ip-sysctl.txt 70 KB

  1. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/* Variables:
  2. ip_forward - BOOLEAN
  3. 0 - disabled (default)
  4. not 0 - enabled
  5. Forward Packets between interfaces.
  6. This variable is special, its change resets all configuration
  7. parameters to their default state (RFC1122 for hosts, RFC1812
  8. for routers)
  9. ip_default_ttl - INTEGER
  10. Default value of TTL field (Time To Live) for outgoing (but not
  11. forwarded) IP packets. Should be between 1 and 255 inclusive.
  12. Default: 64 (as recommended by RFC1700)
  13. ip_no_pmtu_disc - INTEGER
  14. Disable Path MTU Discovery. If enabled in mode 1 and a
  15. fragmentation-required ICMP is received, the PMTU to this
  16. destination will be set to min_pmtu (see below). You will need
  17. to raise min_pmtu to the smallest interface MTU on your system
  18. manually if you want to avoid locally generated fragments.
  19. In mode 2 incoming Path MTU Discovery messages will be
  20. discarded. Outgoing frames are handled the same as in mode 1,
  21. implicitly setting IP_PMTUDISC_DONT on every created socket.
  22. Mode 3 is a hardend pmtu discover mode. The kernel will only
  23. accept fragmentation-needed errors if the underlying protocol
  24. can verify them besides a plain socket lookup. Current
  25. protocols for which pmtu events will be honored are TCP, SCTP
  26. and DCCP as they verify e.g. the sequence number or the
  27. association. This mode should not be enabled globally but is
  28. only intended to secure e.g. name servers in namespaces where
  29. TCP path mtu must still work but path MTU information of other
  30. protocols should be discarded. If enabled globally this mode
  31. could break other protocols.
  32. Possible values: 0-3
  33. Default: FALSE
  34. min_pmtu - INTEGER
  35. default 552 - minimum discovered Path MTU
  36. ip_forward_use_pmtu - BOOLEAN
  37. By default we don't trust protocol path MTUs while forwarding
  38. because they could be easily forged and can lead to unwanted
  39. fragmentation by the router.
  40. You only need to enable this if you have user-space software
  41. which tries to discover path mtus by itself and depends on the
  42. kernel honoring this information. This is normally not the
  43. case.
  44. Default: 0 (disabled)
  45. Possible values:
  46. 0 - disabled
  47. 1 - enabled
  48. fwmark_reflect - BOOLEAN
  49. Controls the fwmark of kernel-generated IPv4 reply packets that are not
  50. associated with a socket for example, TCP RSTs or ICMP echo replies).
  51. If unset, these packets have a fwmark of zero. If set, they have the
  52. fwmark of the packet they are replying to.
  53. Default: 0
  54. route/max_size - INTEGER
  55. Maximum number of routes allowed in the kernel. Increase
  56. this when using large numbers of interfaces and/or routes.
  57. From linux kernel 3.6 onwards, this is deprecated for ipv4
  58. as route cache is no longer used.
  59. neigh/default/gc_thresh1 - INTEGER
  60. Minimum number of entries to keep. Garbage collector will not
  61. purge entries if there are fewer than this number.
  62. Default: 128
  63. neigh/default/gc_thresh2 - INTEGER
  64. Threshold when garbage collector becomes more aggressive about
  65. purging entries. Entries older than 5 seconds will be cleared
  66. when over this number.
  67. Default: 512
  68. neigh/default/gc_thresh3 - INTEGER
  69. Maximum number of neighbor entries allowed. Increase this
  70. when using large numbers of interfaces and when communicating
  71. with large numbers of directly-connected peers.
  72. Default: 1024
  73. neigh/default/unres_qlen_bytes - INTEGER
  74. The maximum number of bytes which may be used by packets
  75. queued for each unresolved address by other network layers.
  76. (added in linux 3.3)
  77. Setting negative value is meaningless and will return error.
  78. Default: 65536 Bytes(64KB)
  79. neigh/default/unres_qlen - INTEGER
  80. The maximum number of packets which may be queued for each
  81. unresolved address by other network layers.
  82. (deprecated in linux 3.3) : use unres_qlen_bytes instead.
  83. Prior to linux 3.3, the default value is 3 which may cause
  84. unexpected packet loss. The current default value is calculated
  85. according to default value of unres_qlen_bytes and true size of
  86. packet.
  87. Default: 31
  88. mtu_expires - INTEGER
  89. Time, in seconds, that cached PMTU information is kept.
  90. min_adv_mss - INTEGER
  91. The advertised MSS depends on the first hop route MTU, but will
  92. never be lower than this setting.
  93. IP Fragmentation:
  94. ipfrag_high_thresh - LONG INTEGER
  95. Maximum memory used to reassemble IP fragments.
  96. ipfrag_low_thresh - LONG INTEGER
  97. (Obsolete since linux-4.4.174, backported from linux-4.17)
  98. Maximum memory used to reassemble IP fragments before the kernel
  99. begins to remove incomplete fragment queues to free up resources.
  100. The kernel still accepts new fragments for defragmentation.
  101. ipfrag_time - INTEGER
  102. Time in seconds to keep an IP fragment in memory.
  103. ipfrag_max_dist - INTEGER
  104. ipfrag_max_dist is a non-negative integer value which defines the
  105. maximum "disorder" which is allowed among fragments which share a
  106. common IP source address. Note that reordering of packets is
  107. not unusual, but if a large number of fragments arrive from a source
  108. IP address while a particular fragment queue remains incomplete, it
  109. probably indicates that one or more fragments belonging to that queue
  110. have been lost. When ipfrag_max_dist is positive, an additional check
  111. is done on fragments before they are added to a reassembly queue - if
  112. ipfrag_max_dist (or more) fragments have arrived from a particular IP
  113. address between additions to any IP fragment queue using that source
  114. address, it's presumed that one or more fragments in the queue are
  115. lost. The existing fragment queue will be dropped, and a new one
  116. started. An ipfrag_max_dist value of zero disables this check.
  117. Using a very small value, e.g. 1 or 2, for ipfrag_max_dist can
  118. result in unnecessarily dropping fragment queues when normal
  119. reordering of packets occurs, which could lead to poor application
  120. performance. Using a very large value, e.g. 50000, increases the
  121. likelihood of incorrectly reassembling IP fragments that originate
  122. from different IP datagrams, which could result in data corruption.
  123. Default: 64
  124. INET peer storage:
  125. inet_peer_threshold - INTEGER
  126. The approximate size of the storage. Starting from this threshold
  127. entries will be thrown aggressively. This threshold also determines
  128. entries' time-to-live and time intervals between garbage collection
  129. passes. More entries, less time-to-live, less GC interval.
  130. inet_peer_minttl - INTEGER
  131. Minimum time-to-live of entries. Should be enough to cover fragment
  132. time-to-live on the reassembling side. This minimum time-to-live is
  133. guaranteed if the pool size is less than inet_peer_threshold.
  134. Measured in seconds.
  135. inet_peer_maxttl - INTEGER
  136. Maximum time-to-live of entries. Unused entries will expire after
  137. this period of time if there is no memory pressure on the pool (i.e.
  138. when the number of entries in the pool is very small).
  139. Measured in seconds.
  140. TCP variables:
  141. somaxconn - INTEGER
  142. Limit of socket listen() backlog, known in userspace as SOMAXCONN.
  143. Defaults to 128. See also tcp_max_syn_backlog for additional tuning
  144. for TCP sockets.
  145. tcp_abort_on_overflow - BOOLEAN
  146. If listening service is too slow to accept new connections,
  147. reset them. Default state is FALSE. It means that if overflow
  148. occurred due to a burst, connection will recover. Enable this
  149. option _only_ if you are really sure that listening daemon
  150. cannot be tuned to accept connections faster. Enabling this
  151. option can harm clients of your server.
  152. tcp_adv_win_scale - INTEGER
  153. Count buffering overhead as bytes/2^tcp_adv_win_scale
  154. (if tcp_adv_win_scale > 0) or bytes-bytes/2^(-tcp_adv_win_scale),
  155. if it is <= 0.
  156. Possible values are [-31, 31], inclusive.
  157. Default: 1
  158. tcp_allowed_congestion_control - STRING
  159. Show/set the congestion control choices available to non-privileged
  160. processes. The list is a subset of those listed in
  161. tcp_available_congestion_control.
  162. Default is "reno" and the default setting (tcp_congestion_control).
  163. tcp_app_win - INTEGER
  164. Reserve max(window/2^tcp_app_win, mss) of window for application
  165. buffer. Value 0 is special, it means that nothing is reserved.
  166. Default: 31
  167. tcp_autocorking - BOOLEAN
  168. Enable TCP auto corking :
  169. When applications do consecutive small write()/sendmsg() system calls,
  170. we try to coalesce these small writes as much as possible, to lower
  171. total amount of sent packets. This is done if at least one prior
  172. packet for the flow is waiting in Qdisc queues or device transmit
  173. queue. Applications can still use TCP_CORK for optimal behavior
  174. when they know how/when to uncork their sockets.
  175. Default : 1
  176. tcp_available_congestion_control - STRING
  177. Shows the available congestion control choices that are registered.
  178. More congestion control algorithms may be available as modules,
  179. but not loaded.
  180. tcp_base_mss - INTEGER
  181. The initial value of search_low to be used by the packetization layer
  182. Path MTU discovery (MTU probing). If MTU probing is enabled,
  183. this is the initial MSS used by the connection.
  184. tcp_congestion_control - STRING
  185. Set the congestion control algorithm to be used for new
  186. connections. The algorithm "reno" is always available, but
  187. additional choices may be available based on kernel configuration.
  188. Default is set as part of kernel configuration.
  189. For passive connections, the listener congestion control choice
  190. is inherited.
