rapidio.txt 17 KB

  1. The Linux RapidIO Subsystem
  2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. The RapidIO standard is a packet-based fabric interconnect standard designed for
  4. use in embedded systems. Development of the RapidIO standard is directed by the
  5. RapidIO Trade Association (RTA). The current version of the RapidIO specification
  6. is publicly available for download from the RTA web-site [1].
  7. This document describes the basics of the Linux RapidIO subsystem and provides
  8. information on its major components.
  9. 1 Overview
  10. ----------
  11. Because the RapidIO subsystem follows the Linux device model it is integrated
  12. into the kernel similarly to other buses by defining RapidIO-specific device and
  13. bus types and registering them within the device model.
  14. The Linux RapidIO subsystem is architecture independent and therefore defines
  15. architecture-specific interfaces that provide support for common RapidIO
  16. subsystem operations.
  17. 2. Core Components
  18. ------------------
  19. A typical RapidIO network is a combination of endpoints and switches.
  20. Each of these components is represented in the subsystem by an associated data
  21. structure. The core logical components of the RapidIO subsystem are defined
  22. in include/linux/rio.h file.
  23. 2.1 Master Port
  24. A master port (or mport) is a RapidIO interface controller that is local to the
  25. processor executing the Linux code. A master port generates and receives RapidIO
  26. packets (transactions). In the RapidIO subsystem each master port is represented
  27. by a rio_mport data structure. This structure contains master port specific
  28. resources such as mailboxes and doorbells. The rio_mport also includes a unique
  29. host device ID that is valid when a master port is configured as an enumerating
  30. host.
  31. RapidIO master ports are serviced by subsystem specific mport device drivers
  32. that provide functionality defined for this subsystem. To provide a hardware
  33. independent interface for RapidIO subsystem operations, rio_mport structure
  34. includes rio_ops data structure which contains pointers to hardware specific
  35. implementations of RapidIO functions.
  36. 2.2 Device
  37. A RapidIO device is any endpoint (other than mport) or switch in the network.
  38. All devices are presented in the RapidIO subsystem by corresponding rio_dev data
  39. structure. Devices form one global device list and per-network device lists
  40. (depending on number of available mports and networks).
  41. 2.3 Switch
  42. A RapidIO switch is a special class of device that routes packets between its
  43. ports towards their final destination. The packet destination port within a
  44. switch is defined by an internal routing table. A switch is presented in the
  45. RapidIO subsystem by rio_dev data structure expanded by additional rio_switch
  46. data structure, which contains switch specific information such as copy of the
  47. routing table and pointers to switch specific functions.
  48. The RapidIO subsystem defines the format and initialization method for subsystem
  49. specific switch drivers that are designed to provide hardware-specific
  50. implementation of common switch management routines.
  51. 2.4 Network
  52. A RapidIO network is a combination of interconnected endpoint and switch devices.
  53. Each RapidIO network known to the system is represented by corresponding rio_net
  54. data structure. This structure includes lists of all devices and local master
  55. ports that form the same network. It also contains a pointer to the default
  56. master port that is used to communicate with devices within the network.
  57. 2.5 Device Drivers
  58. RapidIO device-specific drivers follow Linux Kernel Driver Model and are
  59. intended to support specific RapidIO devices attached to the RapidIO network.
  60. 2.6 Subsystem Interfaces
  61. RapidIO interconnect specification defines features that may be used to provide
  62. one or more common service layers for all participating RapidIO devices. These
  63. common services may act separately from device-specific drivers or be used by
  64. device-specific drivers. Example of such service provider is the RIONET driver
  65. which implements Ethernet-over-RapidIO interface. Because only one driver can be
  66. registered for a device, all common RapidIO services have to be registered as
  67. subsystem interfaces. This allows to have multiple common services attached to
  68. the same device without blocking attachment of a device-specific driver.
  69. 3. Subsystem Initialization
  70. ---------------------------
  71. In order to initialize the RapidIO subsystem, a platform must initialize and
  72. register at least one master port within the RapidIO network. To register mport
  73. within the subsystem controller driver's initialization code calls function
  74. rio_register_mport() for each available master port.
