manager.conf 2.9 KB

  1. ;!
  2. ;! Automatically generated configuration file
  3. ;! Filename: manager.conf (/etc/asterisk/manager.conf)
  4. ;! Generator: Manager
  5. ;! Creation Date: Wed Nov 11 15:56:12 2015
  6. ;!
  7. ;
  8. ; AMI - The Asterisk Manager Interface
  9. ;
  10. ; Third party application call management support and PBX event supervision
  11. ;
  12. ; This configuration file is read every time someone logs in
  13. ;
  14. ; Use the "manager list commands" at the CLI to list available manager commands
  15. ; and their authorization levels.
  16. ;
  17. ; "manager show command <command>" will show a help text.
  18. ;
  19. ; ---------------------------- SECURITY NOTE -------------------------------
  20. ; Note that you should not enable the AMI on a public IP address. If needed,
  21. ; block this TCP port with iptables (or another FW software) and reach it
  22. ; with IPsec, SSH, or SSL vpn tunnel. You can also make the manager
  23. ; interface available over http if Asterisk's http server is enabled in
  24. ; http.conf and if both "enabled" and "webenabled" are set to yes in
  25. ; this file. Both default to no. httptimeout provides the maximum
  26. ; timeout in seconds before a web based session is discarded. The
  27. ; default is 60 seconds.
  28. ;
  29. [general]
  30. ;displaysystemname = yes
  31. enabled = yes
  32. webenabled = yes
  33. port = 5038
  34. httptimeout = 60
  35. ; a) httptimeout sets the Max-Age of the http cookie
  36. ; b) httptimeout is the amount of time the webserver waits
  37. ; on a action=waitevent request (actually its httptimeout-10)
  38. ; c) httptimeout is also the amount of time the webserver keeps
  39. ; a http session alive after completing a successful action
  40. bindaddr =
  41. displayconnects = yes
  42. ;
  43. ; Add a Unix epoch timestamp to events (not action responses)
  44. ;
  45. timestampevents = yes
  46. [admin]
  47. secret = admin
  48. permit =
  49. #permit =
  50. ;
  51. ; If the device connected via this user accepts input slowly,
  52. ; the timeout for writes to it can be increased to keep it
  53. ; from being disconnected (value is in milliseconds)
  54. ;
  55. ; writetimeout = 100
  56. ;
  57. ; Authorization for various classes
  58. read = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate
  59. write = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate
  60. [openapi]
  61. secret = e845116521d590069f285ddde46ee2cf
  62. deny =
  63. permit =
  64. permit =
  65. read = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate
  66. write = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate
  67. eventfilter=Event: QueueMemberPause
  68. eventfilter=Event: Newchannel
  69. eventfilter=Event: ExtensionStatus
  70. eventfilter=Event: Hangup
  71. eventfilter=Event: Newstate
  72. eventfilter=Event: Cdr
  73. eventfilter=Event: DialBegin
  74. eventfilter=Event: DialEnd
  75. eventfilter=Event: AgentCalled
  76. eventfilter=Event: AgentConnect
  77. eventfilter=Event: AgentComplete
  78. eventfilter=Event: AgentRingNoAnswer
  79. eventfilter=Event: QueueCallerJoin
  80. eventfilter=Event: QueueCallerLeave
  81. eventfilter=Event: QueueMemberStatus
  82. eventfilter=Event: UserEvent
  83. eventfilter=Event: PeerStatus
  84. eventfilter=Event: Reload