  191. [see setsockopt(listenfd, SOL_TCP, TCP_CONGESTION, "name" ...) ]
  192. tcp_dsack - BOOLEAN
  193. Allows TCP to send "duplicate" SACKs.
  194. tcp_early_retrans - INTEGER
  195. Enable Early Retransmit (ER), per RFC 5827. ER lowers the threshold
  196. for triggering fast retransmit when the amount of outstanding data is
  197. small and when no previously unsent data can be transmitted (such
  198. that limited transmit could be used). Also controls the use of
  199. Tail loss probe (TLP) that converts RTOs occurring due to tail
  200. losses into fast recovery (draft-dukkipati-tcpm-tcp-loss-probe-01).
  201. Possible values:
  202. 0 disables ER
  203. 1 enables ER
  204. 2 enables ER but delays fast recovery and fast retransmit
  205. by a fourth of RTT. This mitigates connection falsely
  206. recovers when network has a small degree of reordering
  207. (less than 3 packets).
  208. 3 enables delayed ER and TLP.
  209. 4 enables TLP only.
  210. Default: 3
  211. tcp_ecn - INTEGER
  212. Control use of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) by TCP.
  213. ECN is used only when both ends of the TCP connection indicate
  214. support for it. This feature is useful in avoiding losses due
  215. to congestion by allowing supporting routers to signal
  216. congestion before having to drop packets.
  217. Possible values are:
  218. 0 Disable ECN. Neither initiate nor accept ECN.
  219. 1 Enable ECN when requested by incoming connections and
  220. also request ECN on outgoing connection attempts.
  221. 2 Enable ECN when requested by incoming connections
  222. but do not request ECN on outgoing connections.
  223. Default: 2
  224. tcp_ecn_fallback - BOOLEAN
  225. If the kernel detects that ECN connection misbehaves, enable fall
  226. back to non-ECN. Currently, this knob implements the fallback
  227. from RFC3168, section, but we reserve that in future,
  228. additional detection mechanisms could be implemented under this
  229. knob. The value is not used, if tcp_ecn or per route (or congestion
  230. control) ECN settings are disabled.
  231. Default: 1 (fallback enabled)
  232. tcp_fack - BOOLEAN
  233. Enable FACK congestion avoidance and fast retransmission.
  234. The value is not used, if tcp_sack is not enabled.
  235. tcp_fin_timeout - INTEGER
  236. The length of time an orphaned (no longer referenced by any
  237. application) connection will remain in the FIN_WAIT_2 state
  238. before it is aborted at the local end. While a perfectly
  239. valid "receive only" state for an un-orphaned connection, an
  240. orphaned connection in FIN_WAIT_2 state could otherwise wait
  241. forever for the remote to close its end of the connection.
  242. Cf. tcp_max_orphans
  243. Default: 60 seconds
  244. tcp_frto - INTEGER
  245. Enables Forward RTO-Recovery (F-RTO) defined in RFC5682.
  246. F-RTO is an enhanced recovery algorithm for TCP retransmission
  247. timeouts. It is particularly beneficial in networks where the
  248. RTT fluctuates (e.g., wireless). F-RTO is sender-side only
  249. modification. It does not require any support from the peer.
  250. By default it's enabled with a non-zero value. 0 disables F-RTO.
  251. tcp_invalid_ratelimit - INTEGER
  252. Limit the maximal rate for sending duplicate acknowledgments
  253. in response to incoming TCP packets that are for an existing
  254. connection but that are invalid due to any of these reasons:
  255. (a) out-of-window sequence number,
  256. (b) out-of-window acknowledgment number, or
  257. (c) PAWS (Protection Against Wrapped Sequence numbers) check failure
  258. This can help mitigate simple "ack loop" DoS attacks, wherein
  259. a buggy or malicious middlebox or man-in-the-middle can
  260. rewrite TCP header fields in manner that causes each endpoint
  261. to think that the other is sending invalid TCP segments, thus
  262. causing each side to send an unterminating stream of duplicate
  263. acknowledgments for invalid segments.
  264. Using 0 disables rate-limiting of dupacks in response to
  265. invalid segments; otherwise this value specifies the minimal
  266. space between sending such dupacks, in milliseconds.
  267. Default: 500 (milliseconds).
  268. tcp_keepalive_time - INTEGER
  269. How often TCP sends out keepalive messages when keepalive is enabled.
  270. Default: 2hours.
  271. tcp_keepalive_probes - INTEGER
  272. How many keepalive probes TCP sends out, until it decides that the
  273. connection is broken. Default value: 9.
  274. tcp_keepalive_intvl - INTEGER
  275. How frequently the probes are send out. Multiplied by
  276. tcp_keepalive_probes it is time to kill not responding connection,
  277. after probes started. Default value: 75sec i.e. connection
  278. will be aborted after ~11 minutes of retries.
  279. tcp_low_latency - BOOLEAN
  280. If set, the TCP stack makes decisions that prefer lower
  281. latency as opposed to higher throughput. By default, this
  282. option is not set meaning that higher throughput is preferred.
  283. An example of an application where this default should be
  284. changed would be a Beowulf compute cluster.
  285. Default: 0
  286. tcp_max_orphans - INTEGER
  287. Maximal number of TCP sockets not attached to any user file handle,
  288. held by system. If this number is exceeded orphaned connections are
  289. reset immediately and warning is printed. This limit exists
  290. only to prevent simple DoS attacks, you _must_ not rely on this
  291. or lower the limit artificially, but rather increase it
  292. (probably, after increasing installed memory),
  293. if network conditions require more than default value,
  294. and tune network services to linger and kill such states
  295. more aggressively. Let me to remind again: each orphan eats
  296. up to ~64K of unswappable memory.
  297. tcp_max_syn_backlog - INTEGER
  298. Maximal number of remembered connection requests, which have not
  299. received an acknowledgment from connecting client.
  300. The minimal value is 128 for low memory machines, and it will
  301. increase in proportion to the memory of machine.
  302. If server suffers from overload, try increasing this number.
  303. tcp_max_tw_buckets - INTEGER
  304. Maximal number of timewait sockets held by system simultaneously.
  305. If this number is exceeded time-wait socket is immediately destroyed
  306. and warning is printed. This limit exists only to prevent
  307. simple DoS attacks, you _must_ not lower the limit artificially,
  308. but rather increase it (probably, after increasing installed memory),
  309. if network conditions require more than default value.
  310. tcp_mem - vector of 3 INTEGERs: min, pressure, max
  311. min: below this number of pages TCP is not bothered about its
  312. memory appetite.
  313. pressure: when amount of memory allocated by TCP exceeds this number
  314. of pages, TCP moderates its memory consumption and enters memory
  315. pressure mode, which is exited when memory consumption falls
  316. under "min".
  317. max: number of pages allowed for queueing by all TCP sockets.
  318. Defaults are calculated at boot time from amount of available
  319. memory.
  320. tcp_min_rtt_wlen - INTEGER
  321. The window length of the windowed min filter to track the minimum RTT.
  322. A shorter window lets a flow more quickly pick up new (higher)
  323. minimum RTT when it is moved to a longer path (e.g., due to traffic
  324. engineering). A longer window makes the filter more resistant to RTT
  325. inflations such as transient congestion. The unit is seconds.
  326. Default: 300
  327. tcp_moderate_rcvbuf - BOOLEAN
  328. If set, TCP performs receive buffer auto-tuning, attempting to
  329. automatically size the buffer (no greater than tcp_rmem[2]) to
  330. match the size required by the path for full throughput. Enabled by
  331. default.
  332. tcp_mtu_probing - INTEGER
  333. Controls TCP Packetization-Layer Path MTU Discovery. Takes three
  334. values:
  335. 0 - Disabled
  336. 1 - Disabled by default, enabled when an ICMP black hole detected
  337. 2 - Always enabled, use initial MSS of tcp_base_mss.
  338. tcp_probe_interval - INTEGER
  339. Controls how often to start TCP Packetization-Layer Path MTU
  340. Discovery reprobe. The default is reprobing every 10 minutes as
  341. per RFC4821.
  342. tcp_probe_threshold - INTEGER
  343. Controls when TCP Packetization-Layer Path MTU Discovery probing
  344. will stop in respect to the width of search range in bytes. Default
  345. is 8 bytes.
  346. tcp_no_metrics_save - BOOLEAN
  347. By default, TCP saves various connection metrics in the route cache
  348. when the connection closes, so that connections established in the
  349. near future can use these to set initial conditions. Usually, this
  350. increases overall performance, but may sometimes cause performance
  351. degradation. If set, TCP will not cache metrics on closing
  352. connections.
  353. tcp_orphan_retries - INTEGER
  354. This value influences the timeout of a locally closed TCP connection,
  355. when RTO retransmissions remain unacknowledged.
  356. See tcp_retries2 for more details.
  357. The default value is 8.
  358. If your machine is a loaded WEB server,
  359. you should think about lowering this value, such sockets
  360. may consume significant resources. Cf. tcp_max_orphans.
  361. tcp_recovery - INTEGER
  362. This value is a bitmap to enable various experimental loss recovery
  363. features.
  364. RACK: 0x1 enables the RACK loss detection for fast detection of lost
  365. retransmissions and tail drops.
  366. Default: 0x1
  367. tcp_reordering - INTEGER
  368. Initial reordering level of packets in a TCP stream.
  369. TCP stack can then dynamically adjust flow reordering level
  370. between this initial value and tcp_max_reordering
  371. Default: 3
  372. tcp_max_reordering - INTEGER
  373. Maximal reordering level of packets in a TCP stream.
  374. 300 is a fairly conservative value, but you might increase it
  375. if paths are using per packet load balancing (like bonding rr mode)
  376. Default: 300
  377. tcp_retrans_collapse - BOOLEAN
  378. Bug-to-bug compatibility with some broken printers.
  379. On retransmit try to send bigger packets to work around bugs in
  380. certain TCP stacks.