  75. After all active master ports are registered with a RapidIO subsystem,
  76. an enumeration and/or discovery routine may be called automatically or
  77. by user-space command.
  78. RapidIO subsystem can be configured to be built as a statically linked or
  79. modular component of the kernel (see details below).
  80. 4. Enumeration and Discovery
  81. ----------------------------
  82. 4.1 Overview
  83. ------------
  84. RapidIO subsystem configuration options allow users to build enumeration and
  85. discovery methods as statically linked components or loadable modules.
  86. An enumeration/discovery method implementation and available input parameters
  87. define how any given method can be attached to available RapidIO mports:
  88. simply to all available mports OR individually to the specified mport device.
  89. Depending on selected enumeration/discovery build configuration, there are
  90. several methods to initiate an enumeration and/or discovery process:
  91. (a) Statically linked enumeration and discovery process can be started
  92. automatically during kernel initialization time using corresponding module
  93. parameters. This was the original method used since introduction of RapidIO
  94. subsystem. Now this method relies on enumerator module parameter which is
  95. 'rio-scan.scan' for existing basic enumeration/discovery method.
  96. When automatic start of enumeration/discovery is used a user has to ensure
  97. that all discovering endpoints are started before the enumerating endpoint
  98. and are waiting for enumeration to be completed.
  99. Configuration option CONFIG_RAPIDIO_DISC_TIMEOUT defines time that discovering
  100. endpoint waits for enumeration to be completed. If the specified timeout
  101. expires the discovery process is terminated without obtaining RapidIO network
  102. information. NOTE: a timed out discovery process may be restarted later using
  103. a user-space command as it is described below (if the given endpoint was
  104. enumerated successfully).
  105. (b) Statically linked enumeration and discovery process can be started by
  106. a command from user space. This initiation method provides more flexibility
  107. for a system startup compared to the option (a) above. After all participating
  108. endpoints have been successfully booted, an enumeration process shall be
  109. started first by issuing a user-space command, after an enumeration is
  110. completed a discovery process can be started on all remaining endpoints.
  111. (c) Modular enumeration and discovery process can be started by a command from
  112. user space. After an enumeration/discovery module is loaded, a network scan
  113. process can be started by issuing a user-space command.
  114. Similar to the option (b) above, an enumerator has to be started first.
  115. (d) Modular enumeration and discovery process can be started by a module
  116. initialization routine. In this case an enumerating module shall be loaded
  117. first.
  118. When a network scan process is started it calls an enumeration or discovery
  119. routine depending on the configured role of a master port: host or agent.
  120. Enumeration is performed by a master port if it is configured as a host port by
  121. assigning a host destination ID greater than or equal to zero. The host
  122. destination ID can be assigned to a master port using various methods depending
  123. on RapidIO subsystem build configuration:
  124. (a) For a statically linked RapidIO subsystem core use command line parameter
  125. "rapidio.hdid=" with a list of destination ID assignments in order of mport
  126. device registration. For example, in a system with two RapidIO controllers
  127. the command line parameter "rapidio.hdid=-1,7" will result in assignment of
  128. the host destination ID=7 to the second RapidIO controller, while the first
  129. one will be assigned destination ID=-1.
  130. (b) If the RapidIO subsystem core is built as a loadable module, in addition
  131. to the method shown above, the host destination ID(s) can be specified using
  132. traditional methods of passing module parameter "hdid=" during its loading:
  133. - from command line: "modprobe rapidio hdid=-1,7", or
  134. - from modprobe configuration file using configuration command "options",
  135. like in this example: "options rapidio hdid=-1,7". An example of modprobe
  136. configuration file is provided in the section below.
  137. NOTES:
  138. (i) if "hdid=" parameter is omitted all available mport will be assigned
  139. destination ID = -1;
  140. (ii) the "hdid=" parameter in systems with multiple mports can have
  141. destination ID assignments omitted from the end of list (default = -1).
