minivm.conf 9.7 KB

  1. ;
  2. ; Mini-Voicemail Configuration
  3. ; for the MiniVM set of applications
  4. ;
  5. ; MiniVM consists of the following dialplan applications
  6. ; MinivmGreet Play personal prompts for busy/unavailable/temporary messages or default prompts
  7. ; MinivmRecord Record voice prompts to account directory or default directory
  8. ; MinivmNotify Notify via e-mail or pager - with or without attachment
  9. ; MinivmDelete Delete voice prompt (filename as argument or channel variable set by MinivmRecord)
  10. ;
  11. ; MiniVM works without accounts (just give e-mail address as argument) or with accounts in
  12. ; this configuration file or realtime. The idea is to build voicemail as building blocks so that
  13. ; a complete and adaptive voicemail system can be built in the dialplan
  14. ;
  15. ;------------------------------ Variables to use in subject, from and message body ------------------
  16. ; Change the from, body and/or subject, variables:
  19. ;
  20. ; In addition to these, you can set the MVM_COUNTER channel variable in the
  21. ; dial plan and use that as a counter. It will also be used in the file name
  22. ; of the media file attached to the message
  23. ;
  24. ; Note: The emailbody config row can only be up to 512 characters due to a
  25. ; limitation in the Asterisk configuration subsystem.
  26. ; To create longer mails, use the templatefile option when creating the template
  27. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. [general]
  29. ; Default format for storing and sending voicemail
  30. ; (only one format. Can also be set on a per-mailbox level)
  31. format=wav49
  32. ;format=gsm
  33. ;
  34. ;Turn on logfile with the following syntax. One line per voicemail received
  35. ;with minivmRecord()
  36. ; Mailbox:domain:macrocontext:exten:priority:callerchan:callerid:origdate:origtime:duration:durationstatus:accountcode
  37. ;logfile=/var/log/asterisk/minivm.log
  38. ; Who the e-mail notification should appear to come from
  39. serveremail=asterisk
  40. ;
  41. ; Minimum length of a voicemail message in seconds for the message to be kept
  42. ; The default is no minimum.
  43. ;minmessage=3
  44. ; How many seconds of silence before we end the recording
  45. maxsilence=10
  46. ; Silence threshold (what we consider silence: the lower, the more sensitive)
  47. silencethreshold=128
  48. ; How long greeting messages (busy/unavailable/temp/name) are allowed to be, in seconds
  49. ;maxgreet=120
  50. ; If you need to have an external program, i.e. /usr/bin/myapp called when a
  51. ; voicemail is received by the server. The arguments are
  52. ;
  53. ; <app> <username@domain> <callerid-number> <callerid-name>
  54. ;
  55. ;externnotify=/usr/bin/myapp
  56. ; The character set for voicemail messages can be specified here
  57. ;charset=ISO-8859-1
  58. ; Skip the "[PBX]:" string from the message title
  59. ;pbxskip=yes
  60. ; Change the From: string
  61. ; You can override the default program to send e-mail if you wish, too
  62. ; This is used both for e-mail and pager messages
  63. ;mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
  64. ;
  65. ;--------------Default e-mail message template (used if no templates are used) ------
  66. ;fromstring=The Asterisk PBX
  67. ;
  68. ;emailsubject=[PBX]: New message ${MVM_COUNER} in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX}
  69. ; The following definition is very close to the default, but the default shows
  70. ; just the CIDNAME, if it is not null, otherwise just the CIDNUM, or "an unknown
  71. ; caller", if they are both null.
  72. ;emailbody=Dear ${MVM_NAME}:\n\n\tjust wanted to let you know you were just left a ${MVM_DUR} long message (number ${MVM_COUNTER})\nin mailbox ${MVM_MAILBOX} from ${MVM_CALLERID}, on ${MVM_DATE}, so you might\nwant to check it when you get a chance. Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n
  73. ;
  74. ; Set the date format on outgoing mails. Valid arguments can be found on the
  75. ; strftime(3) man page
  76. ;
  77. ; Default
  78. emaildateformat=%A, %B %d, %Y at %r
  79. ; 24h date format
  80. ;emaildateformat=%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S
  81. ;
  82. ;--------------Default pager message template (used if no templates are used) ------
  83. ; You can also change the Pager From: string, the pager body and/or subject.
  84. ; The above defined variables also can be used here
  85. ;pagerfromstring=The Asterisk PBX
  86. ;pagersubject=New VM ${MVM_COUNTER}
  87. ;pagerbody=New ${MVM_DUR} long msg in box ${MVM_MAILBOX}\nfrom ${MVM_CALLERID}, on ${MVM_DATE}
  88. ;
  89. ;
  90. ;--------------Timezone definitions (used in voicemail accounts) -------------------
  91. ;
  92. ; Users may be located in different timezones, or may have different
  93. ; message announcements for their introductory message when they enter
  94. ; the voicemail system. Set the message and the timezone each user
  95. ; hears here. Set the user into one of these zones with the tz= attribute
  96. ; in the options field of the mailbox. Of course, language substitution
  97. ; still applies here so you may have several directory trees that have
  98. ; alternate language choices.
  99. ;
  100. ; Look in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ for names of timezones.
  101. ; Look at the manual page for strftime for a quick tutorial on how the
  102. ; variable substitution is done on the values below.
  103. ;
  104. ; Supported values:
  105. ; 'filename' filename of a soundfile (single ticks around the filename
  106. ; required)
  107. ; ${VAR} variable substitution
  108. ; A or a Day of week (Saturday, Sunday, ...)