  381. tcp_retries1 - INTEGER
  382. This value influences the time, after which TCP decides, that
  383. something is wrong due to unacknowledged RTO retransmissions,
  384. and reports this suspicion to the network layer.
  385. See tcp_retries2 for more details.
  386. RFC 1122 recommends at least 3 retransmissions, which is the
  387. default.
  388. tcp_retries2 - INTEGER
  389. This value influences the timeout of an alive TCP connection,
  390. when RTO retransmissions remain unacknowledged.
  391. Given a value of N, a hypothetical TCP connection following
  392. exponential backoff with an initial RTO of TCP_RTO_MIN would
  393. retransmit N times before killing the connection at the (N+1)th RTO.
  394. The default value of 15 yields a hypothetical timeout of 924.6
  395. seconds and is a lower bound for the effective timeout.
  396. TCP will effectively time out at the first RTO which exceeds the
  397. hypothetical timeout.
  398. RFC 1122 recommends at least 100 seconds for the timeout,
  399. which corresponds to a value of at least 8.
  400. tcp_rfc1337 - BOOLEAN
  401. If set, the TCP stack behaves conforming to RFC1337. If unset,
  402. we are not conforming to RFC, but prevent TCP TIME_WAIT
  403. assassination.
  404. Default: 0
  405. tcp_rmem - vector of 3 INTEGERs: min, default, max
  406. min: Minimal size of receive buffer used by TCP sockets.
  407. It is guaranteed to each TCP socket, even under moderate memory
  408. pressure.
  409. Default: 1 page
  410. default: initial size of receive buffer used by TCP sockets.
  411. This value overrides net.core.rmem_default used by other protocols.
  412. Default: 87380 bytes. This value results in window of 65535 with
  413. default setting of tcp_adv_win_scale and tcp_app_win:0 and a bit
  414. less for default tcp_app_win. See below about these variables.
  415. max: maximal size of receive buffer allowed for automatically
  416. selected receiver buffers for TCP socket. This value does not override
  417. net.core.rmem_max. Calling setsockopt() with SO_RCVBUF disables
  418. automatic tuning of that socket's receive buffer size, in which
  419. case this value is ignored.
  420. Default: between 87380B and 6MB, depending on RAM size.
  421. tcp_sack - BOOLEAN
  422. Enable select acknowledgments (SACKS).
  423. tcp_slow_start_after_idle - BOOLEAN
  424. If set, provide RFC2861 behavior and time out the congestion
  425. window after an idle period. An idle period is defined at
  426. the current RTO. If unset, the congestion window will not
  427. be timed out after an idle period.
  428. Default: 1
  429. tcp_stdurg - BOOLEAN
  430. Use the Host requirements interpretation of the TCP urgent pointer field.
  431. Most hosts use the older BSD interpretation, so if you turn this on
  432. Linux might not communicate correctly with them.
  433. Default: FALSE
  434. tcp_synack_retries - INTEGER
  435. Number of times SYNACKs for a passive TCP connection attempt will
  436. be retransmitted. Should not be higher than 255. Default value
  437. is 5, which corresponds to 31seconds till the last retransmission
  438. with the current initial RTO of 1second. With this the final timeout
  439. for a passive TCP connection will happen after 63seconds.
  440. tcp_syncookies - BOOLEAN
  441. Only valid when the kernel was compiled with CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES
  442. Send out syncookies when the syn backlog queue of a socket
  443. overflows. This is to prevent against the common 'SYN flood attack'
  444. Default: 1
  445. Note, that syncookies is fallback facility.
  446. It MUST NOT be used to help highly loaded servers to stand
  447. against legal connection rate. If you see SYN flood warnings
  448. in your logs, but investigation shows that they occur
  449. because of overload with legal connections, you should tune
  450. another parameters until this warning disappear.
  451. See: tcp_max_syn_backlog, tcp_synack_retries, tcp_abort_on_overflow.
  452. syncookies seriously violate TCP protocol, do not allow
  453. to use TCP extensions, can result in serious degradation
  454. of some services (f.e. SMTP relaying), visible not by you,
  455. but your clients and relays, contacting you. While you see
  456. SYN flood warnings in logs not being really flooded, your server
  457. is seriously misconfigured.
  458. If you want to test which effects syncookies have to your
  459. network connections you can set this knob to 2 to enable
  460. unconditionally generation of syncookies.
  461. tcp_fastopen - INTEGER
  462. Enable TCP Fast Open feature (draft-ietf-tcpm-fastopen) to send data
  463. in the opening SYN packet. To use this feature, the client application
  464. must use sendmsg() or sendto() with MSG_FASTOPEN flag rather than
  465. connect() to perform a TCP handshake automatically.
  466. The values (bitmap) are
  467. 1: Enables sending data in the opening SYN on the client w/ MSG_FASTOPEN.
  468. 2: Enables TCP Fast Open on the server side, i.e., allowing data in
  469. a SYN packet to be accepted and passed to the application before
  470. 3-way hand shake finishes.
  471. 4: Send data in the opening SYN regardless of cookie availability and
  472. without a cookie option.
  473. 0x100: Accept SYN data w/o validating the cookie.
  474. 0x200: Accept data-in-SYN w/o any cookie option present.
  475. 0x400/0x800: Enable Fast Open on all listeners regardless of the
  476. TCP_FASTOPEN socket option. The two different flags designate two
  477. different ways of setting max_qlen without the TCP_FASTOPEN socket
  478. option.
  479. Default: 1
  480. Note that the client & server side Fast Open flags (1 and 2
  481. respectively) must be also enabled before the rest of flags can take
  482. effect.
  483. See include/net/tcp.h and the code for more details.
  484. tcp_syn_retries - INTEGER
  485. Number of times initial SYNs for an active TCP connection attempt
  486. will be retransmitted. Should not be higher than 255. Default value
  487. is 6, which corresponds to 63seconds till the last retransmission
  488. with the current initial RTO of 1second. With this the final timeout
  489. for an active TCP connection attempt will happen after 127seconds.
  490. tcp_timestamps - BOOLEAN
  491. Enable timestamps as defined in RFC1323.
  492. tcp_min_tso_segs - INTEGER
  493. Minimal number of segments per TSO frame.
  494. Since linux-3.12, TCP does an automatic sizing of TSO frames,
  495. depending on flow rate, instead of filling 64Kbytes packets.
  496. For specific usages, it's possible to force TCP to build big
  497. TSO frames. Note that TCP stack might split too big TSO packets
  498. if available window is too small.
  499. Default: 2
  500. tcp_pacing_ss_ratio - INTEGER
  501. sk->sk_pacing_rate is set by TCP stack using a ratio applied
  502. to current rate. (current_rate = cwnd * mss / srtt)
  503. If TCP is in slow start, tcp_pacing_ss_ratio is applied
  504. to let TCP probe for bigger speeds, assuming cwnd can be
  505. doubled every other RTT.
  506. Default: 200
  507. tcp_pacing_ca_ratio - INTEGER
  508. sk->sk_pacing_rate is set by TCP stack using a ratio applied
  509. to current rate. (current_rate = cwnd * mss / srtt)
  510. If TCP is in congestion avoidance phase, tcp_pacing_ca_ratio
  511. is applied to conservatively probe for bigger throughput.
  512. Default: 120
  513. tcp_tso_win_divisor - INTEGER
  514. This allows control over what percentage of the congestion window
  515. can be consumed by a single TSO frame.
  516. The setting of this parameter is a choice between burstiness and
  517. building larger TSO frames.
  518. Default: 3
  519. tcp_tw_recycle - BOOLEAN
  520. Enable fast recycling TIME-WAIT sockets. Default value is 0.
  521. It should not be changed without advice/request of technical
  522. experts.
  523. tcp_tw_reuse - BOOLEAN
  524. Allow to reuse TIME-WAIT sockets for new connections when it is
  525. safe from protocol viewpoint. Default value is 0.
  526. It should not be changed without advice/request of technical
  527. experts.
  528. tcp_window_scaling - BOOLEAN
  529. Enable window scaling as defined in RFC1323.
  530. tcp_wmem - vector of 3 INTEGERs: min, default, max
  531. min: Amount of memory reserved for send buffers for TCP sockets.
  532. Each TCP socket has rights to use it due to fact of its birth.
  533. Default: 1 page
  534. default: initial size of send buffer used by TCP sockets. This
  535. value overrides net.core.wmem_default used by other protocols.
  536. It is usually lower than net.core.wmem_default.
  537. Default: 16K
  538. max: Maximal amount of memory allowed for automatically tuned
  539. send buffers for TCP sockets. This value does not override
  540. net.core.wmem_max. Calling setsockopt() with SO_SNDBUF disables
  541. automatic tuning of that socket's send buffer size, in which case
  542. this value is ignored.
  543. Default: between 64K and 4MB, depending on RAM size.
  544. tcp_notsent_lowat - UNSIGNED INTEGER
  545. A TCP socket can control the amount of unsent bytes in its write queue,
  546. thanks to TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT socket option. poll()/select()/epoll()
  547. reports POLLOUT events if the amount of unsent bytes is below a per
  548. socket value, and if the write queue is not full. sendmsg() will
  549. also not add new buffers if the limit is hit.
  550. This global variable controls the amount of unsent data for
  551. sockets not using TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT. For these sockets, a change
  552. to the global variable has immediate effect.
  553. Default: UINT_MAX (0xFFFFFFFF)
  554. tcp_workaround_signed_windows - BOOLEAN
  555. If set, assume no receipt of a window scaling option means the
  556. remote TCP is broken and treats the window as a signed quantity.
  557. If unset, assume the remote TCP is not broken even if we do
  558. not receive a window scaling option from them.