  142. If the host device ID for a specific master port is set to -1, the discovery
  143. process will be performed for it.
  144. The enumeration and discovery routines use RapidIO maintenance transactions
  145. to access the configuration space of devices.
  146. NOTE: If RapidIO switch-specific device drivers are built as loadable modules
  147. they must be loaded before enumeration/discovery process starts.
  148. This requirement is cased by the fact that enumeration/discovery methods invoke
  149. vendor-specific callbacks on early stages.
  150. 4.2 Automatic Start of Enumeration and Discovery
  151. ------------------------------------------------
  152. Automatic enumeration/discovery start method is applicable only to built-in
  153. enumeration/discovery RapidIO configuration selection. To enable automatic
  154. enumeration/discovery start by existing basic enumerator method set use boot
  155. command line parameter "rio-scan.scan=1".
  156. This configuration requires synchronized start of all RapidIO endpoints that
  157. form a network which will be enumerated/discovered. Discovering endpoints have
  158. to be started before an enumeration starts to ensure that all RapidIO
  159. controllers have been initialized and are ready to be discovered. Configuration
  160. parameter CONFIG_RAPIDIO_DISC_TIMEOUT defines time (in seconds) which
  161. a discovering endpoint will wait for enumeration to be completed.
  162. When automatic enumeration/discovery start is selected, basic method's
  163. initialization routine calls rio_init_mports() to perform enumeration or
  164. discovery for all known mport devices.
  165. Depending on RapidIO network size and configuration this automatic
  166. enumeration/discovery start method may be difficult to use due to the
  167. requirement for synchronized start of all endpoints.
  168. 4.3 User-space Start of Enumeration and Discovery
  169. -------------------------------------------------
  170. User-space start of enumeration and discovery can be used with built-in and
  171. modular build configurations. For user-space controlled start RapidIO subsystem
  172. creates the sysfs write-only attribute file '/sys/bus/rapidio/scan'. To initiate
  173. an enumeration or discovery process on specific mport device, a user needs to
  174. write mport_ID (not RapidIO destination ID) into that file. The mport_ID is a
  175. sequential number (0 ... RIO_MAX_MPORTS) assigned during mport device
  176. registration. For example for machine with single RapidIO controller, mport_ID
  177. for that controller always will be 0.
  178. To initiate RapidIO enumeration/discovery on all available mports a user may
  179. write '-1' (or RIO_MPORT_ANY) into the scan attribute file.
  180. 4.4 Basic Enumeration Method
  181. ----------------------------
  182. This is an original enumeration/discovery method which is available since
  183. first release of RapidIO subsystem code. The enumeration process is
  184. implemented according to the enumeration algorithm outlined in the RapidIO
  185. Interconnect Specification: Annex I [1].
  186. This method can be configured as statically linked or loadable module.
  187. The method's single parameter "scan" allows to trigger the enumeration/discovery
  188. process from module initialization routine.
  189. This enumeration/discovery method can be started only once and does not support
  190. unloading if it is built as a module.
  191. The enumeration process traverses the network using a recursive depth-first
  192. algorithm. When a new device is found, the enumerator takes ownership of that
  193. device by writing into the Host Device ID Lock CSR. It does this to ensure that
  194. the enumerator has exclusive right to enumerate the device. If device ownership
  195. is successfully acquired, the enumerator allocates a new rio_dev structure and
  196. initializes it according to device capabilities.
  197. If the device is an endpoint, a unique device ID is assigned to it and its value
  198. is written into the device's Base Device ID CSR.
  199. If the device is a switch, the enumerator allocates an additional rio_switch
  200. structure to store switch specific information. Then the switch's vendor ID and
  201. device ID are queried against a table of known RapidIO switches. Each switch
  202. table entry contains a pointer to a switch-specific initialization routine that
  203. initializes pointers to the rest of switch specific operations, and performs
  204. hardware initialization if necessary. A RapidIO switch does not have a unique
  205. device ID; it relies on hopcount and routing for device ID of an attached
  206. endpoint if access to its configuration registers is required. If a switch (or
  207. chain of switches) does not have any endpoint (except enumerator) attached to
  208. it, a fake device ID will be assigned to configure a route to that switch.
