followme.conf 3.7 KB

  1. ; Find-Me / Follow-Me Configuration File
  2. [general]
  3. ;
  4. featuredigittimeout=>5000
  5. ; The number of ms to wait for a digit input for the callee on whether to take the call or
  6. ; not before we consider them "done" entering digits.
  7. ;
  8. takecall=>1
  9. ; The global default keypress for the callee to take taking the current call. This can be
  10. ; a single digit or multiple digits. Default is "1".
  11. ;
  12. declinecall=>2
  13. ; The global default keypress for the callee to decline taking the current call. This can
  14. ; be a single digit or multiple digits. Default is "2".
  15. ;
  16. call-from-prompt=>followme/call-from
  17. ; The global default for the 'Incoming call from' message.
  18. ;
  19. norecording-prompt=>followme/no-recording
  20. ; The global default for the 'You have an incoming call' message when the caller elects
  21. ; not to leave their name or the option isn't set for them to do so.
  22. ;
  23. options-prompt=>followme/options
  24. ; The global default for the 'Press 1 to accept this call or press 2 to decline it' message.
  25. ;
  26. pls-hold-prompt=>followme/pls-hold-while-try
  27. ; The global default for 'Please hold while we try and connect your call' message.
  28. ;
  29. status-prompt=>followme/status
  30. ; The global default for 'The party you're calling isn't at their desk' message.
  31. ;
  32. sorry-prompt=>followme/sorry
  33. ; The global default for 'I'm sorry, but we were unable to locate your party' message.
  34. ;
  35. ;
  36. [default]
  37. musicclass=>default
  38. ; The moh class that should be used for the caller while they are waiting to be connected.
  39. context=>default
  40. ; The context to dial the numbers from
  41. number=>01233456,25
  42. ; The a follow-me number to call. The format is:
  43. ; number=> <number to call[&2nd #[&3rd #]]> [, <timeout value in seconds> [, <order in follow-me>] ]
  44. ; You can specify as many of these numbers as you like. They will be dialed in the
  45. ; order that you specify them in the config file OR as specified with the order field
  46. ; on the number prompt. As you can see from the example, forked dialing of multiple
  47. ; numbers in the same step is supported with this application if you'd like to dial
  48. ; multiple numbers in the same followme step.
  49. ; It's also important to note that the timeout value is not the same
  50. ; as the timeout value you would use in app_dial. This timeout value is the amount of
  51. ; time allowed between the time the dialing step starts and the callee makes a choice
  52. ; on whether to take the call or not. That being the case, you may want to account for
  53. ; this time, and make this timeout longer than a timeout you might specify in app_dial.
  54. takecall=>1
  55. ; The keypress for the callee to take taking the current call. This can be
  56. ; a single digit or multiple digits. Default is the global default.
  57. ;
  58. declinecall=>2
  59. ; The keypress for the callee to decline taking the current call. This can
  60. ; be a single digit or multiple digits. Default is the global default.
  61. ;
  62. call-from-prompt=>followme/call-from
  63. ; The 'Incoming call from' message prompt. Default is the global default.
  64. ;
  65. followme-norecording-prompt=>followme/no-recording
  66. ; The 'You have an incoming call' message prompt when the caller elects
  67. ; not to leave their name or the option isn't set for them to do so. Default
  68. ; is the global default.
  69. ;
  70. followme-options-prompt=>followme/options
  71. ; The 'Press 1 to accept this call or press 2 to decline it' message prompt.
  72. ; Default is the global default.
  73. ;
  74. followme-pls-hold-prompt=>followme/pls-hold-while-try
  75. ; The 'Please hold while we try and connect your call' message prompt.
  76. ; Default is the global default.
  77. ;
  78. followme-status-prompt=>followme/status
  79. ; The 'The party you're calling isn't at their desk' message prompt.
  80. ; Default is the global default.
  81. ;
  82. followme-sorry-prompt=>followme/sorry
  83. ; The 'I'm sorry, but we were unable to locate your party' message prompt. Default
  84. ; is the global default.