  559. Default: 0
  560. tcp_thin_linear_timeouts - BOOLEAN
  561. Enable dynamic triggering of linear timeouts for thin streams.
  562. If set, a check is performed upon retransmission by timeout to
  563. determine if the stream is thin (less than 4 packets in flight).
  564. As long as the stream is found to be thin, up to 6 linear
  565. timeouts may be performed before exponential backoff mode is
  566. initiated. This improves retransmission latency for
  567. non-aggressive thin streams, often found to be time-dependent.
  568. For more information on thin streams, see
  569. Documentation/networking/tcp-thin.txt
  570. Default: 0
  571. tcp_thin_dupack - BOOLEAN
  572. Enable dynamic triggering of retransmissions after one dupACK
  573. for thin streams. If set, a check is performed upon reception
  574. of a dupACK to determine if the stream is thin (less than 4
  575. packets in flight). As long as the stream is found to be thin,
  576. data is retransmitted on the first received dupACK. This
  577. improves retransmission latency for non-aggressive thin
  578. streams, often found to be time-dependent.
  579. For more information on thin streams, see
  580. Documentation/networking/tcp-thin.txt
  581. Default: 0
  582. tcp_limit_output_bytes - INTEGER
  583. Controls TCP Small Queue limit per tcp socket.
  584. TCP bulk sender tends to increase packets in flight until it
  585. gets losses notifications. With SNDBUF autotuning, this can
  586. result in a large amount of packets queued in qdisc/device
  587. on the local machine, hurting latency of other flows, for
  588. typical pfifo_fast qdiscs.
  589. tcp_limit_output_bytes limits the number of bytes on qdisc
  590. or device to reduce artificial RTT/cwnd and reduce bufferbloat.
  591. Default: 262144
  592. tcp_challenge_ack_limit - INTEGER
  593. Limits number of Challenge ACK sent per second, as recommended
  594. in RFC 5961 (Improving TCP's Robustness to Blind In-Window Attacks)
  595. Default: 100
  596. UDP variables:
  597. udp_mem - vector of 3 INTEGERs: min, pressure, max
  598. Number of pages allowed for queueing by all UDP sockets.
  599. min: Below this number of pages UDP is not bothered about its
  600. memory appetite. When amount of memory allocated by UDP exceeds
  601. this number, UDP starts to moderate memory usage.
  602. pressure: This value was introduced to follow format of tcp_mem.
  603. max: Number of pages allowed for queueing by all UDP sockets.
  604. Default is calculated at boot time from amount of available memory.
  605. udp_rmem_min - INTEGER
  606. Minimal size of receive buffer used by UDP sockets in moderation.
  607. Each UDP socket is able to use the size for receiving data, even if
  608. total pages of UDP sockets exceed udp_mem pressure. The unit is byte.
  609. Default: 1 page
  610. udp_wmem_min - INTEGER
  611. Minimal size of send buffer used by UDP sockets in moderation.
  612. Each UDP socket is able to use the size for sending data, even if
  613. total pages of UDP sockets exceed udp_mem pressure. The unit is byte.
  614. Default: 1 page
  615. CIPSOv4 Variables:
  616. cipso_cache_enable - BOOLEAN
  617. If set, enable additions to and lookups from the CIPSO label mapping
  618. cache. If unset, additions are ignored and lookups always result in a
  619. miss. However, regardless of the setting the cache is still
  620. invalidated when required when means you can safely toggle this on and
  621. off and the cache will always be "safe".
  622. Default: 1
  623. cipso_cache_bucket_size - INTEGER
  624. The CIPSO label cache consists of a fixed size hash table with each
  625. hash bucket containing a number of cache entries. This variable limits
  626. the number of entries in each hash bucket; the larger the value the
  627. more CIPSO label mappings that can be cached. When the number of
  628. entries in a given hash bucket reaches this limit adding new entries
  629. causes the oldest entry in the bucket to be removed to make room.
  630. Default: 10
  631. cipso_rbm_optfmt - BOOLEAN
  632. Enable the "Optimized Tag 1 Format" as defined in section of
  633. the CIPSO draft specification (see Documentation/netlabel for details).
  634. This means that when set the CIPSO tag will be padded with empty
  635. categories in order to make the packet data 32-bit aligned.
  636. Default: 0
  637. cipso_rbm_structvalid - BOOLEAN
  638. If set, do a very strict check of the CIPSO option when
  639. ip_options_compile() is called. If unset, relax the checks done during
  640. ip_options_compile(). Either way is "safe" as errors are caught else
  641. where in the CIPSO processing code but setting this to 0 (False) should
  642. result in less work (i.e. it should be faster) but could cause problems
  643. with other implementations that require strict checking.
  644. Default: 0
  645. IP Variables:
  646. ip_local_port_range - 2 INTEGERS
  647. Defines the local port range that is used by TCP and UDP to
  648. choose the local port. The first number is the first, the
  649. second the last local port number.
  650. If possible, it is better these numbers have different parity.
  651. (one even and one odd values)
  652. The default values are 32768 and 60999 respectively.
  653. ip_local_reserved_ports - list of comma separated ranges
  654. Specify the ports which are reserved for known third-party
  655. applications. These ports will not be used by automatic port
  656. assignments (e.g. when calling connect() or bind() with port
  657. number 0). Explicit port allocation behavior is unchanged.
  658. The format used for both input and output is a comma separated
  659. list of ranges (e.g. "1,2-4,10-10" for ports 1, 2, 3, 4 and
  660. 10). Writing to the file will clear all previously reserved
  661. ports and update the current list with the one given in the
  662. input.
  663. Note that ip_local_port_range and ip_local_reserved_ports
  664. settings are independent and both are considered by the kernel
  665. when determining which ports are available for automatic port
  666. assignments.
  667. You can reserve ports which are not in the current
  668. ip_local_port_range, e.g.:
  669. $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
  670. 32000 60999
  671. $ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_reserved_ports
  672. 8080,9148
  673. although this is redundant. However such a setting is useful
  674. if later the port range is changed to a value that will
  675. include the reserved ports.
  676. Default: Empty
  677. ip_nonlocal_bind - BOOLEAN
  678. If set, allows processes to bind() to non-local IP addresses,
  679. which can be quite useful - but may break some applications.
  680. Default: 0
  681. ip_dynaddr - BOOLEAN
  682. If set non-zero, enables support for dynamic addresses.
  683. If set to a non-zero value larger than 1, a kernel log
  684. message will be printed when dynamic address rewriting
  685. occurs.
  686. Default: 0
  687. ip_early_demux - BOOLEAN
  688. Optimize input packet processing down to one demux for
  689. certain kinds of local sockets. Currently we only do this
  690. for established TCP sockets.
  691. It may add an additional cost for pure routing workloads that
  692. reduces overall throughput, in such case you should disable it.
  693. Default: 1
  694. icmp_echo_ignore_all - BOOLEAN
  695. If set non-zero, then the kernel will ignore all ICMP ECHO
  696. requests sent to it.
  697. Default: 0
  698. icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts - BOOLEAN
  699. If set non-zero, then the kernel will ignore all ICMP ECHO and
  700. TIMESTAMP requests sent to it via broadcast/multicast.
  701. Default: 1
  702. icmp_ratelimit - INTEGER
  703. Limit the maximal rates for sending ICMP packets whose type matches
  704. icmp_ratemask (see below) to specific targets.
  705. 0 to disable any limiting,
  706. otherwise the minimal space between responses in milliseconds.
  707. Note that another sysctl, icmp_msgs_per_sec limits the number
  708. of ICMP packets sent on all targets.
  709. Default: 1000
  710. icmp_msgs_per_sec - INTEGER
  711. Limit maximal number of ICMP packets sent per second from this host.
  712. Only messages whose type matches icmp_ratemask (see below) are
  713. controlled by this limit.
  714. Default: 1000
  715. icmp_msgs_burst - INTEGER
  716. icmp_msgs_per_sec controls number of ICMP packets sent per second,
  717. while icmp_msgs_burst controls the burst size of these packets.
  718. Default: 50
  719. icmp_ratemask - INTEGER
  720. Mask made of ICMP types for which rates are being limited.
  721. Significant bits: IHGFEDCBA9876543210
  722. Default mask: 0000001100000011000 (6168)
  723. Bit definitions (see include/linux/icmp.h):
  724. 0 Echo Reply
  725. 3 Destination Unreachable *
  726. 4 Source Quench *
  727. 5 Redirect
  728. 8 Echo Request
  729. B Time Exceeded *
  730. C Parameter Problem *
  731. D Timestamp Request
  732. E Timestamp Reply
  733. F Info Request
  734. G Info Reply
  735. H Address Mask Request
  736. I Address Mask Reply
  737. * These are rate limited by default (see default mask above)
  738. icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses - BOOLEAN
  739. Some routers violate RFC1122 by sending bogus responses to broadcast
  740. frames. Such violations are normally logged via a kernel warning.
  741. If this is set to TRUE, the kernel will not give such warnings, which
  742. will avoid log file clutter.
  743. Default: 1
  744. icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr - BOOLEAN
  745. If zero, icmp error messages are sent with the primary address of
  746. the exiting interface.
  747. If non-zero, the message will be sent with the primary address of
  748. the interface that received the packet that caused the icmp error.
  749. This is the behaviour network many administrators will expect from
  750. a router. And it can make debugging complicated network layouts
  751. much easier.
  752. Note that if no primary address exists for the interface selected,
  753. then the primary address of the first non-loopback interface that
  754. has one will be used regardless of this setting.
  755. Default: 0
  756. igmp_max_memberships - INTEGER
  757. Change the maximum number of multicast groups we can subscribe to.
  758. Default: 20
  759. Theoretical maximum value is bounded by having to send a membership
  760. report in a single datagram (i.e. the report can't span multiple
  761. datagrams, or risk confusing the switch and leaving groups you don't
  762. intend to).