  209. In the case of a chain of switches without endpoint, one fake device ID is used
  210. to configure a route through the entire chain and switches are differentiated by
  211. their hopcount value.
  212. For both endpoints and switches the enumerator writes a unique component tag
  213. into device's Component Tag CSR. That unique value is used by the error
  214. management notification mechanism to identify a device that is reporting an
  215. error management event.
  216. Enumeration beyond a switch is completed by iterating over each active egress
  217. port of that switch. For each active link, a route to a default device ID
  218. (0xFF for 8-bit systems and 0xFFFF for 16-bit systems) is temporarily written
  219. into the routing table. The algorithm recurs by calling itself with hopcount + 1
  220. and the default device ID in order to access the device on the active port.
  221. After the host has completed enumeration of the entire network it releases
  222. devices by clearing device ID locks (calls rio_clear_locks()). For each endpoint
  223. in the system, it sets the Discovered bit in the Port General Control CSR
  224. to indicate that enumeration is completed and agents are allowed to execute
  225. passive discovery of the network.
  226. The discovery process is performed by agents and is similar to the enumeration
  227. process that is described above. However, the discovery process is performed
  228. without changes to the existing routing because agents only gather information
  229. about RapidIO network structure and are building an internal map of discovered
  230. devices. This way each Linux-based component of the RapidIO subsystem has
  231. a complete view of the network. The discovery process can be performed
  232. simultaneously by several agents. After initializing its RapidIO master port
  233. each agent waits for enumeration completion by the host for the configured wait
  234. time period. If this wait time period expires before enumeration is completed,
  235. an agent skips RapidIO discovery and continues with remaining kernel
  236. initialization.
  237. 4.5 Adding New Enumeration/Discovery Method
  238. -------------------------------------------
  239. RapidIO subsystem code organization allows addition of new enumeration/discovery
  240. methods as new configuration options without significant impact to the core
  241. RapidIO code.
  242. A new enumeration/discovery method has to be attached to one or more mport
  243. devices before an enumeration/discovery process can be started. Normally,
  244. method's module initialization routine calls rio_register_scan() to attach
  245. an enumerator to a specified mport device (or devices). The basic enumerator
  246. implementation demonstrates this process.
  247. 4.6 Using Loadable RapidIO Switch Drivers
  248. -----------------------------------------
  249. In the case when RapidIO switch drivers are built as loadable modules a user
  250. must ensure that they are loaded before the enumeration/discovery starts.
  251. This process can be automated by specifying pre- or post- dependencies in the
  252. RapidIO-specific modprobe configuration file as shown in the example below.
  253. File /etc/modprobe.d/rapidio.conf:
  254. ----------------------------------
  255. # Configure RapidIO subsystem modules
  256. # Set enumerator host destination ID (overrides kernel command line option)
  257. options rapidio hdid=-1,2
  258. # Load RapidIO switch drivers immediately after rapidio core module was loaded
  259. softdep rapidio post: idt_gen2 idtcps tsi57x
  260. # OR :
  261. # Load RapidIO switch drivers just before rio-scan enumerator module is loaded
  262. softdep rio-scan pre: idt_gen2 idtcps tsi57x
  263. --------------------------
  264. NOTE: In the example above, one of "softdep" commands must be removed or
  265. commented out to keep required module loading sequence.
  266. A. References
  267. -------------
  268. [1] RapidIO Trade Association. RapidIO Interconnect Specifications.
  269. http://www.rapidio.org.
  270. [2] Rapidio TA. Technology Comparisons.
  271. http://www.rapidio.org/education/technology_comparisons/
  272. [3] RapidIO support for Linux.
  273. http://lwn.net/Articles/139118/
  274. [4] Matt Porter. RapidIO for Linux. Ottawa Linux Symposium, 2005
  275. http://www.kernel.org/doc/ols/2005/ols2005v2-pages-43-56.pdf