  109. ; B or b or h Month name (January, February, ...)
  110. ; d or e numeric day of month (first, second, ..., thirty-first)
  111. ; Y Year
  112. ; I or l Hour, 12 hour clock
  113. ; H Hour, 24 hour clock (single digit hours preceded by "oh")
  114. ; k Hour, 24 hour clock (single digit hours NOT preceded by "oh")
  115. ; M Minute, with 00 pronounced as "o'clock"
  116. ; N Minute, with 00 pronounced as "hundred" (US military time)
  117. ; P or p AM or PM
  118. ; Q "today", "yesterday" or ABdY
  119. ; (*note: not standard strftime value)
  120. ; q "" (for today), "yesterday", weekday, or ABdY
  121. ; (*note: not standard strftime value)
  122. ; R 24 hour time, including minute
  123. ;
  124. ; The message here is not used in mini-voicemail, but stays for
  125. ; backwards compatibility
  126. [zonemessages]
  127. eastern=America/New_York|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
  128. central=America/Chicago|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
  129. central24=America/Chicago|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours'
  130. military=Zulu|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours' 'phonetic/z_p'
  131. ;----------------------- Message body templates---------------------
  132. ; [template-name] ; "template-" is a verbatim marker
  133. ; fromaddress = Your Friendly Asterisk Server
  134. ; fromemail =
  135. ; subject = <string>
  136. ; attachmedia = yes | no ; Add media file as attachment?
  137. ; dateformat = <formatstring> ; See above
  138. ; charset = <charset> ; Mime charset definition for e-mail messages
  139. ; locale = <locale> ; Locale for LC_TIME - to get weekdays in local language
  140. ; ; See your O/S documentation for proper settings for setlocale()
  141. ; templatefile = <filename> ; File name (relative to Asterisk configuration directory,
  142. ; or absolute
  143. ; messagebody = Format ; Message body definition with variables
  144. ;
  145. [template-sv_SE_email]
  146. messagebody=Hej ${MVM_NAME}:\n\n\tDu har fått ett röstbrevlåde-meddelande från ${MVM_CALLERID}.\nLängd: ${MVM_DUR}\nMailbox ${MVM_MAILBOX}\nDatum: ${MVM_DATE}. \nMeddelandet bifogas det här brevet. Om du inte kan läsa det, kontakta intern support. \nHälsningar\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n
  147. subject = Du har fått röstmeddelande (se bilaga)
  148. fromemail =
  149. fromaddress = Asterisk Röstbrevlåda
  150. charset=iso-8859-1
  151. attachmedia=yes
  152. dateformat=%A, %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S
  153. locale=sv_SE
  154. [template-en_US_email]
  155. messagebody=Dear ${MVM_NAME}:\n\n\tjust wanted to let you know you were just left a ${MVM_DUR} long message \nin mailbox ${MVM_MAILBOX} from ${MVM_CALLERID}, on ${MVM_DATE}, so you might\nwant to check it when you get a chance. Thanks!\n\n\t\t\t\t--Asterisk\n
  156. subject = New voicemail
  157. charset=ascii
  158. attachmedia=yes
  159. dateformat=%A, %B %d, %Y at %r
  160. ;[template-sv_SE_pager]
  161. ;templatefile = templates/pager_sv_se.txt
  162. ;subject = Du har fått voicemail
  163. ;charset=iso-8859-1
  164. ;attachmedia=no
  165. ;locale=sv_SE
  166. ;[template-nb_NO_email]
  167. ;templatefile = templates/email_nb_NO.txt
  168. ;subject = Du har fått voicemail
  169. ;charset=iso-8859-1
  170. ;locale=nb_NO
  171. ;[template-en_US_email_southern]
  172. ;templatefile = templates/email_en_US.txt
  173. ;subject = Y'all got voicemail, honey!
  174. ;charset=ascii
  175. ;[template-en_UK_email]
  176. ;templatefile = templates/email_en_us.txt
  177. ;subject = Dear old chap, you've got an electronic communique
  178. ;charset=ascii
  179. ;----------------------- Mailbox accounts --------------------------
  180. ;Template for mailbox definition - all options
  181. ;
  182. ; [username@domain] ; Has to be unique within domain (MWM_USERNAME, MWM_DOMAIN)
  183. ; etemplate = sv_SE ; Email template from [templates]
  184. ; ptemplate = en_US ; Pager template from [templates]
  185. ; email = userpart@domain ; Extra e-mail address (overrides mailbox name)
  186. ; pager = pageremail@domain ; E-mail address for pager messages
  187. ; fullname = Mark Spencer ; Full name (MWM_NAME)
  188. ; options = ; E-mail options, se below
  189. ; accountcode = ; Account code (read in dialplan function MINIVMACCOUNT)
  190. ; pincode = ; Numeric pin code (read in dialplan function MINIVMACCOUNT)
  191. ; timezone=se ; Time zone
  192. ; serveremail = ; Who to send email from (overrides template if set)
  193. ; externnotify = <application> ; External application for this account
  194. ; volgain = ; Volume gain setting (requires "sox")
  195. ; Networks ; Extra variables to use in template
  196. ; Remember that you can use Asterisk Configuration Templates (ACT)
  197. ; [](!) ; Declare template
  198. ;
  199. ; setvar=customerclass=gold
  200. ; etemplate = sv_se_email
  201. ; serveremail =
  202. ; []( ; Declare user2 account using template
  203. ; fullname = Olle E. Johansson
  204. ; ; User inherits everything from template