  763. The number of supported groups 'M' is bounded by the number of group
  764. report entries you can fit into a single datagram of 65535 bytes.
  765. M = 65536-sizeof (ip header)/(sizeof(Group record))
  766. Group records are variable length, with a minimum of 12 bytes.
  767. So net.ipv4.igmp_max_memberships should not be set higher than:
  768. (65536-24) / 12 = 5459
  769. The value 5459 assumes no IP header options, so in practice
  770. this number may be lower.
  771. conf/interface/* changes special settings per interface (where
  772. "interface" is the name of your network interface)
  773. conf/all/* is special, changes the settings for all interfaces
  774. igmp_qrv - INTEGER
  775. Controls the IGMP query robustness variable (see RFC2236 8.1).
  776. Default: 2 (as specified by RFC2236 8.1)
  777. Minimum: 1 (as specified by RFC6636 4.5)
  778. log_martians - BOOLEAN
  779. Log packets with impossible addresses to kernel log.
  780. log_martians for the interface will be enabled if at least one of
  781. conf/{all,interface}/log_martians is set to TRUE,
  782. it will be disabled otherwise
  783. accept_redirects - BOOLEAN
  784. Accept ICMP redirect messages.
  785. accept_redirects for the interface will be enabled if:
  786. - both conf/{all,interface}/accept_redirects are TRUE in the case
  787. forwarding for the interface is enabled
  788. or
  789. - at least one of conf/{all,interface}/accept_redirects is TRUE in the
  790. case forwarding for the interface is disabled
  791. accept_redirects for the interface will be disabled otherwise
  792. default TRUE (host)
  793. FALSE (router)
  794. forwarding - BOOLEAN
  795. Enable IP forwarding on this interface.
  796. mc_forwarding - BOOLEAN
  797. Do multicast routing. The kernel needs to be compiled with CONFIG_MROUTE
  798. and a multicast routing daemon is required.
  799. conf/all/mc_forwarding must also be set to TRUE to enable multicast
  800. routing for the interface
  801. medium_id - INTEGER
  802. Integer value used to differentiate the devices by the medium they
  803. are attached to. Two devices can have different id values when
  804. the broadcast packets are received only on one of them.
  805. The default value 0 means that the device is the only interface
  806. to its medium, value of -1 means that medium is not known.
  807. Currently, it is used to change the proxy_arp behavior:
  808. the proxy_arp feature is enabled for packets forwarded between
  809. two devices attached to different media.
  810. proxy_arp - BOOLEAN
  811. Do proxy arp.
  812. proxy_arp for the interface will be enabled if at least one of
  813. conf/{all,interface}/proxy_arp is set to TRUE,
  814. it will be disabled otherwise
  815. proxy_arp_pvlan - BOOLEAN
  816. Private VLAN proxy arp.
  817. Basically allow proxy arp replies back to the same interface
  818. (from which the ARP request/solicitation was received).
  819. This is done to support (ethernet) switch features, like RFC
  820. 3069, where the individual ports are NOT allowed to
  821. communicate with each other, but they are allowed to talk to
  822. the upstream router. As described in RFC 3069, it is possible
  823. to allow these hosts to communicate through the upstream
  824. router by proxy_arp'ing. Don't need to be used together with
  825. proxy_arp.
  826. This technology is known by different names:
  827. In RFC 3069 it is called VLAN Aggregation.
  828. Cisco and Allied Telesyn call it Private VLAN.
  829. Hewlett-Packard call it Source-Port filtering or port-isolation.
  830. Ericsson call it MAC-Forced Forwarding (RFC Draft).
  831. shared_media - BOOLEAN
  832. Send(router) or accept(host) RFC1620 shared media redirects.
  833. Overrides ip_secure_redirects.
  834. shared_media for the interface will be enabled if at least one of
  835. conf/{all,interface}/shared_media is set to TRUE,
  836. it will be disabled otherwise
  837. default TRUE
  838. secure_redirects - BOOLEAN
  839. Accept ICMP redirect messages only for gateways,
  840. listed in default gateway list.
  841. secure_redirects for the interface will be enabled if at least one of
  842. conf/{all,interface}/secure_redirects is set to TRUE,
  843. it will be disabled otherwise
  844. default TRUE
  845. send_redirects - BOOLEAN
  846. Send redirects, if router.
  847. send_redirects for the interface will be enabled if at least one of
  848. conf/{all,interface}/send_redirects is set to TRUE,
  849. it will be disabled otherwise
  850. Default: TRUE
  851. bootp_relay - BOOLEAN
  852. Accept packets with source address 0.b.c.d destined
  853. not to this host as local ones. It is supposed, that
  854. BOOTP relay daemon will catch and forward such packets.
  855. conf/all/bootp_relay must also be set to TRUE to enable BOOTP relay
  856. for the interface
  857. default FALSE
  858. Not Implemented Yet.
  859. accept_source_route - BOOLEAN
  860. Accept packets with SRR option.
  861. conf/all/accept_source_route must also be set to TRUE to accept packets
  862. with SRR option on the interface
  863. default TRUE (router)
  864. FALSE (host)
  865. accept_local - BOOLEAN
  866. Accept packets with local source addresses. In combination with
  867. suitable routing, this can be used to direct packets between two
  868. local interfaces over the wire and have them accepted properly.
  869. default FALSE
  870. route_localnet - BOOLEAN
  871. Do not consider loopback addresses as martian source or destination
  872. while routing. This enables the use of 127/8 for local routing purposes.
  873. default FALSE
  874. rp_filter - INTEGER
  875. 0 - No source validation.
  876. 1 - Strict mode as defined in RFC3704 Strict Reverse Path
  877. Each incoming packet is tested against the FIB and if the interface
  878. is not the best reverse path the packet check will fail.
  879. By default failed packets are discarded.
  880. 2 - Loose mode as defined in RFC3704 Loose Reverse Path
  881. Each incoming packet's source address is also tested against the FIB
  882. and if the source address is not reachable via any interface
  883. the packet check will fail.
  884. Current recommended practice in RFC3704 is to enable strict mode
  885. to prevent IP spoofing from DDos attacks. If using asymmetric routing
  886. or other complicated routing, then loose mode is recommended.
  887. The max value from conf/{all,interface}/rp_filter is used
  888. when doing source validation on the {interface}.
  889. Default value is 0. Note that some distributions enable it
  890. in startup scripts.
  891. arp_filter - BOOLEAN
  892. 1 - Allows you to have multiple network interfaces on the same
  893. subnet, and have the ARPs for each interface be answered
  894. based on whether or not the kernel would route a packet from
  895. the ARP'd IP out that interface (therefore you must use source
  896. based routing for this to work). In other words it allows control
  897. of which cards (usually 1) will respond to an arp request.
  898. 0 - (default) The kernel can respond to arp requests with addresses
  899. from other interfaces. This may seem wrong but it usually makes
  900. sense, because it increases the chance of successful communication.
  901. IP addresses are owned by the complete host on Linux, not by
  902. particular interfaces. Only for more complex setups like load-
  903. balancing, does this behaviour cause problems.
  904. arp_filter for the interface will be enabled if at least one of
  905. conf/{all,interface}/arp_filter is set to TRUE,
  906. it will be disabled otherwise
  907. arp_announce - INTEGER
  908. Define different restriction levels for announcing the local
  909. source IP address from IP packets in ARP requests sent on
  910. interface:
  911. 0 - (default) Use any local address, configured on any interface
  912. 1 - Try to avoid local addresses that are not in the target's
  913. subnet for this interface. This mode is useful when target
  914. hosts reachable via this interface require the source IP
  915. address in ARP requests to be part of their logical network
  916. configured on the receiving interface. When we generate the
  917. request we will check all our subnets that include the
  918. target IP and will preserve the source address if it is from
  919. such subnet. If there is no such subnet we select source
  920. address according to the rules for level 2.
  921. 2 - Always use the best local address for this target.
  922. In this mode we ignore the source address in the IP packet
  923. and try to select local address that we prefer for talks with
  924. the target host. Such local address is selected by looking
  925. for primary IP addresses on all our subnets on the outgoing
  926. interface that include the target IP address. If no suitable
  927. local address is found we select the first local address
  928. we have on the outgoing interface or on all other interfaces,
  929. with the hope we will receive reply for our request and
  930. even sometimes no matter the source IP address we announce.
  931. The max value from conf/{all,interface}/arp_announce is used.
  932. Increasing the restriction level gives more chance for
  933. receiving answer from the resolved target while decreasing
  934. the level announces more valid sender's information.
  935. arp_ignore - INTEGER
  936. Define different modes for sending replies in response to
  937. received ARP requests that resolve local target IP addresses:
  938. 0 - (default): reply for any local target IP address, configured
  939. on any interface
  940. 1 - reply only if the target IP address is local address
  941. configured on the incoming interface
  942. 2 - reply only if the target IP address is local address
  943. configured on the incoming interface and both with the
  944. sender's IP address are part from same subnet on this interface
  945. 3 - do not reply for local addresses configured with scope host,
  946. only resolutions for global and link addresses are replied
  947. 4-7 - reserved
  948. 8 - do not reply for all local addresses
  949. The max value from conf/{all,interface}/arp_ignore is used
  950. when ARP request is received on the {interface}
  951. arp_notify - BOOLEAN
  952. Define mode for notification of address and device changes.
  953. 0 - (default): do nothing
  954. 1 - Generate gratuitous arp requests when device is brought up
  955. or hardware address changes.
  956. arp_accept - BOOLEAN
  957. Define behavior for gratuitous ARP frames who's IP is not
  958. already present in the ARP table:
  959. 0 - don't create new entries in the ARP table
  960. 1 - create new entries in the ARP table
  961. Both replies and requests type gratuitous arp will trigger the
  962. ARP table to be updated, if this setting is on.
  963. If the ARP table already contains the IP address of the
  964. gratuitous arp frame, the arp table will be updated regardless
  965. if this setting is on or off.
