asterisk-ices.xml 3.2 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <ices>
  3. <!-- run in background -->
  4. <background>0</background>
  5. <!-- where logs go. -->
  6. <logpath>/var/log/ices</logpath>
  7. <logfile>ices.log</logfile>
  8. <!-- 1=error, 2=warn, 3=infoa ,4=debug -->
  9. <loglevel>4</loglevel>
  10. <!-- logfile is ignored if this is set to 1 -->
  11. <consolelog>0</consolelog>
  12. <!-- optional filename to write process id to -->
  13. <!-- <pidfile>/home/ices/</pidfile> -->
  14. <stream>
  15. <!-- metadata used for stream listing -->
  16. <metadata>
  17. <name>Example stream name</name>
  18. <genre>Example genre</genre>
  19. <description>A short description of your stream</description>
  20. <url></url>
  21. </metadata>
  22. <!-- Input module.
  23. This example uses the 'oss' module. It takes input from the
  24. OSS audio device (e.g. line-in), and processes it for live
  25. encoding. -->
  26. <input>
  27. <module>stdinpcm</module>
  28. <param name="rate">8000</param>
  29. <param name="channels">1</param>
  30. <!-- Read metadata (from stdin by default, or -->
  31. <!-- filename defined below (if the latter, only on SIGUSR1) -->
  32. <param name="metadata">1</param>
  33. <param name="metadatafilename">test</param>
  34. </input>
  35. <!-- Stream instance.
  36. You may have one or more instances here. This allows you to
  37. send the same input data to one or more servers (or to different
  38. mountpoints on the same server). Each of them can have different
  39. parameters. This is primarily useful for a) relaying to multiple
  40. independent servers, and b) encoding/reencoding to multiple
  41. bitrates.
  42. If one instance fails (for example, the associated server goes
  43. down, etc), the others will continue to function correctly.
  44. This example defines a single instance doing live encoding at
  45. low bitrate. -->
  46. <instance>
  47. <!-- Server details.
  48. You define hostname and port for the server here, along
  49. with the source password and mountpoint. -->
  50. <hostname>localhost</hostname>
  51. <port>8000</port>
  52. <password>temppass</password>
  53. <mount>/example.ogg</mount>
  54. <yp>1</yp> <!-- allow stream to be advertised on YP, default 0 -->
  55. <!-- Live encoding/reencoding:
  56. channels and samplerate currently MUST match the channels
  57. and samplerate given in the parameters to the oss input
  58. module above or the remsaple/downmix section below. -->
  59. <encode>
  60. <quality>0</quality>
  61. <samplerate>8000</samplerate>
  62. <channels>1</channels>
  63. </encode>
  64. <!-- stereo->mono downmixing, enabled by setting this to 1 -->
  65. <downmix>0</downmix>
  66. <!-- resampling.
  67. Set to the frequency (in Hz) you wish to resample to, -->
  68. <!-- <resample>
  69. <in-rate>44100</in-rate>
  70. <out-rate>22050</out-rate>
  71. </resample> -->
  72. </instance>
  73. </stream>
  74. </ices>