manager.conf.sample 6.6 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; AMI - The Asterisk Manager Interface
  3. ;
  4. ; Third party application call management support and PBX event supervision
  5. ;
  6. ; Use the "manager show commands" at the CLI to list available manager commands
  7. ; and their authorization levels.
  8. ;
  9. ; "manager show command <command>" will show a help text.
  10. ;
  11. ; ---------------------------- SECURITY NOTE -------------------------------
  12. ; Note that you should not enable the AMI on a public IP address. If needed,
  13. ; block this TCP port with iptables (or another FW software) and reach it
  14. ; with IPsec, SSH, or SSL vpn tunnel. You can also make the manager
  15. ; interface available over http/https if Asterisk's http server is enabled in
  16. ; http.conf and if both "enabled" and "webenabled" are set to yes in
  17. ; this file. Both default to no. httptimeout provides the maximum
  18. ; timeout in seconds before a web based session is discarded. The
  19. ; default is 60 seconds.
  20. ;
  21. [general]
  22. enabled = no
  23. ;webenabled = yes
  24. port = 5038
  25. bindaddr =
  26. ; Parameters that control AMI over TLS. ("enabled" must be set too).
  27. ; You can open a connection to this socket with e.g.
  28. ;
  29. ; openssl s_client -connect my_host:5039
  30. ;
  31. ;tlsenable=no ; set to YES to enable it
  32. ;tlsbindaddr= ; address and port to bind to, default to bindaddr and port 5039
  33. ;tlscertfile=/tmp/asterisk.pem ; path to the certificate.
  34. ;tlsprivatekey=/tmp/private.pem ; path to the private key, if no private given,
  35. ; if no tlsprivatekey is given, default is to search
  36. ; tlscertfile for private key.
  37. ;tlscipher=<cipher string> ; string specifying which SSL ciphers to use or not use
  38. ;
  39. ;allowmultiplelogin = yes ; IF set to no, rejects manager logins that are already in use.
  40. ; ; The default is yes.
  41. ;
  42. ;displayconnects = yes
  43. ;
  44. ; Add a Unix epoch timestamp to events (not action responses)
  45. ;
  46. ;timestampevents = yes
  47. ;brokeneventsaction = yes ; Restore previous behavior that caused the events
  48. ; action to not return a response in certain
  49. ; circumstances. Defaults to 'no'.
  50. ;
  51. ; Display certain channel variables every time a channel-oriented
  52. ; event is emitted:
  53. ;
  54. ;channelvars = var1,var2,var3
  55. ; debug = on ; enable some debugging info in AMI messages (default off).
  56. ; Also accessible through the "manager debug" CLI command.
  57. ; authtimeout specifies the maximum number of seconds a client has to
  58. ; authenticate. If the client does not authenticate beofre this timeout
  59. ; expires, the client will be disconnected. (default: 30 seconds)
  60. ;authtimeout = 30
  61. ; authlimit specifies the maximum number of unauthenticated sessions that will
  62. ; be allowed to connect at any given time.
  63. ;authlimit = 50
  64. ;httptimeout = 60
  65. ; a) httptimeout sets the Max-Age of the http cookie
  66. ; b) httptimeout is the amount of time the webserver waits
  67. ; on a action=waitevent request (actually its httptimeout-10)
  68. ; c) httptimeout is also the amount of time the webserver keeps
  69. ; a http session alive after completing a successful action
  70. ;[mark]
  71. ;secret = mysecret
  72. ;deny=
  73. ;permit=
  74. ;acl=named_acl_example ; use a named ACL from acl.conf
  75. ;
  76. ;
  77. ;setvar=PBXACCOUNT=edvina
  78. ; The setvar option defines channel variables that will be set when this account
  79. ; originates a call. You can define multiple setvar= commands for one manager
  80. ; user.
  81. ;
  82. ;eventfilter=Event: Newchannel
  83. ;eventfilter=Channel: (PJ)?SIP/(james|jim|john)-
  84. ;eventfilter=!Channel: DAHDI/
  85. ; The eventfilter option is used to whitelist or blacklist events per user.
  86. ; A filter consists of an (unanchored) regular expression that is run on the
  87. ; entire event data. If the first character of the filter is an exclamation
  88. ; mark (!), the filter is appended to the blacklist instead of the whitelist.
  89. ; After first checking the read access below, the regular expression filters
  90. ; are processed as follows:
  91. ; - If no filters are configured all events are reported as normal.
  92. ; - If there are white filters only: implied black all filter processed first,
  93. ; then white filters.
  94. ; - If there are black filters only: implied white all filter processed first,
  95. ; then black filters.
  96. ; - If there are both white and black filters: implied black all filter processed
  97. ; first, then white filters, and lastly black filters.
  98. ;
  99. ; If the device connected via this user accepts input slowly,
  100. ; the timeout for writes to it can be increased to keep it
  101. ; from being disconnected (value is in milliseconds)
  102. ;
  103. ; writetimeout = 100
  104. ;
  105. ;displayconnects = yes ; Display on CLI user login/logoff
  106. ;
  107. ; Authorization for various classes
  108. ;
  109. ; Read authorization permits you to receive asynchronous events, in general.
  110. ; Write authorization permits you to send commands and get back responses. The
  111. ; following classes exist:
  112. ;
  113. ; all - All event classes below (including any we may have missed).
  114. ; system - General information about the system and ability to run system
  115. ; management commands, such as Shutdown, Restart, and Reload. This
  116. ; class also includes dialplan manipulation actions such as
  117. ; DialplanExtensionAdd and DialplanExtensionRemove.
  118. ; call - Information about channels and ability to set information in a
  119. ; running channel.
  120. ; log - Logging information. Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
  121. ; verbose - Verbose information. Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
  122. ; agent - Information about queues and agents and ability to add queue
  123. ; members to a queue.
  124. ; user - Permission to send and receive UserEvent.
  125. ; config - Ability to read and write configuration files.
  126. ; command - Permission to run CLI commands. Write-only.
  127. ; dtmf - Receive DTMF events. Read-only.
  128. ; reporting - Ability to get information about the system.
  129. ; cdr - Output of cdr_manager, if loaded. Read-only.
  130. ; dialplan - Receive NewExten and VarSet events. Read-only.
  131. ; originate - Permission to originate new calls. Write-only.
  132. ; agi - Output AGI commands executed. Input AGI command to execute.
  133. ; cc - Call Completion events. Read-only.
  134. ; aoc - Permission to send Advice Of Charge messages and receive Advice
  135. ; - Of Charge events.
  136. ; test - Ability to read TestEvent notifications sent to the Asterisk Test
  137. ; Suite. Note that this is only enabled when the TEST_FRAMEWORK
  138. ; compiler flag is defined.
  139. ; security - Security Events. Read-only.
  140. ; message - Permissions to send out of call messages. Write-only
  141. ;
  142. ;read = system,call,log,verbose,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan
  143. ;write = system,call,agent,user,config,command,reporting,originate,message