  966. mcast_solicit - INTEGER
  967. The maximum number of multicast probes in INCOMPLETE state,
  968. when the associated hardware address is unknown. Defaults
  969. to 3.
  970. ucast_solicit - INTEGER
  971. The maximum number of unicast probes in PROBE state, when
  972. the hardware address is being reconfirmed. Defaults to 3.
  973. app_solicit - INTEGER
  974. The maximum number of probes to send to the user space ARP daemon
  975. via netlink before dropping back to multicast probes (see
  976. mcast_resolicit). Defaults to 0.
  977. mcast_resolicit - INTEGER
  978. The maximum number of multicast probes after unicast and
  979. app probes in PROBE state. Defaults to 0.
  980. disable_policy - BOOLEAN
  981. Disable IPSEC policy (SPD) for this interface
  982. disable_xfrm - BOOLEAN
  983. Disable IPSEC encryption on this interface, whatever the policy
  984. igmpv2_unsolicited_report_interval - INTEGER
  985. The interval in milliseconds in which the next unsolicited
  986. IGMPv1 or IGMPv2 report retransmit will take place.
  987. Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
  988. igmpv3_unsolicited_report_interval - INTEGER
  989. The interval in milliseconds in which the next unsolicited
  990. IGMPv3 report retransmit will take place.
  991. Default: 1000 (1 seconds)
  992. promote_secondaries - BOOLEAN
  993. When a primary IP address is removed from this interface
  994. promote a corresponding secondary IP address instead of
  995. removing all the corresponding secondary IP addresses.
  996. tag - INTEGER
  997. Allows you to write a number, which can be used as required.
  998. Default value is 0.
  999. xfrm4_gc_thresh - INTEGER
  1000. The threshold at which we will start garbage collecting for IPv4
  1001. destination cache entries. At twice this value the system will
  1002. refuse new allocations. The value must be set below the flowcache
  1003. limit (4096 * number of online cpus) to take effect.
  1004. igmp_link_local_mcast_reports - BOOLEAN
  1005. Enable IGMP reports for link local multicast groups in the
  1006. 224.0.0.X range.
  1007. Default TRUE
  1008. Alexey Kuznetsov.
  1009. kuznet@ms2.inr.ac.ru
  1010. Updated by:
  1011. Andi Kleen
  1012. ak@muc.de
  1013. Nicolas Delon
  1014. delon.nicolas@wanadoo.fr
  1015. /proc/sys/net/ipv6/* Variables:
  1016. IPv6 has no global variables such as tcp_*. tcp_* settings under ipv4/ also
  1017. apply to IPv6 [XXX?].
  1018. bindv6only - BOOLEAN
  1019. Default value for IPV6_V6ONLY socket option,
  1020. which restricts use of the IPv6 socket to IPv6 communication
  1021. only.
  1022. TRUE: disable IPv4-mapped address feature
  1023. FALSE: enable IPv4-mapped address feature
  1024. Default: FALSE (as specified in RFC3493)
  1025. flowlabel_consistency - BOOLEAN
  1026. Protect the consistency (and unicity) of flow label.
  1027. You have to disable it to use IPV6_FL_F_REFLECT flag on the
  1028. flow label manager.
  1029. TRUE: enabled
  1030. FALSE: disabled
  1031. Default: TRUE
  1032. auto_flowlabels - INTEGER
  1033. Automatically generate flow labels based on a flow hash of the
  1034. packet. This allows intermediate devices, such as routers, to
  1035. identify packet flows for mechanisms like Equal Cost Multipath
  1036. Routing (see RFC 6438).
  1037. 0: automatic flow labels are completely disabled
  1038. 1: automatic flow labels are enabled by default, they can be
  1039. disabled on a per socket basis using the IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL
  1040. socket option
  1041. 2: automatic flow labels are allowed, they may be enabled on a
  1042. per socket basis using the IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL socket option
  1043. 3: automatic flow labels are enabled and enforced, they cannot
  1044. be disabled by the socket option
  1045. Default: 1
  1046. flowlabel_state_ranges - BOOLEAN
  1047. Split the flow label number space into two ranges. 0-0x7FFFF is
  1048. reserved for the IPv6 flow manager facility, 0x80000-0xFFFFF
  1049. is reserved for stateless flow labels as described in RFC6437.
  1050. TRUE: enabled
  1051. FALSE: disabled
  1052. Default: true
  1053. anycast_src_echo_reply - BOOLEAN
  1054. Controls the use of anycast addresses as source addresses for ICMPv6
  1055. echo reply
  1056. TRUE: enabled
  1057. FALSE: disabled
  1058. Default: FALSE
  1059. idgen_delay - INTEGER
  1060. Controls the delay in seconds after which time to retry
  1061. privacy stable address generation if a DAD conflict is
  1062. detected.
  1063. Default: 1 (as specified in RFC7217)
  1064. idgen_retries - INTEGER
  1065. Controls the number of retries to generate a stable privacy
  1066. address if a DAD conflict is detected.
  1067. Default: 3 (as specified in RFC7217)
  1068. mld_qrv - INTEGER
  1069. Controls the MLD query robustness variable (see RFC3810 9.1).
  1070. Default: 2 (as specified by RFC3810 9.1)
  1071. Minimum: 1 (as specified by RFC6636 4.5)
  1072. IPv6 Fragmentation:
  1073. ip6frag_high_thresh - INTEGER
  1074. Maximum memory used to reassemble IPv6 fragments. When
  1075. ip6frag_high_thresh bytes of memory is allocated for this purpose,
  1076. the fragment handler will toss packets until ip6frag_low_thresh
  1077. is reached.
  1078. ip6frag_low_thresh - INTEGER
  1079. See ip6frag_high_thresh
  1080. ip6frag_time - INTEGER
  1081. Time in seconds to keep an IPv6 fragment in memory.
  1082. conf/default/*:
  1083. Change the interface-specific default settings.
  1084. conf/all/*:
  1085. Change all the interface-specific settings.
  1086. [XXX: Other special features than forwarding?]
  1087. conf/all/forwarding - BOOLEAN
  1088. Enable global IPv6 forwarding between all interfaces.
  1089. IPv4 and IPv6 work differently here; e.g. netfilter must be used
  1090. to control which interfaces may forward packets and which not.
  1091. This also sets all interfaces' Host/Router setting
  1092. 'forwarding' to the specified value. See below for details.
  1093. This referred to as global forwarding.
  1094. proxy_ndp - BOOLEAN
  1095. Do proxy ndp.
  1096. fwmark_reflect - BOOLEAN
  1097. Controls the fwmark of kernel-generated IPv6 reply packets that are not
  1098. associated with a socket for example, TCP RSTs or ICMPv6 echo replies).
  1099. If unset, these packets have a fwmark of zero. If set, they have the
  1100. fwmark of the packet they are replying to.
  1101. Default: 0
  1102. conf/interface/*:
  1103. Change special settings per interface.
  1104. The functional behaviour for certain settings is different
  1105. depending on whether local forwarding is enabled or not.
  1106. accept_ra - INTEGER
  1107. Accept Router Advertisements; autoconfigure using them.
  1108. It also determines whether or not to transmit Router
  1109. Solicitations. If and only if the functional setting is to
  1110. accept Router Advertisements, Router Solicitations will be
  1111. transmitted.
  1112. Possible values are:
  1113. 0 Do not accept Router Advertisements.
  1114. 1 Accept Router Advertisements if forwarding is disabled.
  1115. 2 Overrule forwarding behaviour. Accept Router Advertisements
  1116. even if forwarding is enabled.
  1117. Functional default: enabled if local forwarding is disabled.
  1118. disabled if local forwarding is enabled.
  1119. accept_ra_defrtr - BOOLEAN
  1120. Learn default router in Router Advertisement.
  1121. Functional default: enabled if accept_ra is enabled.
  1122. disabled if accept_ra is disabled.
  1123. accept_ra_from_local - BOOLEAN
  1124. Accept RA with source-address that is found on local machine
  1125. if the RA is otherwise proper and able to be accepted.
  1126. Default is to NOT accept these as it may be an un-intended
  1127. network loop.
  1128. Functional default:
  1129. enabled if accept_ra_from_local is enabled
  1130. on a specific interface.
  1131. disabled if accept_ra_from_local is disabled
  1132. on a specific interface.
  1133. accept_ra_min_hop_limit - INTEGER
  1134. Minimum hop limit Information in Router Advertisement.
  1135. Hop limit Information in Router Advertisement less than this
  1136. variable shall be ignored.
  1137. Default: 1
  1138. accept_ra_pinfo - BOOLEAN
  1139. Learn Prefix Information in Router Advertisement.
  1140. Functional default: enabled if accept_ra is enabled.
  1141. disabled if accept_ra is disabled.
  1142. accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen - INTEGER
  1143. Maximum prefix length of Route Information in RA.
  1144. Route Information w/ prefix larger than or equal to this
  1145. variable shall be ignored.
  1146. Functional default: 0 if accept_ra_rtr_pref is enabled.
  1147. -1 if accept_ra_rtr_pref is disabled.
  1148. accept_ra_rtr_pref - BOOLEAN
  1149. Accept Router Preference in RA.
  1150. Functional default: enabled if accept_ra is enabled.
  1151. disabled if accept_ra is disabled.
  1152. accept_ra_mtu - BOOLEAN
  1153. Apply the MTU value specified in RA option 5 (RFC4861). If
  1154. disabled, the MTU specified in the RA will be ignored.
  1155. Functional default: enabled if accept_ra is enabled.
  1156. disabled if accept_ra is disabled.
  1157. accept_redirects - BOOLEAN
  1158. Accept Redirects.
  1159. Functional default: enabled if local forwarding is disabled.
  1160. disabled if local forwarding is enabled.
