds for the metering pulse timeout.
  1524. ; Metering pulses are sent by some telcos for some R2 variants
  1525. ; during a call presumably for billing purposes to indicate costs,
  1526. ; however this pulses use the same signal that is used to indicate
  1527. ; call hangup, therefore a timeout is sometimes required to distinguish
  1528. ; between a *real* hangup and a billing pulse that should not
  1529. ; last more than 500ms, If you experience call drops after some
  1530. ; minutes of being stablished try setting a value of some ms here,
  1531. ; values greater than 500ms are not recommended.
  1532. ; BE AWARE that choosing the proper protocol mfcr2_variant parameter
  1533. ; implicitly sets a good recommended value for this timer, use this
  1534. ; parameter only when you *really* want to override the default, otherwise
  1535. ; just comment out this value or put a -1
  1536. ; Any negative value means 'default'.
  1537. ; mfcr2_metering_pulse_timeout=-1
  1538. ; Brazil uses a special calling party category for collect calls (llamadas por cobrar)
  1539. ; instead of using the operator (as in Mexico). The R2 spec in Brazil says a special GB tone
  1540. ; should be used to reject collect calls. If you want to ALLOW collect calls specify 'yes',
  1541. ; if you want to BLOCK collect calls then say 'no'. Default is to block collect calls.
  1542. ; (see also 'mfcr2_double_answer')
  1543. ; mfcr2_allow_collect_calls=no
  1544. ; This feature is related but independent of mfcr2_allow_collect_calls
  1545. ; Some PBX's require a double-answer process to block collect calls, if
  1546. ; you ever have problems blocking collect calls using Group B signals (mfcr2_allow_collect_calls=no)
  1547. ; then you may want to try with mfcr2_double_answer=yes, this will cause that every answer signal
  1548. ; is changed by answer->clear back->answer (sort of a flash)
  1549. ; (see also 'mfcr2_allow_collect_calls')
  1550. ; mfcr2_double_answer=no
  1551. ; This feature allows to skip the use of Group B/II signals and go directly
  1552. ; to the accepted state for incoming calls
  1553. ; mfcr2_immediate_accept=no
  1554. ; You most likely dont need this feature. Default is yes.
  1555. ; When this is set to yes, all calls that are offered (incoming calls) which
  1556. ; DNIS is valid (exists in extensions.conf) and pass collect call validation
  1557. ; will be accepted with a Group B tone (either call with charge or not, depending on mfcr2_charge_calls)
  1558. ; with this set to 'no' then the call will NOT be accepted on offered, and the call will start its
  1559. ; execution in extensions.conf without being accepted until the channel is answered (either with Answer() or
  1560. ; any other application resulting in the channel being answered).
  1561. ; This can be set to 'no' if your telco or PBX needs the hangup cause to be set accurately
  1562. ; when this option is set to no you must explicitly accept the call with DAHDIAcceptR2Call
  1563. ; or implicitly through the Answer() application.
  1564. ; mfcr2_accept_on_offer=yes
  1565. ; Skip request of calling party category and ANI
  1566. ; you need openr2 >= 1.2.0 to use this feature
  1567. ; mfcr2_skip_category=no
  1568. ; WARNING: advanced users only! I really mean it
  1569. ; this parameter is commented by default because
  1571. ; READ COMMENTS on doc/r2proto.conf in openr2 package
  1572. ; for more info
  1573. ; mfcr2_advanced_protocol_file=/path/to/r2proto.conf
  1574. ; Brazil use a special signal to force the release of the line (hangup) from the
  1575. ; backward perspective. When mfcr2_forced_release=no, the normal clear back signal
  1576. ; will be sent on hangup, which is OK for all mfcr2 variants I know of, except for
  1577. ; Brazilian variant, where the central will leave the line up for several seconds (30, 60)
  1578. ; which sometimes is not what people really want. When mfcr2_forced_release=yes, a different
  1579. ; signal will be sent to hangup the call indicating that the line should be released immediately
  1580. ; mfcr2_forced_release=no
  1581. ; Whether or not report to the other end 'accept call with charge'
  1582. ; This setting has no effect with most telecos, usually is safe
  1583. ; leave the default (yes), but once in a while when interconnecting with
  1584. ; old PBXs this may be useful.
  1585. ; Concretely this affects the Group B signal used to accept calls
  1586. ; The application DAHDIAcceptR2Call can also be used to decide this
  1587. ; in the dial plan in a per-call basis instead of doing it here for all calls
  1588. ; mfcr2_charge_calls=yes
  1589. ; ---------------- END of options to be used with signalling=mfcr2
  1590. ; Configuration Sections
  1591. ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1592. ; You can also configure channels in a separate chan_dahdi.conf section. In
  1593. ; this case the keyword 'channel' is not used. Instead the keyword
  1594. ; 'dahdichan' is used (as in users.conf) - configuration is only processed
  1595. ; in a section where the keyword dahdichan is used. It will only be
  1596. ; processed in the end of the section. Thus the following section:
  1597. ;
  1598. ;[phones]
  1599. ;echocancel = 64
  1600. ;dahdichan = 1-8
  1601. ;group = 1
  1602. ;
  1603. ; Is somewhat equivalent to the following snippet in the section
  1604. ; [channels]:
  1605. ;
  1606. ;echocancel = 64
  1607. ;group = 1
  1608. ;channel => 1-8
  1609. ;
  1610. ; When starting a new section almost all of the configuration values are
  1611. ; copied from their values at the end of the section [channels] in
  1612. ; chan_dahdi.conf and [general] in users.conf - one section's configuration
  1613. ; does not affect another one's.
  1614. ;
  1615. ; Instead of letting common configuration values "slide through" you can
  1616. ; use configuration templates to easily keep the common part in one
  1617. ; place and override where needed.
  1618. ;
  1619. ;[phones](!)
  1620. ;echocancel = yes
  1621. ;group = 0,4
  1622. ;callgroup = 3
  1623. ;pickupgroup = 3
  1624. ;threewaycalling = yes
  1625. ;transfer = yes
  1626. ;context = phones
  1627. ;faxdetect = incoming
  1628. ;
  1629. ;[phone-1](phones)
  1630. ;dahdichan = 1
  1631. ;callerid = My Name <501>
  1632. ;mailbox = 501@mailboxes
  1633. ;
  1634. ;
  1635. ;[fax](phones)
  1636. ;dahdichan = 2
  1637. ;faxdetect = no
  1638. ;context = fax
  1639. ;
  1640. ;[phone-3](phones)
  1641. ;dahdichan = 3
  1642. ;pickupgroup = 3,4