  1161. accept_source_route - INTEGER
  1162. Accept source routing (routing extension header).
  1163. >= 0: Accept only routing header type 2.
  1164. < 0: Do not accept routing header.
  1165. Default: 0
  1166. autoconf - BOOLEAN
  1167. Autoconfigure addresses using Prefix Information in Router
  1168. Advertisements.
  1169. Functional default: enabled if accept_ra_pinfo is enabled.
  1170. disabled if accept_ra_pinfo is disabled.
  1171. dad_transmits - INTEGER
  1172. The amount of Duplicate Address Detection probes to send.
  1173. Default: 1
  1174. forwarding - INTEGER
  1175. Configure interface-specific Host/Router behaviour.
  1176. Note: It is recommended to have the same setting on all
  1177. interfaces; mixed router/host scenarios are rather uncommon.
  1178. Possible values are:
  1179. 0 Forwarding disabled
  1180. 1 Forwarding enabled
  1181. FALSE (0):
  1182. By default, Host behaviour is assumed. This means:
  1183. 1. IsRouter flag is not set in Neighbour Advertisements.
  1184. 2. If accept_ra is TRUE (default), transmit Router
  1185. Solicitations.
  1186. 3. If accept_ra is TRUE (default), accept Router
  1187. Advertisements (and do autoconfiguration).
  1188. 4. If accept_redirects is TRUE (default), accept Redirects.
  1189. TRUE (1):
  1190. If local forwarding is enabled, Router behaviour is assumed.
  1191. This means exactly the reverse from the above:
  1192. 1. IsRouter flag is set in Neighbour Advertisements.
  1193. 2. Router Solicitations are not sent unless accept_ra is 2.
  1194. 3. Router Advertisements are ignored unless accept_ra is 2.
  1195. 4. Redirects are ignored.
  1196. Default: 0 (disabled) if global forwarding is disabled (default),
  1197. otherwise 1 (enabled).
  1198. hop_limit - INTEGER
  1199. Default Hop Limit to set.
  1200. Default: 64
  1201. mtu - INTEGER
  1202. Default Maximum Transfer Unit
  1203. Default: 1280 (IPv6 required minimum)
  1204. ip_nonlocal_bind - BOOLEAN
  1205. If set, allows processes to bind() to non-local IPv6 addresses,
  1206. which can be quite useful - but may break some applications.
  1207. Default: 0
  1208. router_probe_interval - INTEGER
  1209. Minimum interval (in seconds) between Router Probing described
  1210. in RFC4191.
  1211. Default: 60
  1212. router_solicitation_delay - INTEGER
  1213. Number of seconds to wait after interface is brought up
  1214. before sending Router Solicitations.
  1215. Default: 1
  1216. router_solicitation_interval - INTEGER
  1217. Number of seconds to wait between Router Solicitations.
  1218. Default: 4
  1219. router_solicitations - INTEGER
  1220. Number of Router Solicitations to send until assuming no
  1221. routers are present.
  1222. Default: 3
  1223. use_oif_addrs_only - BOOLEAN
  1224. When enabled, the candidate source addresses for destinations
  1225. routed via this interface are restricted to the set of addresses
  1226. configured on this interface (vis. RFC 6724, section 4).
  1227. Default: false
  1228. use_tempaddr - INTEGER
  1229. Preference for Privacy Extensions (RFC3041).
  1230. <= 0 : disable Privacy Extensions
  1231. == 1 : enable Privacy Extensions, but prefer public
  1232. addresses over temporary addresses.
  1233. > 1 : enable Privacy Extensions and prefer temporary
  1234. addresses over public addresses.
  1235. Default: 0 (for most devices)
  1236. -1 (for point-to-point devices and loopback devices)
  1237. temp_valid_lft - INTEGER
  1238. valid lifetime (in seconds) for temporary addresses.
  1239. Default: 604800 (7 days)
  1240. temp_prefered_lft - INTEGER
  1241. Preferred lifetime (in seconds) for temporary addresses.
  1242. Default: 86400 (1 day)
  1243. max_desync_factor - INTEGER
  1244. Maximum value for DESYNC_FACTOR, which is a random value
  1245. that ensures that clients don't synchronize with each
  1246. other and generate new addresses at exactly the same time.
  1247. value is in seconds.
  1248. Default: 600
  1249. regen_max_retry - INTEGER
  1250. Number of attempts before give up attempting to generate
  1251. valid temporary addresses.
  1252. Default: 5
  1253. max_addresses - INTEGER
  1254. Maximum number of autoconfigured addresses per interface. Setting
  1255. to zero disables the limitation. It is not recommended to set this
  1256. value too large (or to zero) because it would be an easy way to
  1257. crash the kernel by allowing too many addresses to be created.
  1258. Default: 16
  1259. disable_ipv6 - BOOLEAN
  1260. Disable IPv6 operation. If accept_dad is set to 2, this value
  1261. will be dynamically set to TRUE if DAD fails for the link-local
  1262. address.
  1263. Default: FALSE (enable IPv6 operation)
  1264. When this value is changed from 1 to 0 (IPv6 is being enabled),
  1265. it will dynamically create a link-local address on the given
  1266. interface and start Duplicate Address Detection, if necessary.
  1267. When this value is changed from 0 to 1 (IPv6 is being disabled),
  1268. it will dynamically delete all address on the given interface.
  1269. accept_dad - INTEGER
  1270. Whether to accept DAD (Duplicate Address Detection).
  1271. 0: Disable DAD
  1272. 1: Enable DAD (default)
  1273. 2: Enable DAD, and disable IPv6 operation if MAC-based duplicate
  1274. link-local address has been found.
  1275. force_tllao - BOOLEAN
  1276. Enable sending the target link-layer address option even when
  1277. responding to a unicast neighbor solicitation.
  1278. Default: FALSE
  1279. Quoting from RFC 2461, section 4.4, Target link-layer address:
  1280. "The option MUST be included for multicast solicitations in order to
  1281. avoid infinite Neighbor Solicitation "recursion" when the peer node
  1282. does not have a cache entry to return a Neighbor Advertisements
  1283. message. When responding to unicast solicitations, the option can be
  1284. omitted since the sender of the solicitation has the correct link-
  1285. layer address; otherwise it would not have be able to send the unicast
  1286. solicitation in the first place. However, including the link-layer
  1287. address in this case adds little overhead and eliminates a potential
  1288. race condition where the sender deletes the cached link-layer address
  1289. prior to receiving a response to a previous solicitation."
  1290. ndisc_notify - BOOLEAN
  1291. Define mode for notification of address and device changes.
  1292. 0 - (default): do nothing
  1293. 1 - Generate unsolicited neighbour advertisements when device is brought
  1294. up or hardware address changes.
  1295. mldv1_unsolicited_report_interval - INTEGER
  1296. The interval in milliseconds in which the next unsolicited
  1297. MLDv1 report retransmit will take place.
  1298. Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
  1299. mldv2_unsolicited_report_interval - INTEGER
  1300. The interval in milliseconds in which the next unsolicited
  1301. MLDv2 report retransmit will take place.
  1302. Default: 1000 (1 second)
  1303. force_mld_version - INTEGER
  1304. 0 - (default) No enforcement of a MLD version, MLDv1 fallback allowed
  1305. 1 - Enforce to use MLD version 1
  1306. 2 - Enforce to use MLD version 2
  1307. suppress_frag_ndisc - INTEGER
  1308. Control RFC 6980 (Security Implications of IPv6 Fragmentation
  1309. with IPv6 Neighbor Discovery) behavior:
  1310. 1 - (default) discard fragmented neighbor discovery packets
  1311. 0 - allow fragmented neighbor discovery packets
  1312. optimistic_dad - BOOLEAN
  1313. Whether to perform Optimistic Duplicate Address Detection (RFC 4429).
  1314. 0: disabled (default)
  1315. 1: enabled
  1316. use_optimistic - BOOLEAN
  1317. If enabled, do not classify optimistic addresses as deprecated during
  1318. source address selection. Preferred addresses will still be chosen
  1319. before optimistic addresses, subject to other ranking in the source
  1320. address selection algorithm.
  1321. 0: disabled (default)
  1322. 1: enabled
  1323. stable_secret - IPv6 address
  1324. This IPv6 address will be used as a secret to generate IPv6
  1325. addresses for link-local addresses and autoconfigured
  1326. ones. All addresses generated after setting this secret will
  1327. be stable privacy ones by default. This can be changed via the
  1328. addrgenmode ip-link. conf/default/stable_secret is used as the
  1329. secret for the namespace, the interface specific ones can
  1330. overwrite that. Writes to conf/all/stable_secret are refused.
  1331. It is recommended to generate this secret during installation
  1332. of a system and keep it stable after that.
  1333. By default the stable secret is unset.
  1334. icmp/*:
  1335. ratelimit - INTEGER
  1336. Limit the maximal rates for sending ICMPv6 packets.
  1337. 0 to disable any limiting,
  1338. otherwise the minimal space between responses in milliseconds.
  1339. Default: 1000
  1340. xfrm6_gc_thresh - INTEGER
  1341. The threshold at which we will start garbage collecting for IPv6
  1342. destination cache entries. At twice this value the system will
  1343. refuse new allocations. The value must be set below the flowcache
  1344. limit (4096 * number of online cpus) to take effect.
  1345. IPv6 Update by:
  1346. Pekka Savola <pekkas@netcore.fi>
  1347. YOSHIFUJI Hideaki / USAGI Project <yoshfuji@linux-ipv6.org>
  1348. /proc/sys/net/bridge/* Variables:
  1349. bridge-nf-call-arptables - BOOLEAN
  1350. 1 : pass bridged ARP traffic to arptables' FORWARD chain.
  1351. 0 : disable this.
  1352. Default: 1
  1353. bridge-nf-call-iptables - BOOLEAN
  1354. 1 : pass bridged IPv4 traffic to iptables' chains.
  1355. 0 : disable this.
  1356. Default: 1
  1357. bridge-nf-call-ip6tables - BOOLEAN
  1358. 1 : pass bridged IPv6 traffic to ip6tables' chains.
  1359. 0 : disable this.
  1360. Default: 1
  1361. bridge-nf-filter-vlan-tagged - BOOLEAN
  1362. 1 : pass bridged vlan-tagged ARP/IP/IPv6 traffic to {arp,ip,ip6}tables.
  1363. 0 : disable this.
  1364. Default: 0
  1365. bridge-nf-filter-pppoe-tagged - BOOLEAN
  1366. 1 : pass bridged pppoe-tagged IP/IPv6 traffic to {ip,ip6}tables.
  1367. 0 : disable this.
  1368. Default: 0
  1369. bridge-nf-pass-vlan-input-dev - BOOLEAN
  1370. 1: if bridge-nf-filter-vlan-tagged is enabled, try to find a vlan
  1371. interface on the bridge and set the netfilter input device to the vlan.
  1372. This allows use of e.g. "iptables -i br0.1" and makes the REDIRECT
  1373. target work with vlan-on-top-of-bridge interfaces. When no matching
  1374. vlan interface is found, or this switch is off, the input device is
  1375. set to the bridge interface.
  1376. 0: disable bridge netfilter vlan interface lookup.
  1377. Default: 0
  1378. proc/sys/net/sctp/* Variables:
  1379. addip_enable - BOOLEAN
  1380. Enable or disable extension of Dynamic Address Reconfiguration
  1381. (ADD-IP) functionality specified in RFC5061. This extension provides
  1382. the ability to dynamically add and remove new addresses for the SCTP
  1383. associations.
  1384. 1: Enable extension.
  1385. 0: Disable extension.
  1386. Default: 0
  1387. addip_noauth_enable - BOOLEAN
  1388. Dynamic Address Reconfiguration (ADD-IP) requires the use of
  1389. authentication to protect the operations of adding or removing new
  1390. addresses. This requirement is mandated so that unauthorized hosts
  1391. would not be able to hijack associations. However, older
  1392. implementations may not have implemented this requirement while
  1393. allowing the ADD-IP extension. For reasons of interoperability,
  1394. we provide this variable to control the enforcement of the
  1395. authentication requirement.
  1396. 1: Allow ADD-IP extension to be used without authentication. This
  1397. should only be set in a closed environment for interoperability
  1398. with older implementations.
  1399. 0: Enforce the authentication requirement
  1400. Default: 0
  1401. auth_enable - BOOLEAN
  1402. Enable or disable Authenticated Chunks extension. This extension
  1403. provides the ability to send and receive authenticated chunks and is
  1404. required for secure operation of Dynamic Address Reconfiguration
  1405. (ADD-IP) extension.
  1406. 1: Enable this extension.
  1407. 0: Disable this extension.
  1408. Default: 0
  1409. prsctp_enable - BOOLEAN
  1410. Enable or disable the Partial Reliability extension (RFC3758) which
  1411. is used to notify peers that a given DATA should no longer be expected.
  1412. 1: Enable extension
  1413. 0: Disable
  1414. Default: 1
  1415. max_burst - INTEGER
  1416. The limit of the number of new packets that can be initially sent. It
  1417. controls how bursty the generated traffic can be.
  1418. Default: 4
  1419. association_max_retrans - INTEGER
  1420. Set the maximum number for retransmissions that an association can
  1421. attempt deciding that the remote end is unreachable. If this value
  1422. is exceeded, the association is terminated.
  1423. Default: 10
  1424. max_init_retransmits - INTEGER
  1425. The maximum number of retransmissions of INIT and COOKIE-ECHO chunks
  1426. that an association will attempt before declaring the destination
  1427. unreachable and terminating.
  1428. Default: 8
  1429. path_max_retrans - INTEGER
  1430. The maximum number of retransmissions that will be attempted on a given
  1431. path. Once this threshold is exceeded, the path is considered
  1432. unreachable, and new traffic will use a different path when the
  1433. association is multihomed.
  1434. Default: 5
  1435. pf_retrans - INTEGER
  1436. The number of retransmissions that will be attempted on a given path
  1437. before traffic is redirected to an alternate transport (should one
  1438. exist). Note this is distinct from path_max_retrans, as a path that
  1439. passes the pf_retrans threshold can still be used. Its only
  1440. deprioritized when a transmission path is selected by the stack. This
  1441. setting is primarily used to enable fast failover mechanisms without
  1442. having to reduce path_max_retrans to a very low value. See:
  1443. http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-nishida-tsvwg-sctp-failover-05.txt
  1444. for details. Note also that a value of pf_retrans > path_max_retrans
  1445. disables this feature
  1446. Default: 0
  1447. rto_initial - INTEGER
  1448. The initial round trip timeout value in milliseconds that will be used
  1449. in calculating round trip times. This is the initial time interval
  1450. for retransmissions.
  1451. Default: 3000
  1452. rto_max - INTEGER
  1453. The maximum value (in milliseconds) of the round trip timeout. This
  1454. is the largest time interval that can elapse between retransmissions.
  1455. Default: 60000
  1456. rto_min - INTEGER
  1457. The minimum value (in milliseconds) of the round trip timeout. This
  1458. is the smallest time interval the can elapse between retransmissions.
  1459. Default: 1000
  1460. hb_interval - INTEGER
  1461. The interval (in milliseconds) between HEARTBEAT chunks. These chunks
  1462. are sent at the specified interval on idle paths to probe the state of
  1463. a given path between 2 associations.
  1464. Default: 30000
  1465. sack_timeout - INTEGER
  1466. The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the implementation will wait
  1467. to send a SACK.
  1468. Default: 200
  1469. valid_cookie_life - INTEGER
  1470. The default lifetime of the SCTP cookie (in milliseconds). The cookie
  1471. is used during association establishment.
  1472. Default: 60000
  1473. cookie_preserve_enable - BOOLEAN
  1474. Enable or disable the ability to extend the lifetime of the SCTP cookie
  1475. that is used during the establishment phase of SCTP association
  1476. 1: Enable cookie lifetime extension.
  1477. 0: Disable
  1478. Default: 1
  1479. cookie_hmac_alg - STRING
  1480. Select the hmac algorithm used when generating the cookie value sent by
  1481. a listening sctp socket to a connecting client in the INIT-ACK chunk.
  1482. Valid values are:
  1483. * md5
  1484. * sha1
  1485. * none
  1486. Ability to assign md5 or sha1 as the selected alg is predicated on the
  1487. configuration of those algorithms at build time (CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD5 and
  1489. Default: Dependent on configuration. MD5 if available, else SHA1 if
  1490. available, else none.
  1491. rcvbuf_policy - INTEGER
  1492. Determines if the receive buffer is attributed to the socket or to
  1493. association. SCTP supports the capability to create multiple
  1494. associations on a single socket. When using this capability, it is
  1495. possible that a single stalled association that's buffering a lot
  1496. of data may block other associations from delivering their data by
  1497. consuming all of the receive buffer space. To work around this,
  1498. the rcvbuf_policy could be set to attribute the receiver buffer space
  1499. to each association instead of the socket. This prevents the described
  1500. blocking.
  1501. 1: rcvbuf space is per association
  1502. 0: rcvbuf space is per socket
  1503. Default: 0
  1504. sndbuf_policy - INTEGER
  1505. Similar to rcvbuf_policy above, this applies to send buffer space.
  1506. 1: Send buffer is tracked per association
  1507. 0: Send buffer is tracked per socket.
  1508. Default: 0
  1509. sctp_mem - vector of 3 INTEGERs: min, pressure, max
  1510. Number of pages allowed for queueing by all SCTP sockets.
  1511. min: Below this number of pages SCTP is not bothered about its
  1512. memory appetite. When amount of memory allocated by SCTP exceeds
  1513. this number, SCTP starts to moderate memory usage.
  1514. pressure: This value was introduced to follow format of tcp_mem.
  1515. max: Number of pages allowed for queueing by all SCTP sockets.
  1516. Default is calculated at boot time from amount of available memory.
  1517. sctp_rmem - vector of 3 INTEGERs: min, default, max
  1518. Only the first value ("min") is used, "default" and "max" are
  1519. ignored.
  1520. min: Minimal size of receive buffer used by SCTP socket.
  1521. It is guaranteed to each SCTP socket (but not association) even
  1522. under moderate memory pressure.
  1523. Default: 1 page
  1524. sctp_wmem - vector of 3 INTEGERs: min, default, max
  1525. Currently this tunable has no effect.
  1526. addr_scope_policy - INTEGER
  1527. Control IPv4 address scoping - draft-stewart-tsvwg-sctp-ipv4-00
  1528. 0 - Disable IPv4 address scoping
  1529. 1 - Enable IPv4 address scoping
  1530. 2 - Follow draft but allow IPv4 private addresses
  1531. 3 - Follow draft but allow IPv4 link local addresses
  1532. Default: 1
  1533. /proc/sys/net/core/*
  1534. Please see: Documentation/sysctl/net.txt for descriptions of these entries.
  1535. /proc/sys/net/unix/*
  1536. max_dgram_qlen - INTEGER
  1537. The maximum length of dgram socket receive queue
  1538. Default: 10
  1540. /proc/sys/net/irda/*
  1541. fast_poll_increase FIXME
  1542. warn_noreply_time FIXME
  1543. discovery_slots FIXME
  1544. slot_timeout FIXME
  1545. max_baud_rate FIXME
  1546. discovery_timeout FIXME
  1547. lap_keepalive_time FIXME
  1548. max_noreply_time FIXME
  1549. max_tx_data_size FIXME
  1550. max_tx_window FIXME
  1551. min_tx_turn_time FIXME